Report Bibliography

Antigua and Barbuda National Park Service

[2022] About the National Park, Accessed 20 November 2022.

Antigua and Barbuda National Park Service

[2022]  Acts and Regulations, Accessed 20 November 2022.

Ballin, Torben B.

2014    Identification of Gunflints from Shipwrecks. Lithic Research, Sterlingshire. University of Bradford. Stirlingshire.


Crawford. Michael (editor)

2019    Naval Documents of the American Revolution, Vol 13. Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC.

Crawford. Michael (editor)

2013    Naval Documents of the American Revolution, Vol 12. Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC.

Crawford. Michael (editor)

2005    Naval Documents of the American Revolution, Vol 11. Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC.

Crawford. Michael (editor)

1996    Naval Documents of the American Revolution, Vol 10. Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC.

Crawford, Michael, and Dudley, William

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United States.

Cross, Elizabeth

2020    The Last French East India Company in the Revolutionary Atlantic. The William and Mary Quarterly 77(4): 613-640.

De Albuquerque, Klaus and Jerome McElroy.

1995    Antigua and Barbuda: a legacy of environmental degradation, policy failure, and coastal decline, Report No. 1792-2016-141988.

Demerliac, A.

1995.   La Marine de Louis Xv: Nomenclature des navires français de 1715 à 1774. Éd. Omega

East Carolina University

2022    Sport Diver Archaeology Manual. East Carolina University, Maritime Studies Program, Greenville, NC.

Etherington, Melanie.

2002.   The Antigua and Barbuda Companion. Interlink Books. United States.

Ford, Ben

2017    The Glass and Ceramic Assemblages of the Mardi Gras Shipwreck. Historical Archaeology 51(2017): 379-391.

Foy, Charles

2016    The Royal Navy’s employment of black mariners and maritime workers, 1754– 1783. International Journal of Maritime History 28(1): 6-35.

Gardner, Alan

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Guibert, Jean-Sébastien, Hélène Botcazou, Gilbert Pachoud, Chuck Meide, Michel Daeffler, Claude Michaud, Christopher K. Waters, Alexandre Arqué.

2021    Archaeology of military ships lost in the Lesser Antilles during the American Revolutionary War 1775-1783. Report to National Parks of Antigua and Barbuda, English Harbour, St. Lucia National Trust, Castries, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines National Trust, Kingstown, from l’Université des Antilles [University of the French West Indies], Schoelcher, Martinique.

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Heritage Documentation Programs

2015    HABS/HAER/HALS Photography Guidelines. National Parks Service.

Historic American Buildings Survey

2020    Guidelines for Historical Reports. National Parks Service.

Łabędź, Piotr, Krzysztof Skabek, Paweł Ozimek, Dominika Rola, Agnieszka Ozimek, and Kseniam Ostrowska

2022    Accuracy Verification of Surface Models of Architectural Objects from the iPad LiDAR in the Context of Photogrammetry Methods. Sensors 22(21): 8504-8522.

Lampert, David

2018    ‘[A] Mere Cloak for their Proud Contempt and Antipathy towards the African Race’: Imagining Britain’s West India Regiments in the Caribbean, 1795–1838. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History 46(4):627-650.

Lightley, Robert

1976    An 18th century Dutch East Indiaman, found at Cape Town, 1971. International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration 5.4(1974): 305-316.

Lloyd, Janet R.

2018    Laboratory Procedures and Artifact Classification Manual. University of West Florida Archaeology Institute. Pensacola, FL.

Meide, Chuck

2015    “Cast Away off the Bar”: The Archaeological Investigation of British Period Shipwrecks in St. Augustine. The Florida Historical Quarterly 93(3):354-386.

McCarthy, Michael

2005    Ships’ Fastenings. Texas A&M University Press, College Station, TX.

Mune, Christina D.

2022    Supporting 3D: Potential Practices for the Creation and Preservation of 3D/VR in Libraries. Public Services Quarterly 18(3): 209-217.

National Parks Authority of Antigua and Barbuda (NPA)

2014    The Antigua Naval Dockyard and Related Archaeological Sites. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), World Heritage Site Nomination Dossier, No. 1499, Paris, France.

Niantic, Inc.

2022    Scanning Tips, Frequently Asked Questions. Scaniverse Support, Niantic, Inc. <>. Accessed 22 November, 2022.

Nicholson, Desmond V.

2002    English Harbour: The First 2000 Years. Carib Press, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda.

Nicholson, Desmond V.

1994    Forts of Antigua and Barbuda. Museum of Antigua and Barbuda, St. John’s, Antigua and Barbuda.

Oliver, Vere Langford.

1894    The History of the Island of Antigua. United Kingdom, Mitchell, and Hughes.

Pearce, Jacqueline

2014    A Late 18th-century inn clearance assemblage from Uxbridge, Middlesex. Post Medieval Archaeology 34(2000): 144-186.

Peterson, Mendel

1965    History Under the Sea: A Handbook for Underwater Exploration. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC.

Queen Anne’s Revenge Project

2020    Fishing Weights. <>. Accessed 20 November 2022. 

Queen Anne’s Revenge Project

2017    A Moveable Feast. <>. Accessed 20 November 2022.

Rodger, N. A. M.

1986.   The Wooden World: An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy. Annapolis, Maryland: Naval Institute Press.

Rodriguez, Colten, Eftekhar Jahan, Michael Reyes, Russell Gill, Gregory Mulhern

2022    A Comparison of Point Cloud Data from an iPad Pro LiDar Sensor to a Terrestrial Scanner  022-01-5083. Automotive Technical Papers, SAE International Accessed 22 November, 2022.

Sivilich, Daniel M.

1996    Analyzing Musket Balls to Interpret a Revolutionary War Site. Historical Archaeology 30(2):101-109.

Schulz, Peter, Rebecca Allen, Bill Lindsey, and Jeanette Schulz (editors)

2016    Baffle Marks and Pontil Scars: A Reader on Historic Bottle Identification. The Society for Historical Archaeology Special Publication No. 12, Germantown: MD.

Teppati Losè, Lorenzo, Alessandra Spreafico, Filiberto Chiabrando, and Fabio Giulio Tonolo

2022    Apple LiDAR Sensor for 3D Surveying: Tests and Results in the Cultural Heritage Domain. Remote Sensing 14(17): 4157-4186.

Waters, Christopher

2018    Putting Forts in their Place: The Politics of Defense in Antigua, 1670- 1785. Doctoral dissertation, Syracuse University. Syracuse.

Weaver, David

2002    English Harbour, Antigua: The Rise and Fall of a Strategic Military Site. A Journal of Caribbean Culture, 48(4):1-11.

Wells, David A. J.

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