April 2021


Minutes for April 12, 2021

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.


The sixth and final meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2020-2021 academic year was held Monday, April 12, 2021 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kimberly Anderson, Susannah Berry, Ashley Cannan, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Dan Novey, Mikkaka Overstreet, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Julie Stanley, Student Reps-Jaya Batchelor and Ben Rollins, Cynthia Wagoner, Stacy Weiss, Kevin White and visitors Monisha Atkinson and Beth Edwards.  Absent were Bethann Cole, Art Rouse and Christy Walcott.


Approval of Minutes March 8, 2021 Meeting


A motion to approve the minutes of the March 8, 2021 meeting was made by Cynthia Wagoner and seconded by Charity Cayton.  The minutes were accepted.



The NCACTE Conference was to be held September 22-24, 2021 at the North Raleigh Hilton.  (Notice was received after the meeting on 4/13/21 that the conference would be Virtual).  NCACTE will post updates about formats and times as soon as those details are finalized.


If you wish to present at the forum, focus topics are 1) Assessment and 2) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.  If your presentation has to do with either of these topics, please be sure you check the box when submitting.

Proposals are due by midnight on May 21, 2021. Submit online at http://www.ncacte.org/what-we-do.html


The ECU application to be one of three new sites chosen for Teaching Fellows has been submitted. Fifteen institutions submitted, some publics and some privates. Three more sites are being selected. The $33,000 scholarships are currently awarded to those who wish to teach high school or middle school math and science and special education at any level. We should hear about the selected sites in August.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.


edTPA Update—Traditional Interns have a 90% combined pass rate, with fall 2020 (93%) and spring 2021 (88%).  The pass rate for Residency students is 66% (fall 2020 66%, spring NA, awaiting scores). Some candidates submitted virtual evidences, and some were able to do the traditional submission.


CAEP Update—The Self-Study Report due date has been extended to June 30, 2021 due to the lateness of CAEP’s release of the Handbook for CAEP Accreditation.  Standard I is being reviewed by committee and Dr. Fales is working on Standards 2 and 3. The CTC forms routing has begun in SONIA.


Volunteers are needed to Pilot the new disposition rubric this fall. We had a small spring pilot, but in the fall a larger pilot will be done and include more program areas.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:


Round 1 Intern applications for fall 2021/spring 2022 have been sent.  Round 2 applications are due May 11.  Round 3 applications are due July 1.


Early Release date for spring 2021 is April 19th and available to candidates who have successfully completed edTPA, met observation requirements, and will graduate with last classes completed in Spring 2021.


Of the 201 Fall 2021 intakes in the Residency Program, 158 have been admitted or in process.  Fifty-seven (57) are taking classes to raise their GPA and 33 are missing documents. The Birth-K Residency program has a very strong group.





Old Business

  • 2021/22 fall/spring Intern I and Intern II placements – Candidates will teach how their CT is assigned to teach; in person placements are being prioritized; Candidates can live wherever they want but they must be able to work in person in their assignment if/when that is required.
  • Due to COVID and to be good partners, we allowed Spring 2020, Fall 2020 completers with NC secured jobs to be recommended without edTPA and/or testing passed. We will continue with the spring 2021 candidates.
  • For Title 2 — Alternative testing pass rates, which includes Residency candidates, were at 100% for 2019-2020. Traditional pass rates were at 81%. Covid 19 affected this pass rate. DPI combines the Alternative and Traditional pass rates for their reporting purposes.


New Business

·       Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 Practica Placements pertaining to undergraduate level placements, not graduate

  • fall 2021 phase in with programs prioritizing Junior anchor courses only. Send course selection to Dr. Covington. Help is needed from Program Coordinators to give as much notice as possible to candidates about in person practica for fall 2021.
  • We will return in spring 2022 to all courses, back to pre-COVID, in terms of placements


Standing Committees  


Curriculum – Vivian Covington reported for Chair Christy Walcott. The committee met March 24, 2021 and approved the following changes.

Educational Leadership

The curriculum package approved by the faculty in the Department of Educational Leadership includes the following:

3 Long Course Revision Forms to change title, description, objectives, and assignments; LEED 8410 from Advanced Research in Educational Leadership to Methods of Inquiry in Educational Leadership – I; LEED 8420 from Quantitative Research in Educational Leadership to Methods of Inquiry in Educational Leadership – II; LEED 8430 from Qualitative Research in Educational Leadership to Methods of Inquiry in Educational Leadership – III and 1 Program Revision Form to revise the EdD in Educational Leadership


  • Count 27 credit hours from the completed Education Specialist Degree at ECU toward the total of 60 hours of the EdD degree.
  • Revise program Core Courses from 15 credit hours to 21 credit hours
    • Move LEED 8015 to K12 concentration
    • Delete and bank LEED 8055
    • Add LEED 8020 from HiEd concentration, LEED 8025 from K12 concentration, LEED 8030 from HiEd concentration, and LEED 8060 from HiEd Concentration
  • Revise Research Courses from 12 credit hours to 15 credit hours
    • Add LEED 8045 from HiEd Concentration
    • LEED 8410 – change title, description, objectives, assignments
    • LEED 8420 – change title, description, objectives, assignments
    • LEED 8430 – change title, description, objectives, assignments
  • Move LEED 8991 and LEED 8992 from overall program of study to K12 concentration
  • Revise Higher Education Concentration from 21 credit hours to 18 credit hours
    • Move LEED 8020 from concentration to Core Courses
    • Move LEED 8030 from concentration to Core Courses
    • Delete and bank LEED 8040
    • Move LEED 8045 from concentration to Research Courses
    • Move LEED 8060 from concentration to Core Courses
    • Add LEED 8047
    • Add LDHE 8070
    • Add LDHE 8080
    • Add LEED 7520 to be taken twice
  • Revise K12 Concentration courses from 21 credit hours to 18 credit hours
    • Move LEED 8025 from concentration to Core Courses
    • Delete option to choose courses and replace with the following courses:
      • Add LEED 7408
      • Add LEED 7429
      • Add LEED 7470
      • Move LEED 8015 from Core Courses to K12 Concentration courses
      • Move LEED 8991 and LEED 8992 to K12 Concentration courses


Special Education, Foundations, Research BS Special Ed-Adapted


The Faculty in the Department of Special Education, Foundations, and Research program revision involves adjusting the course offerings based on another department’s course revisions and adding a note for Program Director approval of another course option. The short course revisions include removal of prerequisites or co-requisites or adjusting practicum information in course program notes.


  1. EDUC 3200: Remove prerequisites “early experience course or consent of instructor”
  2. SPED 3004: Remove Co-requisites. 3100/3109 or 3200/3209
  3. SPED 3100: Remove 3004 as pre/co-req
  4. SPED 3109: Remove 3004 as pre/co-req
  5. SPED 3200: Remove 3004 as pre/co-req
  6. SPED 3209: Remove 3004 as pre/co-req
  7. SPED 3603: Remove note about Practicum requirement
  8. SPED 4001: Add note about practicum and transportation requirements


Special Education – Adapted Curriculum

  • Remove as course options KINE 5303, 5903, 5904 and replace as course options with KINE 3904, 4303, 4903; Add option in Adaptive Physical Education “or any course(s) approved by the program coordinator”


Summary of Request – Human Dev & Family Sci – GR


This curriculum package includes:

1) Change in the number and nomenclature for course FACS 6990 which will be now changed to HDFS 6880

2) Removal of the pre-requisite of EDUC 6482 /SCIE 6500 for the newly changed course HDFS 6880

3) Removal of course FACS 6990 as a pre-requisite for course HDFS 6990


Summary of Request Elementary & Middle Grades – GR Elementary and Middle Grades MAEds


Faculty conducted a review of the graduate course offerings in the Elementary Education MAEd program and in the Middle Grades MAEd program. As a result of the program review, we propose the following changes for the MAEd in Elementary Education:


  1. Reduce the number of hours required for the MAEd in Elementary Education from 36 hours to 33 hours.
  2. Establish three new courses to the ELEM MAEd offerings (ELEM 6700, ELEM 5990, and ELEM 6350).
  3. Remove SPED 6002, EDUC 6482, EDUC 6480, and SCIE 6500 from the required courses within the Elementary Education MAEd.
  4. Rename and revise ELEM 6000 and ELEM 6001.
  5. Add ELEM 6488 to the Elementary Education required core courses as an option between this course and the new content pedagogy course ELEM 6350.
  6. Revise thesis option
  7. Remove one concentration (TESL)
  8. Rename one concentration (“Early Childhood” renamed to “Early Childhood: K-3 Instructional Strategies”
  9. Revise course options in one concentration (Content Pedagogy)
  • Remove: MATE 6320, SCIE 6019, READ 5316, and READ 6421
  • Leave as is: ELEM 6406, ELEM 6410, ELEM 6412, ELEM 6488
  • Add: ELEM 6625, ELEM 6350, MIDG 6500, MIDG 6600
  • Student options will be listed as: Choose 9 s.h. from ELEM 6350; ELEM 6412 or ELEM 6410; ELEM 6488 or ELEM 6406 or MIDG 6500 or MIDG 6600; ELEM 6625

The curriculum package includes: 3 New Course Forms, ELEM 5990 – Special Topics in Elementary Education, ELEM 6350 – Advanced Content Pedagogy in Elementary Education, and ELEM 6700 – Teachers as Leaders in Elementary Education along with 2 Long Course Revision Forms, ELEM 6000 – Educational Research in the Classroom I and ELEM 6001 – Educational Research in the Classroom II and a program revision form.


As a result of the program review, we propose the following changes for the MAEd in Middle Grades Education:


  1. Reduce the number of hours required for the MIDG MAEd from 36 to 30 credits.
  2. Remove SPED 6002, EDUC 6482, EDUC 6480, and SCIE 6500 from the required courses
  3. Remove MIDG 6100.
  4. Rename and revise MIDG 6000 and 6401.
  5. Revise thesis option.
  6. Create two new courses for concentration options (MIDG 6500 and MIDG 6600).
  7. Add MIDG 6500 as an option in the MIDG English concentration.
  8. Add MIDG 6600 as an option in the MIDG Social Studies concentration.

The curriculum package approved by the faculty in the Department of Elementary Education and Middle Grades Education for the revisions to the Middle Grades Education MAEd include: 2 New Course Forms, MIDG 6500 – Teaching Middle Grades English and MIDG 6600 – Teaching Middle Grades Social Studies; 2 Long Course Revision Forms, MIDG 6000 – Educational Research in the Classroom I and MIDG 6401 – Educational Research in the Classroom II, and 1

Program Revision Form


All proposals were accepted by CEP  * Note: Dr. Weiss abstained on the vote for the SPED UG package due to her role as Chair of the UCC.

Evaluation & Planning – Chair Cynthia Wagoner, no report

Admissions & Retention – Chair Charity Cayton.  An email was sent 3/31/21 to all regarding the Student Teacher of the Year award process and due date.

Policy – Chair Laura Levi-Altstaedter, no report


Chris Rivera moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Dawn Shelton.  The meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Sherry S. Tripp

Sherry S. Tripp

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