February 2022


Minutes for February 14, 2022

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.


The sixth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2021-2022 academic year was held Monday, February 14, 2022 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Kimberly Anderson, Susannah Berry, Phyllis Broughton, Kayla Chandler, Bethann Cole, Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Nanyoung Kim, CJ Korenek (LCSN Rep), Rhea Miles, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Julie Stanley, Cynthia Wagoner, Stacy Weiss, Kevin White, Visitor Monisha Atkinson and student rep Nelly Cordero-Cisnero.  Absent were Patch Clark, Jennifer Gallagher, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Chris Rivera, and Christy Walcott.


Approval of Minutes January 10, 2022 Meeting


A motion was made by Bethann Cole and seconded by Bernice Dodor to approve the minutes.  The minutes of the January 10, 2022 meeting were accepted.



Kayla Chandler was elected by MSITE to be their representative for the remainder of the year. Charity Cayton has a conflict at this time but will return to CEP in the fall.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, reported on the upcoming CAEP visit. OADD continues to prepare for the CAEP virtual site visit February 20-22, 2022.


One hundred seventy-five participants in 30 sessions are scheduled with the CAEP review team. Seven site team members will run three sessions concurrently beginning Sunday afternoon and Monday.  Prep sessions have been held with candidates and completers.


Passing rates on edTPA scores for Residency (ERM candidates) are trending upward.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:


Clinical Experiences Items:

Internship Application information was distributed last week to program areas and advisors to share with candidates. There was a link to the recording that provides candidates information to complete their application. There will be an optional face to face meeting February 25th in Speight 301, 9:30-11:30 a.m., if candidates would like to attend a live session. The session will be synchronous for them to also join remotely if they wish to get questions answered.


Intern I fall 22/Intern II spring 23 applications are due: Round I is due April 4, round 2 is due May 10, and round 3 is July 1.


Placements for spring 2022 are to be in place for instructors of early field experiences by 2/25/22.  The requests have been positively received by district partners; however, some of the travel commutes to placement sites may be longer, so prepare your candidates that it could be a 45-minute commute versus a 15 or 20-minute commute to a practica site.


Upcoming dates:

March 3 – Clinical Teacher Conference: Scheduled face-to-face as of right now

March 30th – ECU Career Fair: Scheduled face-to-face as of right now


Some school districts are lifting mask mandates. Candidates should follow the district COVID policies in place. If masks are optional candidates need to make that decision for themselves as to mask or not. All candidates in approved online programs are ECU students regardless of DE status. This means they are still required to do surveillance testing if they did not attest to vaccination and use the COVID Self-Reporting Form in PiratePort if they test positive as do all other campus-based program candidates, even if they don’t come on campus.


Currently there are 1079 undergraduates admitted to Upper Division and 1350 alternative candidates enrolled.


Old Business

The NC Pathways to Excellence in Teaching Update handout was included with materials.

  • Presented to SBE 1-6-2022 with same ppt used when it was first introduced in 2021
  • No movement in the 4 subcommittees that met for 6 months
  • DPI is taking “all feedback from the subcommittees under consideration” and DPI will bring revised model to subcommittees in March with monthly reports to SBE.
  • No mention of master’s pay or master’s degrees in the model anywhere – only teaching effectiveness (which has yet to be defined). It is not master’s degree friendly.
  • Microcredentials will play a large part in licensure – more than likely at both the initial and continuing levels
  • Programs need to be thinking about their courses – what competencies are taught, how are they demonstrated (products made by candidates) and how these might be converted to microcredentials to be ready for this shift. The state does not have a system in place for reviewing/approving microcredentials but they are seriously considering this.


New Business

The 2020-2021 IHE Report – Pass Rates were discussed and was given as an attachment separate from minutes. The report includes initial license completer data in all pathways.


  • Total Completers is up 259 over 2019-2020 and up 280 of 2018-2019
  • Total UG Pathway Completers is up 35 over 2019-2020 and up 42 over 2018-2019
  • Total Alternative Pathway Completers is up 240 over 2019-2020 and up 259 over 2018-2019
  • Lateral Entry Pathway was last allowed April 15, 2019. Candidates must finish by June 30, 2022
  • Residency Pathway began Fall 2019 = 95 completers as of spring 2021
  • Lateral Entry did not have to do edTPA; Residency must do edTPA.
  • All Pathways were severely impacted by COVID related challenges in 2019-2020 and to a lesser extent 2020-2021.


Title 2 Pass Rates from 2017-2020 were discussed. 2017 had a pass rate of 94.6 at the end of the 4th year of employment (year 3 was 92.75).  2018 had a pass rate of 91.83 at the end of 3rd year of employment. 2019 had a pass rate of 92.97 at the end of 2nd year of employment and 2020 had a pass rate of 88.92 at the end of 1st year of employment.


Standing Committees


Curriculum, Dr. Christy Walcott, Chair—Reported by Vivian Covington

CEP Curriculum Committee met February 1, 2022 and approved the following.

  1. Elementary and Middle Grades Education – Graduate


Three new courses proposed to facilitate action research in the MAED in Elementary Education and the MAEd in Middle Grades Education.


ELEM 6005: developed to include a broader focus on educational research. The Elementary Education program left the professional core umbrella of the MAEd and removed EDUC 6482 Introduction to Educational Research as a requirement.


MIDG 6400: developed to include a broader focus on educational research. The Middle Grades Education program left the professional core umbrella of the MAEd and removed EDUC 6482 Introduction to Educational Research as a requirement.


MIDG 6402: developed to follow MIDG 6400 in the middle grades new research course series. MIDG 6400 includes a broader focus on educational research since the Middle Grades Education program left the professional core umbrella of the MAEd and removing EDUC 6482 Introduction to Educational Research as requirement. MIDG 6402 will be the second course in the series.

  1. Interdisciplinary Professions – Graduate

Courses were outside the purview of the CEP as they affect non-licensure programs. The committee did not review them. But because the proposal has “licensure” checked as “yes” the Chair of CEP will approve and move them forward.


  1. Interdisciplinary Programs – Graduate


Faculty in the Counselor Education Program voted and approved the following curriculum for a post-master’s certificate in school counseling. Faculty conducted a review of the inquiries we receive from professional counselors who currently hold a master’s degree with a credential in a different counseling specialization and are pursuing a career in school counseling. All candidates must have graduated from a CACREP accredited institution. As a result of this review, we propose the following revisions:

New post-master’s certificate for school counseling

Require four existing courses in our program as follows:

  • COAD 6406: Counseling in Schools
  • COAD 6370: Counseling Children & Adolescents
  • COAD 6991: Counseling Internship I
  • COAD 6992: Counseling Internship II
  1. Human Development and Family Sciences: B-K Education – Undergraduate

The Birth through Kindergarten program is reviewing and revising course objectives to reflect Bloom’s Taxonomy in: HDFS 3150 Introduction to Early Childhood Intervention and HDFS 3321 Infant and Toddler Curriculum. No content or delivery revisions are being made.

Evaluation & Planning – Dr. Stacy Weiss, Chair–No report.

Admissions & Retention– Dr. Charity Clayton, Chair–No report

Policy– Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Chair—No report


The next CEP meeting is Monday, March 14, 2022 at 3:15 via Teams.


Cynthia Wagoner moved to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Dan Novey. The motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.



Respectfully submitted,


Sherry S. Tripp

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