April 2018 Minutes


2018 April Minutes

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.

The eighth and final meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2017-2018 academic year was held Monday, April 9, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present:  Kim Anderson for Caitlin Ryan, Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Johna Faulconer, Laura King, LCSN-PCS Representative- Willie Joyner, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Nanyoung Kim, Rhea Miles, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Lora Lee Smith-Canter, Nicole Smith, Christina Tschida, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Ivan Wallace, Kevin White, Jamie Williams, and Elaine Yontz.  Visitors in attendance were Crystal Jones and Shari Steadman.  Absent were Jennifer Adams, Ellen Dobson, and Caitlin Ryan.

Presentation to the Council

Greg Miller, Director and Kaitlyn Jones, Assistant Director of ECU Testing Services, Office of Continuing Studies gave an overview of the UNC Online Exam Proctoring Network. Exam proctoring is automatically available to all instructors who teach web-based, asynchronous courses.  The center will be moving to W. H. Smith Blvd. during the summer.  This location will offer extended hours, increased seat capacity, ample parking, and is free to ECU students.  More information can be found at https://online.northcarolina.edu/. The Testing Center in Brewster offers various exams including the PRAXIS I and II.

Approval of Minutes March 12, 2018 Meeting

The minutes were approved with a date correction. The due date for Intern I Fall 2018/Intern II Spring 2019 applications is July 2, 2018 due to July 1 falling on a Sunday.


A handout was distributed concerning the Call for Proposals for the upcoming NC-ACTE fall meeting October 3-5, 2018 at the North Raleigh Hilton. Proposals should be submitted by May 20, 2018 (http://www.ncacte.org/what-we-do.html). CEP will reimburse the registration for members or one replacement.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Digital Learning


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Intern I Fall 2018/Intern II Spring 2019 application due dates are approaching. July 2 at 5:00 p.m. is the deadline for fall/spring placements.

NC DPI Critical Incident Manual is required viewing fall 2018, http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/cfss/center-programs/critical-incident/cir-train-manual.pdf. This could possibly be introduced in all early experience classes (2123, etc).  The online video can be found at http://vimeopro.com/rsmanimation/north-carolina-active-shooter.

The early release date for interns in Intern II is April 11. The number of requests is smaller than usual.

Clinical Teacher Training will be in Johnston, Chatham, Granville Counties this summer. Two dates, June 18 and 19, are set for training in Greenville at the Heart Institute, from 8-4 p.m.  The registration deadline is April 25.

University Supervisor Training will be August 16 at the Willis Building (10-12 p.m. tentative time).

With the upcoming reduction in program hours, Plans of Study updates for licensure only candidates will be done spring 2019.

Lateral Entry will be changing in 2019. A Residency License will be required.  This transition is still being discussed at the state level; length of residency, edTPA requirement, etc.

Old Business


New Business

Dr. Covington met with the Foundations faculty to discuss a reduction in the professional core curriculum related to the UNC System requiring undergraduate degree programs to lower their total hours to 120 hours as of fall 2019. The Foundations faculty were collegial in understanding the need for the three (3) hour EDUC course reduction, but strongly believe their courses add value and address critical components of our programs.  A handout of the proposal was distributed to members.

    • This could give program areas an additional three hours in their program area.
    • Program areas currently using PSYC 2777 or SOCI 1010 are strongly encouraged to take EDUC 3002.
  • Becomes a program area choice, not individual student choice – choose one EDUC 3200 or EDUC 4400


  • Becomes a program area choice, not individual student choice – choose one EDUC 3200 or EDUC 4400 – Program areas choosing EDUC 4400, who may be using PSYC 4305 currently, are strongly encouraged to take EDUC 4400.
  • Program areas who can keep the full professional core intact are encouraged to do so.
  • Program areas, not individual students, will decide which EDUC course to take.
  • The responsibility for any and all required assessments for DPI program approval, licensure, InTASC standards, and/or CAEP that are anchored in EDUC 4400 or EDUC 3200, now or in the future, become the direct responsibility of the program area to implement, score, monitor, house in Taskstream®/Watermark® (or any future subsequent systems), etc. if the reduction in EDUC hours is taken in the program.
  • No requirements for meeting any standards will be waived from this reduction.
  • Program areas are strongly encouraged for continuity of programs across the EPP to take EDUC prefix courses whenever possible. Programs need to revisit this option now that there is no longer a “cap” on double counting foundations courses.

Dr. Sandra Seay from Foundations stated the Foundations faculty were passionate about education and what it means to be a teacher in the real world and to be empowered to be a part of education.

Dr. Kevin Currie-Knight shared highlights of what was taught in EDUC 4400 and how it was aligned with InTASC and CAEP standards.

Dr. Covington asked that this three (3) hour Professional Core Course Reduction information be taken back to program areas, discussed and of the two courses with choices, decide as a program which course is to be used. It is possible that a meeting may be called May 15, August 16 or 27, 2018 to vote on the professional core changes.*  These changes will be effective with fall freshmen in 2019.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee –The committee met April 2, 2018 and approved the following.

Changes to the MAEd in Physical Education – Adapted Physical Education Concentration

  1. Remove KINE 6201: Advanced Measurement & Evaluation in Kinesiology for the thesis and non-thesis options;
  2. Add KINE 6401: Assessment of Physical Activity and Fitness as a restricted elective for the thesis option and as a core class for the non-thesis option.
  3. Rationale: to eliminate inappropriate duplication in course content and to maximize use of resources by increasing congruence in course requirements to other Masters programs in the department. Approved pending all needed approvals by the College of Health & Human Performance

Changes to Dance, BFA; Rationale: Reducing total degree hours from 126 to 120

  1. General Education: Adding theatre courses (THEA 2002 –Theatre Design, along with co-requisite lab courses THEA 2011 and THEA 2012).
  2. Dance Core: Eliminating theatre courses (THEA 3003-Stage Lighting I or THEA 3007 – Costume Design I).
  3. Dance Education Concentration: Removing 3 s.h. of dance technique

Changes to Theatre Arts Education, BFA; Rationale: Reducing total degree hours from 128 to 120

  1. General Education:
    1. Adding theatre courses (THEA 1010-Introduction to Acting and THEA 2015-Voice and Articulation);
    2. Eliminating specific English courses;
    3. Eliminating PSYC 1000
  2. Theatre Core:
    1. Adding THEA 2002 Theatre Design, THEA 2011 Theatre Technology Lab, THEA 2012 Theatre Design Lab, THEA 2001 Theatre Technology, THEA 2075 Script Analysis, THEA 3300 Playwriting and Dramatic Literature for Children and Youth;
    2. Removing THEA 3036 Theatre History-Literature III
    3. Revising dance requirements to “Dance or movement,” allowing selection of DNCE technique courses or THEA 2017 – Movement for Actors
    4. Revising theatre design requirements to a choice of 2 courses from among THEA 3003—Stage Lighting I, THEA 3004–Scenery Design I, THEA 3007–Costume Design I

Changes to Art Education, BFA; Rationale: Reducing total degree hours from 132 to 120

  1.    Require ARTH 1905 Dimensions of Art, ARTH 1906 Art History Survey, and ARTH 1907 Art History Survey as
    1. Reduce the number of Common Core courses from 63 to 45 by:
    2. Remove requirement of ART 2560 Painting Survey: Materials and Methods
    3. Reduce the number of ART surveys required from 9 to 6 s.h.
    4. Remove the requirement of 18 s.h. in one area
    5. Increase the number of art electives from 9 to 24 and require 9 s.h. at the 3000-level or above
    6. Remove ARTH 1906 and ARTH 1907 from the Common Core courses
  2.     General Education Fine Arts and Elective courses.
  3. Increase the number of credit hours in Professional core courses from 29 to 35
    1. Increase the number of credit hours from 1 to 3 for ART 2123, ART 2870, and ART 3860

The report was accepted. The committee will meet on Wednesday, August 22, 2018 at 4:00 pm in Speight 202 if any proposals are ready at that time.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No Report

Admissions & Retention – Dr. Charity Cayton, chair, stated that she will be in contact with committee members to share the process and timeline with university supervisors. Institutions in good standing may nominate one candidate for the NC-ACTE Award for Student Teacher of the Year. The teacher candidate must have been nominated as the Outstanding Student Teacher at their home college or university. One teacher candidate from the North Carolina Association for Colleges and Teacher Educators member institutions will be recognized as the Outstanding Student Teacher of the Year in North Carolina.  This recognition will be celebrated at the annual Fall NC-ACTE meeting.

Policy – Dr. Levi-Altstaedter, chair reported that the edTPA Retake Policy for HQ Status was presented last month, which members were to share with program faculty, and vote this month on the following.

Candidates scoring within 3 points of the HQ beginning teacher score requirement may opt to resubmit one edTPA task to obtain a qualifying score at their own expense. These guidelines apply:

  • The candidate has a mathematical possibility of obtaining a 3.75 GPA upon graduation.
  • The candidate will register for the retake at his/her own expense and will upload directly to Pearson.
  • Interns must be in good standing in the internship, i.e. not on improvement plans at the time of resubmission, and  will be required to satisfactorily continue all intern responsibilities.
  • The resubmission should take place in the assigned internship placement, within the regular internship timeframe, and with minimal to no disruption of regular classroom instruction.
  • Faculty, university supervisors, and clinical teachers will not be required to provide additional supports during the optional edTPA task resubmission.
  • Retakes for HQ purposes will not count towards, nor be calculated into, course grades.

To request an edTPA Resubmission for Highly Qualified status, the candidate will submit an edTPA HQ Resubmission Request Form to the Office of Clinical Experiences with advisor verification of GPA eligibility and approval from their university supervisor and clinical teacher. After receipt of the request form, resubmission guidelines and instructions will be provided to candidates by the ECU edTPA Coordinator.

Barbara Brehm moved to accept the policy and was seconded by Jamie Williams. The policy was approved.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. *There may be a called meeting in May or late August to vote on the Professional Core.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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