November 2021


Minutes for November 8, 2021

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.


The third meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2021-2022 academic year was held Monday, November 8, 2021 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kimberly Anderson, Susannah Berry, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Bethann Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Jennifer Gallagher, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Julie Stanley, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss, Kevin White and visitor Monisha Atkinson.  Absent were Phyllis Broughton, Chris Rivera and Cynthia Wagoner.


Approval of Minutes October 18, 2021 Meeting


The minutes of the October 18, 2021 meeting were accepted.




Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following highlights from the Recruitment and Retention Plan for initial programs developed by OEP in preparation for CAEP Standard 3. The plan has three overarching recruitment goals and three overarching retention goals. Each goal has 2-3 strategies based on data analysis with target action steps. This is a living document that will be monitored and updated annually. The plan can be downloaded within the CAEP Canvas Course under Initial Standard 3 evidences. Advanced programs are not included within this plan as recruitment is done at the programmatic level in those programs. Advanced Standard 3 is in Phase-in and program coordinators are working on goals for an admissions plan.


OADD continues to prepare for the CAEP virtual site visit February 20-22, 2022. Dr. Fales will be sending an email to designated faculty members including program coordinators to indicate their availability for site interviews.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update: Early Release Date for fall 2021 Interns is November 23, 2021.


OCE – Internship I, round 1 requests have been completed

Intern II candidates Fall 2021 will be meeting in a F2F seminar to share licensure requirements in December.


Alternative Licensure — 200 – Fully accepted to ERM for spring semester; 121 – Admitted/in process for spring semester; 26 – In GPA class for Fall – potentially accepted to Spring ERM. Additionally, we have 38 requesting a Spring class for their GPA to get into the Fall 2022 cohort.


Old Business

A graduate student member is still needed for this committee. Please send names to  Nellyanna “Nelly” Cordera-Cisnero is our undergrad representative and will be joining us next month. Special thanks to Dawn Shelton for the referral.


The new Dispositions Instrument Implementation and timeline was to be discussed and voted on this month.  Due to a department needing additional time for review, the vote will be delayed until next month.


Spring practica/early field experiences placements will be sought for all courses. However, we continue to have difficulty placing practica students as teachers are exhausted form the stress and strain of the pandemic. Therefore, faculty who teach practica courses should be ready with alternative assignments in case the spring continues to be challenging for early field placements. Internship supervision for spring will continue with two F2F (2nd and 4th observations) and two GoReact (1st and 3rd observations) in network schools.  Out of network schools will use Go React for all 4 observations.  Susannah Berry asked if it would be helpful to send the course number of courses that programs wish to prioritize for placements (in case it becomes difficult to place) to which Dr. Covington replied “yes”.


Once we get through 2021-2022, we need to make a decision about university supervision going forward. To that end, OEP will survey LCSN, CTs, USs and program areas about their experiences with remote supervision vs face-to-face supervision given almost all fall and spring interns will have had some of both. A policy for 2022-2023 forward will need to be adopted mid to late spring 2022.


New Business

1,555 Alternative Licensure candidates are currently enrolled (includes all licensure areas), within the COE we have 1,177 UGs enrolled (does not include KINE, FACS, B-K, ART, MUSC, THEA, FORL)


Standing Committees


Curriculum, Dr. Christy Walcott, Chair

The committee met Number 2, 2021 and approved the following in the Master of Library Science:

There were changes to pre- or co-requisites and 1 course with changes to pre-requisites and a revision to course description.  10 Short Course Revision Forms for the following courses:

  • LIBS 6026: Organization of Information in Libraries: Remove LIBS 6016 as a prerequisite.
  • LIBS 6048: Collection Development: Remove LIBS 6016 and LIBS 6026 as prerequisites.
  • LIBS 6133: Materials for Early Childhood: Remove LIBS 6016, LIBS 6019, LIBS 6026, LIBS 6048 as prerequisites and remove LIBS 6048 as a recommended prerequisite.
  • LIBS 6135: Materials for Children: Remove LIBS 6016, LIBS 6019, LIBS 6026 as prerequisites and remove LIBS 6048 as a recommended prerequisite.
  • LIBS 6142: Instructional Foundation of the School Library Media Program: Change LIBS 6048 from a recommended prerequisite to a prerequisite/corequisite.
  • LIBS 6856: Information Literacy & Library Instruction: Add LIBS 6010 as a prerequisite.
  • LIBS 6872: Research Methods in Library & Information Studies: Add LIBS 6014 as a prerequisite.
  • LIBS 6903: Special Topic: Remove LIBS 6014, LIBS 6031, and LIBS 6048 as prerequisites and add “6 s.h.; or consent of chair.”
  • LIBS 6991: School Library Internship: Add LIBS 6142 as a prerequisite.
  • LIBS 7050: Seminar on Public Libraries: Add LIBS 6014 as a prerequisite.

And one long course revision form:

  • LIBS 6137: Materials for Young Adults:
    • Remove LIBS 6016, LIBS 6019, LIBS 6026 as prerequisites
    • Remove LIBS 6135 as a recommended prerequisite
    • Remove LIBS 6048 as a recommended prerequisites/corequisite

Revise course description from: “Evaluation, selection and use of contemporary fiction, informational books and other media for high school age young adults, grades 9-12.” to “Evaluation, selection and use of contemporary fiction, informational books and other media for teens and young adults, ages 13-18 years old.”


The motion from the committee passed unanimously in the full CEP.


Evaluation & Planning – Dr. Stacy Weiss, Chair reported as noted earlier the new Dispositions Instrument Implementation and timeline was to be discussed and voted on this month.  Due to a department needing additional time for review, the vote will be delayed until next month.


This new Dispositions instrument will eventually be required in the department’s early field experience course XXXX 2123 (a few programs have slightly different course #s); Internship I Methods course, and the CPAST is used in Internship II. Until that time, the current required use of Dispositions A in 2123, Dispositions B in Internship I and CPAST in Internship II should continue.  (Both documents were resent to committee members after the meeting).


Admissions & Retention– Dr. Charity Clayton, Chair, No report


Policy– Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Chair—No report


The next CEP meeting is Monday, December 13, 2021. Patricia Clark moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Bethann Cole. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 4:06 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Sherry S. Tripp

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