November 2019


Minutes for November 11, 2019

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.


The third meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2019-2020 academic year was held Monday, November 11, 2019 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203.  Members present: Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Bethann Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Kristin Gehsmann, Nanyoung Kim, Rhea Miles, Elondra Napper, Jeff Pizzutilla, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Christina Tschida, and Stacy Weiss.  Visitor in attendance was Shari Steadman.  Absent were Ashley Cannan, LCSN-PCS Representative, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Mikkaka Overstreet, Chris Rivera, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Kevin White and visitor Monisha Atkinson.


Approval of Minutes October 14, 2019 Meeting


The minutes for the October 14, 2019 meeting were approved.



Patch Clark from School of Theatre and Dance announced that the ECU Storybook Theatre presented the play Gooney Bird Greene and Her True File Adventures.  Over 1500 individuals attended the play.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.  CAEP accreditation visit will be February 20-22, 2022.  The self-study report is due May 20, 2021.  We are moving along with data gathering, reviewing how we stand against the standards, and beginning to write narratives as we go along.


As a reminder, CPAST document, edTPA rubrics and InTASC standards are all aligned. However, we still need to align all of this with curriculum by program.


Graduate level programs will be gathering evidence for retention, persistence, and admission. There are evidences available and where there is not, we can use detailed phase-in plans of how we will move forward collecting the data we decide upon. There will be an EdPrep Dashboard for the CAEP visit. We are working on it now and hopefully it will be ready for the Data Summit meeting in the spring.


Christine Wilson, one of the technology consultants in OADD, is taking a new position in Alabama and leaving this week.  For the remainder of the semester, the office will be covering Mursion needs and Kristen Martin, COE Communications Liaison, will assist with Blogs.


SONIA, new education management system, which has a placement management component, is being used for Spring/Fall 2020 Internship placements.  A “How to Guide” was sent to program coordinators so they know how to view applications. Let Holly Fales know if you have not received it.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure


Round 1 of Internship applications for Intern I spring 2020/ Internship II fall 2020 were due November 4, 2019.  The last round will be due January 13, 2020. There are only two rounds for the spring/fall cycles.


A University Supervisors (US) meeting with CPAST training will be held December 9, 2019 in the Willis Building from 9:00 am-11:00 a.m.  Additional time from 8:15 am-8:45 am or 11:00 am-12:00 noon will be available for departments to meet with USs regarding co-teaching or other program area specific requirements. Previously trained USs must recalibrate in December for renewal and new USs must do the initial CPAST training for spring supervision.


As of this date and time, 280 candidates have been accepted into the Residency program for the Spring 2020 Cohort.  There will not be any summer cohorts, only fall or spring. If program areas want to know numbers in their areas contact Nicole Smith.


We still need the edTPA support materials for these residency candidates. Please send Content Specific supports for Task 1,2 and 3 to Sarah Sconyers.


Dr. Covington noted that out of state personnel seeking NC licensure will have to do edTPA and the LCSN district personnel were asking if we had anything to assist them. This would be a good way to turn your edTPA assistance materials into continuing education modules via the ECU CEP office on campus and make some off-model money for your department to use for travel, materials, etc.




Old Business

Question posed to DPI – will edTPA be counted in overall pass rates or be a separate pass rate? That is, will IHEs have two pass rates reported: 1) Testing Pass Rate and 2) an edTPA Pass Rate or will IHEs have one Overall Combined Pass Rate with edTPA and testing together?


  • If a Candidate passes all tests but fails edTPA; they would count as a fail for us if the state uses the Combined, Overall Pass Rate
  • If they use two Separate Pass Rates, the Candidate would count as a passer for the Testing Pass Rate and a fail for edTPA Pass Rate


Call for vote in December via a recommendation from the Policy Committee for:

  • edTPA to count 10% of Internship II grade;
  • full 10% given regardless of 1st submission or retake;
  • edTPA must be complete and scorable – no incomplete/nonscorable rubrics to get full 10% after retake
  • If condition codes or nonscorable rubrics exist beyond the retake, an INC will be given for Internship II grade, and graduation will be delayed to spring or summer depending on Intern II semester
  • Retakes must be completed within the Retake Window, or candidates must pay for and enroll in a course the following term to get assistance through ECU
  • Candidates can be hired with edTPA scores below passing. Candidates will be recommended by ECU with a below passing edTPA if all tests are passed.
  • Candidates will not be recommended by ECU without passing tests scores. Candidates can be hired by an LEA without passing tests cores; however, the LEA must seek licensure with the SBE.


It was noted that Title 2 data from 2018-2019 candidates support the notion that when tests are required before licensure recommendations will be made, candidates perform better on the tests.


A vote needs to be taken on edTPA in December to be effective with Spring Intern IIs.


New Business

Dispositions overview and process review was discussed. The LCSN partners, as field experts, reviewed the Disposition form, and rated them as essential, important but not essential, etc. The LCSN emphasized the importance of the CT talking with the candidate about concerns.


Current disposition measuring practice: Form A, Awareness, is a self-evaluation-based form given to students in early experience classes to rate the frequency of their abilities in the areas of professional demeanor, professional commitment and professional interactions. Form B is completed by the Clinical Teacher (CT) at the end of the semester and discussed with the candidate as an external review.  The methods instructor reviews this form as part of the course grade, and it is later viewed by the assigned University Supervisor (US) at the beginning of Internship II. During Internship II, the candidate’s dispositions ratings are included as part of the CPAST evaluation for midpoint and final evaluations. Candidates also self-assess their progress and share in the rating conversation with their CT and US.


There are many issues around dispositions to address, such as, but not limited to: What are the top reasons/issues that result in candidates being pulled from internship? What is the process for faculty to report, counsel, or document issue with a candidate’s disposition between 2123 and Internship I? Who will be the Disposition Coordinator for the EPP? Do we have some non-negotiables for education candidates that result in stopping out of ed prep for a semester or permanently for things such as cheating, stealing, drug violations on campus that don’t result in criminal charges but do result in university sanctions? This was referred to the Evaluation and Planning Committee.


Standing Committees

Curriculum – Jeff Pizzutilla reported the committee met November 4, 2019 and approved the following.

  1. READ 4500– Develop and implement a new READ course for the Educator Residency Model

JustificationThe recent implementation of the Educator Residency Model (alternative licensure to teaching program) in the state of North Carolina requires a reading methods course that spans grades Kindergarten through fifth. The candidates in the Educator Residency Model will be teachers seeking certification in Elementary or Special Education while provisionally employed as classroom teachers in the state of North Carolina, thus in order to be eligible for elementary certification, a Kindergarten through grade 5 methods course in reading is necessary. 

There is not currently a methods course offered that spans these grades. There is a READ course that has been banked that spans grades Kindergarten through fifth, but the banked course would need significant revisions to align with current research and pedagogy. The course objectives, course title, and course description would not be sufficient. 

The development of this course will have no budgetary impact because the Lateral Entry students taking this course are currently being served in another course (READ 3301 or READ 3302). Students will take READ 4500 in lieu of READ 3301 or READ 3302. It was determined that READ 4500 would cover the licensure requirements.  Motion -Christina Tschida; second- Patricia Clark

  1. MAED B-Krequesting that Master of Arts in Education in Birth through Kindergarten (MAED BK) be discontinued starting Fall 2020.


With low enrollment and the program being flagged twice on the low productivity report a new means to create a BK concentration will be explored.


Justification- The MAED BK program will be absorbed as a concentration within the MAED in Curriculum and Instruction (MAED C&I) degree program.  MAED C&I is a completely online program that was developed to add different concentrations that would make the program marketable and diverse. Given the huge overlap between the courses being offered across the two-degree programs, adding the MAED BK as a BK concentration under the umbrella of MAED C&I made a lot of sense. The program closure request was sent to SACS in April 2019 and the request has been approved and received by Chancellor’s Office in August 2019.

Motion -Christina Tschida; second- Patricia Clark


  1. Mathematics, MAED– request to deliver as a hybrid

Seven of the 12 courses in the MAEd are to be offered online and the other five courses are to be offered off-site in a face-to-face manner at J. H. Rose High School in Greenville NC.

Justification- The hybrid delivery mode is aligned with UNC System, ECU Institutional, and College of Education missions and strategic plans. The primary goal is to increase accessibility for students who are also full-time professional educators in Eastern North Carolina.

A portion of the mission of ECU is to “be a national model for student success, public service, and regional transformation.” The hybrid delivery method makes it possible for more full-time educators in Eastern North Carolina to enhance their knowledge and skills and provide leadership in their educational communities. This knowledge, skill, and enhanced leadership capability will serve as a driver for regional transformation.  Motion -Christina Tschida;  second- Patricia Clark

  1. Mathematics, Science, and instructional Technology Education– The request is to move the Business Information Technologies Education (BITE) courses from the College of Education’s Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (IDP) to the college’s Department of Mathematics, Science and Instructional Technology Education (MSITE).

Justification- With the closing of BITE as a degree-granting program and by mutual agreement, IDP and MSITE agreed to move the BITE courses offered as electives and requirements in other programs of study to MSITE’s Instructional Technology program.

The BITE courses will continue to be offered as they have been in the past. The only change is department home. No other programs will be impacted by this change.  Motion -Christina Tschida; second- Patricia Clark

CEP accepted the report with a unanimous vote.


Evaluation & Planning – Chair Rhea Miles, no report; Admissions & Retention – Chair Charity Cayton, no report

Policy – Chair Laura Levi-Altstaedter, no report


Stacy Weiss moved to adjourn and was seconded by Christina Tschida.  The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Sherry S. Tripp


** Remaining meeting dates; December 9, 2019, January 13, 2020 February 10, 2020, March 16, 2020 and April 13, 2020.

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