October 2019


Minutes for October 14, 2019

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.


The second meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2019-2020 academic year was held Monday, October 14, 2019 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203.  Members present: Susannah Berry for Barbara Brehm, Ashley Cannan, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Patch Clark, Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Kristin Gehsmann, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS Representative Robert Johnson, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Elondra Napper, Mikkaka Overstreet, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Christina Tschida, Cynthia Wagoner, Stacy Weiss, and Kevin White.  Visitor in attendance was Monisha Atkinson.  Absent were Bethann Cole, Dawn Shelton, and Christy Walcott.


Approval of Minutes September 9, 2019 Meeting


The minutes for the September 9, 2019 meeting were approved with one minor correction.  Nanyoung Kim was not in attendance.




ECU’s nominee, Akira Hall, Birth-Kindergarten graduate, for the NCACTE STOY did not win the overall award, but represented us well.



Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning


Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.  CAEP accreditation visit will be in spring of 2022.We have been asked to choose the dates, and Dr. Fales is working on this with the Dean’s office. The self-study report is due in 2021, so we are moving along with data gathering and review of where we are against the standards. Graduate program coordinators are meeting to discuss the CAEP Advanced Standards as requirements have changed. UG programs are looking good.


LCSN partners had a working meeting and gave feedback on the EPPs Dispositions instrument and process. We are planning our Spring Data Summit and we need participants from each program area. Feedback on the ECU ed prep program was gathered from the October 14th fall CT luncheon participants as well.


edTPALs were asked to send edTPA support materials for Residency candidates to Sarah Sconyers by November 1, 2019.


SONIA, new placement management system is being used for Spring/Fall 2020 Internships.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure


Nicole Smith reported that Internship application meetings for Spring 2020/Fall 2020 Internships were held October 10 and 11, 2019 with less attendees on Friday. Candidates should contact the Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE) regarding the submission of applications if they missed a meeting.


A University Supervisors meeting will be held December 9 in the Willis Building from 9-11:00 a.m.  Additional time from 11-12:00 p.m. will be available for departments to meet with USs if needed.  Email OCE to secure time/space at Willis during this timeframe.


A practicum email was sent to instructors for spring 2020 courses with practica. Please be sure instructors in your area have gotten it and read it. If you prefer certain schools/teachers for spring course placements, please let OCE know now. We work on cohort placements early and need to know what faculty wish to do so we can try to accommodate as many as we can. There are finite numbers of school and teachers within Pitt County, especially when you factor in Internship placements, new teachers, and principals new to buildings who may not want candidates in the building year 1.


There are a lot of variables between school systems in terms of placements. In some counties, candidates with any charges, even dismissed charges, are required to meet with the Asst. Supt. of HR. Some school systems want EVERY candidate in a section to contact one central office or one principal for teachers’ names – we are guests and must do what they ask.  If students are told by the OCE to contact a district, principal or other school personnel, they should do as directed, as this means OCE has made official contact and the school is expecting the call. Candidates are still not allowed to seek their own placements. All initial contacts must go through OCE. This is at the request of the school systems.


As of this date and time, 230 candidates have been accepted into the Residency program for the Spring 2020 Cohort.  The deadline is October 15. The final number will be determined by the number who actually apply to the university and register.  November 11 is the deadline to apply to the university with a Nov. 29 deadline to get admitted.


Old Business


Student representatives to CEP are still needed.  The chair asked for names for two student representatives at the undergraduate and graduate levels to serve on the council, preferably not a student in Intern II in the spring (which would include MAT students). One student in each category would serve as the rep and one in each category would serve as an alternate. UG student representatives must be admitted to Upper Division. Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, covingtonv@ecu.edu.


Last month the committee was asked to discuss with their faculty in each UG program area and come to a consensus about if/how edTPA will count in both grading criteria and licensure recommendation and whether licensure exams will be/will not be required prior to licensure recommendation. One policy is needed for the whole EPP.


Discussions from different program areas were heard regarding edTPA and licensure exams given new laws and policy for LEAs doing direct licensure requests to SBE.  The next possible change pending SBE approval is that individuals may be recommended without testing, but the test(s) must be taken in the first year of the licensure, not first year of teaching.


Many program areas recommended that the edTPA remain as is — 10% of Internship II grade with the full 10% given if passed by the second attempt, and the first attempt must be a complete attempt, meaning there must be the appropriate amount of work and documents submitted. Most agreed that a candidate could be recommended for licensure without a passing edTPA grade, knowing that the requirement remains for a candidate to attempt the edTPA again in year one of the license and pass it by year three of the license. This would need to be surrounded by definite retake and cut off dates for the fall and spring semesters in addition to designated faculty to support the retakes across these agreed upon dates. Objections were from two departments who would like to see this written as at least 10% so they can make it a higher percentage. Holly has expressed that this would not work with CAEP and Vivian will double check with attorneys in terms of consistency for legal purposes.


Most program areas agreed to require all licensure tests be passed before a candidate can be recommended for licensure by ECU. Faculty understand LEAs can hire candidates without passing test scores.


Action: Discuss these two new recommendations as the Policy Committee will bring them forward for a final vote in November meeting.


New Business — None


Standing Committees


Curriculum – Jeff Pizzutilla reported the committee met and approved a School of Music request to discontinue the Masters in Music in Music Education degree and add Music Education as a concentration within the existing Masters in Music, which has several other concentrations. CEP accepted the report.


Evaluation & Planning – Chair Rhea Miles, no report

Admissions & Retention – Chair Charity Cayton, no report


Policy – Laura Levi-Altstaedter reported that the committee met and voted to adopt CPAST as the internship II Evaluation Instrument.  CEP members voted in favor of the report with one “No” vote from the School of Music.


The meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Sherry S. Tripp


Remaining meeting dates; November 11, 2019, December 9, 2019, January 13, 2020 February 10, 2020, March 16, 2020 and April 13, 2020.


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