September 2018 Minutes


Minutes for September 11, 2018

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.

The first meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2018-2019 academic year was held Monday, September 11, 2018 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Johna Faulconer, Kristin Gehsmann, Nanyoung Kim, Laura King, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Chris Rivera, Nicole Smith, Christina Tschida, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Kevin White, and Bryan Zugelder. Visitors in attendance were Monisha Atkinson and Shari Steadman. Absent were LCSN-PCS Representative, Jeff Pizzutilla, Christy Walcott, Jamie Williams, and Elaine Yontz.

Approval of Minutes April 9, 2018 and August 22, 2018 Called Meeting

The minutes for the April 9, 2018 meeting were approved as written.

The August 22, 2018 Called Meeting was for the purpose of voting on the proposed change to the Educator Preparation Program Professional Core course requirements to assist program areas with the UNC–System Office regulation mandating reduction of undergraduate degree programs to no more than 120 credit hours. UNC Policy Manual 4001.5[R]

Motion was made to allow a choice between the two currently required professional courses, EDUC 4400 and EDUC 3200, with program areas, not individual students deciding which course to keep and which to remove. The motion carried by a vote of 19 to 0, with no abstentions.

(Program areas, not individual students within a program area, have the option of choosing either EDUC 4400 or EDUC 3200. In addition, programs may keep both courses if they so desire. The vote is to allow the option. Program areas were reminded that they will have to red line the course their program area will not be taking and leave the course the students will be taking. Programs will need for their catalog copy to show only the required course, not the choice).

The minutes were approved as written.


New members were introduced: Holly Fales–Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning; Kristin Gehsmann–Literacy Studies, English and History Education; Chris Rivera–Special Education, Foundations and Research; and Bryan Zugelder–Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education.

The NC-ACTE fall meeting will be October 3-5, 2018 at the North Raleigh Hilton. CEP will reimburse the registration for members or one replacement. This is a very good 2.5-day conference for private and public educator preparation programs in North Carolina.

The 2018 Welcome to Teacher Education handbook is available online and in the bookstore. Minimal changes were made to the book. edTPA scores to be used in place of the PLT tests for secondary programs are on page 10. Test scores used for admission to an educator preparation program must be 10 years old or less. The allowed tests are: ACT, SAT or PRAXIS-Core. Coursework older than 10 years will not be used to satisfy requirements in an educator preparation program.

Two articles from EPIC, Education Policy Initiative at Carolina, in which ECU’s data was one of the six IHEs data used were distributed and sent electronically. The articles were called: Placed for Success? An Analysis of Student Teaching and The Power of Place.

ECU’s Dean of Students Office representatives met with Dr. Covington and Dr. Smith and shared resources available to students on campus given education refers many students to them. Handouts were distributed to the CEP members and an electronic version was sent to all Interns. In general, education programs do not transition easily to other degrees if candidates choose to change major or are required to do so due to lack of performance or testing requirements. Understandably, this creates stress and anxiety for candidates and families. They also shared other resources for candidates who may be without a place to live, food insecure, etc.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Digital Learning

Holly Fales shared that an EPP Assessment Committee is being formed at the request of the dean. This committee will be charged with reviewing key assessments, reviewing and approving protocols for assessment validity and reliability, review assessment data, and identify gaps in data in an effort to move the EPP to a successful CAEP reaccreditation in 2022. The Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) standards are a key piece of Standard 1 for CAEP (handout). Please share these with your program areas.

A new Intern II evaluation instrument call CPAST, Candidate Preservice Assessment of Student Teaching, is being piloted by a few program areas this fall. This instrument, an Ohio State University product, is available free of charge and has established validity along with reasonable online training to assist users with establishing inter-rater reliability. A handout of this instrument was shared, which has both pedagogy and dispositional measures.

There were many issues this past year with edTPA such as retakes, condition codes, delay in submitting retakes, students just not doing the edTPA, program areas counting edTPA very differently with very different consequences and implications for licensure and graduation, etc. The TPALS will be charged with making a recommendation for an EPP-wide policy regarding how edTPA is counted, where it is counted, and what the parameters are for retakes, etc. This recommendation will go to the CEP Policy Committee, to full CEP, then to the Dean of the College of Education for approval, rejection, or modification before being implemented. All CEP decisions are approved by the Dean, as that position has purview over all things educator preparation across all four colleges.

The Office of Assessment, Data Management, and Digital Learning and the Office of Educator prepation will hold a Data Summit in the spring to share all types of data, not just edTPA with the EPP. Stay tuned for a save the Date announcement.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Clinical Teacher Training was held this summer with 155 new clinical teachers attending. University Supervisor Training was held August 16 for US working with Intern IIs this fall.

Intern II Seminars were held August 20 for 98 interns and Intern I Seminars were held August 24 for 311 interns. November 21 is the early release date for Intern II students. Interns should be reminded about inclement weather guidelines and should follow their school dismissal policy.

Intern I Application meetings will be held October 11 from 3-5:00 p.m. in Speight 305 and Speight 130 and October 12 from 1-3:00 p.m. and 3-5:00 p.m. in Speight 129. Interns should choose one session to attend.

Practicum placements are being finalized.

Co-Teaching modules have been deployed to Clinical Teachers and Intern Is in the program areas implementing the co-teaching Internship option. More information is forth coming regarding future Pairs training, which is part of the co-teaching model.

Members were reminded of the site shared in the April minutes, NC DPI Critical Incident Manual, which is a part of the required viewings for Intern Is and IIs fall 2018, The online video can be found at

Old Business

The purpose of CEP is to provide avenues of communication among all areas of the University and the public school community directly concerned with educator preparation and to make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education concerning needs related to educator preparation at East Carolina University. The Assistant Dean of Educator Preparation will serve as permanent Chair of the Council. Bylaws, members, minutes and committees can be found at CEP members should report information to faculty in their respective department areas as a primary function of their role on CEP.

The Professional Core reduction as an effort to assist with the 120 credit hour mandate was discussed earlier under Approval of Minutes and approved.

New Business

A nomination was made by Cynthia Wagoner and seconded by Christina Tschida nominating Johna Faulconer for Vice Chair. She was elected as Vice-Chair to serve in the absence of the Chair.

Student representatives to CEP are needed. The chair asked for names for two student representatives at the undergraduate and graduate levels to serve on the council, preferably not a student in Intern II in the spring (which would include MAT students). One student in each category would serve as the rep and one in each category would serve as an alternate. UG student representatives must be admitted to Upper Division. Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, or Sherry Tripp,

An ECU Mathematics Education candidate, who interned at Farmville Central High School in Pitt County, is one of the 10 state finalists for the NC-ACTE Student Teacher of the Year. This recognition will be celebrated at the annual Fall NC-ACTE meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m. A committee list was distributed and members were asked to remain after the meeting to elect a chair for each Standing Committee.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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