October 2015 Minutes


Minutes for October 19, 2015

The second meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2015-2016 academic year was held Monday, October 19, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312.  Members present:  Barbara Brehm, Kermit Buckner, Vivian Covington (Chair), Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS Representatives Julie Cary, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Marissa Nesbit, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robert Quinn, Joy Stapleton for Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Nicole Smith, Shari Steadman, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, Rhea Miles for Liz Doster Taft and Kay Dotson for Elaine Yontz.  Absent were Lena Carawan, Charity Cayton, Kristen Cuthrell, Lori Flint and Sean O’Dell. Visitors were Laura Bilbro-Berry and Christy Sutton.

Welcome and Introductions

Holly Fales was introduced from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Instructional Technology; as well as Darlene Perry, Administrative Support Associate in Teacher Education, who was filling in for Sherry Tripp while she is on vacation.

Approval of Minutes  September 14, 2015 Meeting

Add Cynthia Wagoner on minutes, as she was inadvertently left off the names section. Minutes were filed as approved with this correction.

General announcements

No announcements

Standing updates on Assessment & Accreditation

Dr. Lys and Holly Fales presented on Professional Studies Core Data.  (Power Point Handout) This report focused on the EDUC 4400 Foundations area course and the equivalent PSYC 4305 course. Holly and Diana shared the data and the council offered questions and comments, including a discussion of the usefulness of the data and what Professional Core course data they would like to see next.

Dr. Covington gave a brief description of why some content areas and some students take PSYC 4305 versus EDUC 4400. The data showed differences in some edTPA rubrics for PSYC 4305 and EDUC 4400. Pearson scores are higher for Rubric 5 (Planning Assessment to Monitor Student Learning) and Rubric 15 (Using Assessment to Inform Instruction) for students who take EDUC 4305 4400.  (Correction noted at November meeting).

Dr. Lys stated that this report was presented to “wet everyone’s whistle” about possible data sets and how they can inform our programs and outcomes. There will be more reports to follow, and if program areas wish to seek in depth analysis of their areas, they put in a data request to OAA IT.

Dr. Lys asked if everyone had received feedback on their program reports for SACS? Programs should be refining their reports based on the feedback and they are due to IPAR no later than December 15, 2015.

Dr. Lys talked about (handout) Great Teachers Matter, the executive summary of the of the US DOE Federal Regulations for Teacher Preparation Institutions, i.e. rankings/ratings.   Dr. Covington shared that ECU does participate in the TEACH grant program available from the federal government, but it is limited to students officially admitted to teacher education due to the stiff payback penalties. Under the new DOE regulations, if they pass, TEACH grant money will be available to students only at top “ranked/rated” institutions.

Dr. Covington attended the NC ACTE Conference September 24-25, 2015, and learned that the general assembly had passed legislation that all candidates must have a 2.7 or better GPA at time of admission to upper division in NC. With this change we are out of compliance. Also, they enacted legislation to have all interns placed with teachers who rate at accomplished or higher on the NCEES and show growth in their students’ achievement. The Council discussed the fact that CAEP allows for less than 3.0 cohort average, meaning some students could stay below 2.7, if you can show outcomes are met. It was also noted that the NCEES evaluation is not supposed to be a “gotcha” instrument but rather it is supposed to be used for honest and informed feedback which should lead to growth of the teacher over time.

Standing Update from the Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Smith reported that registration for Alternative Licensure opens October 30 at 1:00 pm for special populations candidates.

The First round due date for spring/fall Internship applications will be November 2nd.  The second, and last round due date for applications will be January 11th by 5:00 pm. Please bring all applications to OCE Speight 110, do not mail them in campus mail. All completed applications should be submitted on the earliest round as possible. If you have some applications ready on November 2nd but not all – please turn in what you have. This will give us an early start on making requests. We are continuing to recruit clinical teachers for our practica placements.

Old Business

Dr. Covington has met with every department in the COE on the DPI online licensure update. The DPI recommendation system is now online. All December graduates will have to use this online system, and we will use paper only to finish up any spring or summer 2015 stragglers. No more paper recommendations will be submitted after December 1, 2015.

Bookmark the link, https://vo.licensure.ncpublicschools.gov in your favorites. All faculty with licenses must use this process for their own license renewal. After creating your own account, you will be issued a license type, and a license number; your SSN will no longer be used. Make sure you save your log in and password in a safe place where you can easily find it. This system will give you the status and details of your license. The OTE office will still remind you to renew when the time comes, and OTE will keep the back-up paper work which verifies your renewal credits.

The process for requesting your first license is different than the process to upgrade, add-on, or change an existing license. Candidates are going to have to know what their degree is and which license request they are seeking, and just because two students get the same degree doesn’t mean they will get the same license, e.g. MLS and MS School Counselor could be upgraded licenses for some students but first licenses for others, yet the degree would be the same.

We will have a few nights in the computer labs, power points, handouts, and items posted on our web pages to help students and staff. Please do not tell students to call Sherry Tripp or Dr. Covington if they are experiencing problems with the system.  Dr. Covington will meet with registrar’s office about how students will secure their own transcripts.  Mistakes will cost students another $55 if the mistake causes DPI to deny or reject the request. In this online system, payments must be with a credit card. DPI will accept debit, pre-paid debit and credit cards. If the application is begun, but not submitted, all uploaded data will disappear after 30 days. The account remains, but items will have to be re-uploaded. The school systems have been using this process, and we are hoping to get help and understanding from them during our time of transition to the system. The good news is you will see pending information with this system. There will be some glitches, but we will make this work with your help.

New Business

The university media consent form has been updated and is located on the OCE website. Cheryl Johnson had students ask her about the form in regards to the terms “participant verses course instructor” (who signs). Remember, if the school systems/schools have their own media consent form for their own students already on file, our candidates do not need to do another one before they do any video or audio capture. There is a separate/different form for current ECU students to sign if they are the subject of video/audio capture in an ECU course/event.

Standing Committee Reports

Curriculum Committee

Chair of the CTE CC, Jamie Williams, explained the handout of the minutes as it was 6 pages.  Refer to the handout for specific actions from each program/item. Every item was presented, moved for approval, seconded, and passed.

  • Package #1 Department of Literacy Studies, English Education and History Education, dropping MAED in HIED and MAEd in ENED, consolidating to an MAEd in Curriculum and Instruction with HIED and ENED concentrations.
  • Package #2 BFA Art Education
  • Package #3 Requests 1-11: Department of Elementary and Middle Grades Education – MAT degree moved to change all TCHR 6024 courses to those with area specific prefixes 6024.
  • Package #4 Health Education
  • Package #5 Department of Mathematics, THCAS
  • Package #6 Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
  • Package #7 Department of Human Development and Family Science (formerly CDFR)

The next curriculum committee meeting is December 7, 2015 in Speight 202 at 3:00 pm.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report

Admissions & Retention – No report

Policy Committee

The policy committee was asked to consider recommending a change in terminology from Senior I and Senior II to Internship I and Internship II to be more inclusive of the different types of candidates doing internships, i.e. licensure only and MAT candidates, who are not “seniors” but must attend “senior seminars and meet all other Internship requirements. The committee’s recommendation was to move forward with the proposed change. The committee recommendation was the motion, which was seconded, and passed unanimously.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Darlene Perry for Sherry Tripp

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