March 2017 Minutes


Minutes for March 13, 2017

The fifth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2016-2017 academic year was held Monday, March 13, 2017 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present:  Jennifer Adams, Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Ellen Dobson, Bernice Dodor, Crystal Jones (visitor), Laura King, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Angie McCoy (visitor), Kathy Misulis, Marissa Nesbit, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robert Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Nicole Smith, Shari Steadman, Student Representative Ally Funsch (GR), Liz Doster Taft, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, and Elaine Yontz.  Absent were Laura Bilbro-Berry (visitor), Kermit Buckner, Lena Carawan, LCSN-PCS Representative, Lora Lee Smith-Canter, and Mary Worthington (visitor).

Approval of Minutes February 13, 2017 Meeting

The minutes were approved with two corrections; the Curriculum Minutes were accepted and the misspelling of Charity “Cayton’s” last name.


The Spring NC-ACTE Forum, which was to be held March 24, 2017 at UNC Charlotte, has been cancelled due to low registration and the CAEP and edTPA conferences around the same time. For those who pre-registered, NC-ACTE will be sending refunds in the coming weeks.

The Clinical Teacher Conference for clinical teachers and university supervisors with current Intern IIs will be held March 16, 2017 at the Greenville Hilton. Registration closed March 3, 2017. Interns will be in their classrooms that day.

Ellen Dobson announced Ed Camp will be held April 8. It is a professional development opportunity for PK-12 educators and faculty are welcome. Lunch will be served.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Data Management

Ellen Dobson reported that edTPA scores are coming in from three program areas and scores are good. Other program area portfolios are being submitted.  It is State Board policy that edTPA is required for licensure.

Last month DPI Blueprints, which are being replaced by assurances, were discussed. Sections that would be completed by OEP or OAADM were completed and distributed to members. Programs should review existing assurances and if not appropriate for your program, contact Ellen Dobson.

Section 19.1–Describe how candidates are exposed to and use School Improvement Plans within their programs – This is covered in EDUC 4400.  The Psychology Department has agreed to work with PSYC 4305 instructors to cover this need or EDUC 3200 may be changed to cover this since all teacher ed candidates take this course.

Section 20.1–Describe how candidates will show evidence of working with families – Program coordinators have been asked how they are doing this.

Section 22.1–What evaluation tools will be used to assess candidate dispositions/how and when used. In 2017-2018, IHEs will begin to transition to the state’s Disposition tool.  The state is trying to locate a free dispositional tool to use across the state.  Until then, EPPs will continue to use our Disposition Survey process.  Lastly, when answering questions about delivery, face to face and/or online, delivery should match campus academic program inventory.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Smith gave the following report.

Internship I Application Meetings were held late February. The first round deadline is April 3, 2017; however, OCE is accepting intern applications now.  No applications will be accepted from April 4 – May 8th.  Remaining intern applications are accepted on the following dates.

Round 2 Deadline:  May 9, 2017

Round 3 Deadline:  July 3, 2017 by 5:00 p.m.

The Career Fair was held March 1, 2017 at the Greenville Convention Center from 8:00-10:00 a.m. Many districts commented on intern professionalism and knowledge.

Clinical Teacher Trainings for summer 2017 have been scheduled. Priority will be given to these high need areas for Clinical Teachers – SPED AC/GC, BK, 9-12 Band, 9-12 Art, DNCE, FORL, ELEM 3-5, and MIDG (all content areas).  Clinical teachers must have their principal’s approval.  Julia Lynch in OCE is in charge of the registration for this event.

  • June 15, 2017 – Lenoir County Central Office Board Room
  • June 20, 2017 – ECU Willis Building
  • June 22, 2017 – Edgecombe County Public Schools – Southwest Edgecombe H.S.

Angie McCoy in OCE is updating Plans of Study for all program areas. This includes any changes in the semester a course is taught. March 24 is pre-registration for special populations.Three interns have requested early release. One was approved. 

Some students in practicums have lost school placements due to dispositional situations, no shows, tardiness, being unprepared or unprofessional. On page five of the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook, it states “If a student is asked to be removed from any field experience placement (practicum or internship) by a school or a school system, this may be grounds for dismissal from the ECU educator preparation program.  This removal can be the result of a dispositional, technical standard, code of ethics, and/or performance issue.”  Discussion centered on the consequences of being removed from a school.  Should the student get another placement at another school (with conversation about previous removal) if the removal occurred before the drop date?  Student can’t pass the class if the practicum is part of the course.  With video grand rounds in early experience classes, students only have four hours in a classroom. The classroom teacher does the dispositional form in Internship I.  The LCSN liaison will be informed about practicum problems by OCE.

Old Business

The four year plan of study for a “typical” UG candidate, highlighting in yellow the courses that have practica/field experiences attached to them are still needed from science and theatre.  This is for compliance with HB 1030 and HB 97.

New Business

A survey is ready to be deployed to seek information regarding Upper Division processes and procedures. A 10-12 question Qualtrics Survey will be sent to CEP representatives on March 15, 2017.  The survey closes on March 31, 2017.  The Admissions and Retention Committee hopes to share results at the April meeting.

Posters and postcards were available for members to share with faculty and students regarding the new GPA requirement for admission to Upper Division.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – No report

The remaining CEP Curriculum Meetings will meet on 4/3 and 4/24 in Bate 2014 at 10 a.m.  Packages are due to Elaine Yontz by 5.p.m., one week prior to the meetings.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report

Admissions & Retention – Charity Cayton reported that the committee met today and discussed the Upper Division process.

  1. Appendix 2, Upper Division Interview Report was reviewed. It is suggested to use the word “teacher candidate(s)” in place of “student(s).” Student(s)” would then refer to PK-12 students; a minimum of two faculty members are needed for interview; look at technical standards (e.g. vision, hearing and candidates with disabilities using accommodations, assistive devices, etc.).
  2. Interview Process – Professional dress; Vivian crafted a Qualtrics survey to deploy March 15 to CEP reps to ask what questions are used during the interview; then need to have a discussion about should there be required questions, questions specific to program area, bank of questions to pull from; recommendations on maximum number of students in group interviews; recommendations on length (e.g., 15-45 min) of interview.
  3. Standardized Components or Process – will be determined after revisions & information from a & b; recognition for admission to UD; materials, e.g., “What to Expect Now that You are in Upper Division”.
  4. Program Area Specific Components of Process – will be determined after revisions & information from a & b; when writing sample is completed (e.g., before/during interview).

The report was accepted.

Policy – No report

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. The next meeting will be April 10, 2017 in Speight 203.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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