April 2010 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for April 12, 2010

The eighth and final meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2009-2010 academic year was held Monday, April 12, 2010 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Rick Barnes Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair) Lana Kay Dotson, Dana Espinosa, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Laura King, LCSN representative Chris Moxley, Diana Lys, Betty Peel, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Sharon Schleigh, Christine Shea, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Sarah Williams, Barbara Woods and visitor Crystal Jones. Absent were Cynthia Bickley-Green, Chris Capehart, Brenda Eastman, Johna Faulconer and Nicole Griffin.

Order of Business

Agenda I –Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the March 15, 2010 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements. The NC-ACTE Teacher Ed Forum will be held September 23-24, 2010 at the North Raleigh Hilton. Interested presenters should submit a proposal by May 25, 2010. A handout with detailed information was distributed. Access www.nc-acte.org for specific guidelines for submitting a proposal and conference registration information. CTE members attending the Forum will be reimbursed for the registration fee. The Forum allows private and public teacher education institutions a chance to communicate.

The next two internship placement rounds for fall Senior I/spring Senior II are May 7, and July 1 2010. These are the only remaining dates that applications will be accepted for fall Senior I/spring Senior II placements.

A flyer was distributed listing additional test dates for students needing the Math Placement Test. The dates are April 29, April 30, May 3 and May 4, 2010. Gwen Hardin, harding@ecu.edu may be contacted for test times and additional information.

Clinical Teacher Training for summer 2010 will be held in several locations. Clinical teachers work through their central office liaison except Pitt County teachers will work with their principals. Craven, June 18th; Pitt, June 21st OR 22nd; Wilson, June 28th OR 29th. The registration deadline is May 5, 2010.

University Supervisor Training will be at the beginning of August. Let Vivian Covington know of any new supervisors who should attend.

Two candidates for the Director of Teaching Fellows and Maynard Scholars Program, Dionna Manning and Ebony Green, will be interviewed on April 14 and April 19, respectively, and an open forum held for each one from 1:00-1:45 p.m. on those days. Their interview schedule and CV were sent electronically earlier for CTE members to share with their faculty.

Agenda III-Assessment Update

Dr. Lys stated that she had a successful start to TaskStream trainings. Twenty faculty members from across teacher education attended sessions. She thanked Carol Brown, who was assisted by Tony Thompson and Patricia Slagter Van Tryon, for the TPACK-21st Century Skills workshop. Fifteen faculty members attended. A media site is available and she will send the address to members. As a reminder, a timeline for initial and MAED Licensure Programs are below.

Initial Licensure Programs

Electronic Evidence Name Description Unit or Program Area When Collected When will YOUR program area begin collecting this evidence? (Course/Semester)
EE1 Content Knowledge Transcript or Praxis II Program Area May Vary
EE2 Content Knowledge Depth & Rigor Program Area May Vary – Sr. I
EE3 Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Instructional Unit and Impact on Student Learning Unit May Vary – Sr. I/II
EE4 Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Certification of Teaching Capacity Unit Sr. II
EE5 Positive Impact on Student Learning Unit and Impact on Student Learning Unit Sr. II
EE6 Leadership Leadership Unit Sr. II
EE7 Collaboration Home, School, Community Project Program Area May Vary – Sr. I/II

Based on the chart above, encourage your faculty who teach the courses in which your evidences are embedded to participate in TaskStream training during April 2010 or throughout Fall 2010.

RUBRICS – All ECU rubrics will be reviewed by NC DPI in July 2010. Programs will receive feedback on their rubrics and have the opportunity to make revisions in TaskStream in early Fall 2010. The COE Assessment Office will enter all rubrics into TaskStream in their current state and program areas will make revisions based on the NC DPI feedback.

MAED Revisions/Timelines

Element Assignment Responsibility Timeline
Section A Description of Revisions using Charts A1 and A2 Program Area Faculty, MAED Core course faculty, COE Assessment Office To COE Assessment Office – September 1, 2010
To NC DPI – October 1, 2010
Section B Public School Involvement COE Assessment Office, with input from MAEd Coordinators Initial draft by May 2009
Section C Electronic Evidences Program Area Faculty, MAED Core course faculty, COE Assessment Office To COE Assessment Office – September 1, 2010
To NC DPI – October 1, 2010
Section D Implementation Timeline Template developed by COE Assessment Office. Completed by MAEd Coordinators Template developed by March 15, 2010. To COE Assessment Office – September 1, 2010


Templates available in SharePoint to assist with revisions:

  • Matrix for course-standards alignment, including Graduate Teaching Standards and 21st Century Skills
  • Rubric template
  • Implementation Timeline template

Graduate Evidences

Evidence/Assessment NC DPI Unit or Program Area Course Embedded Timeline – When first collected?
GE1 – Diversity St. 2 – Respectful Learning Environments; St. 5 – Teacher Reflection Unit EDUC 6001 Fall 2011
GE2 – Leadership St. 1 – Teacher Leadership Unit Leadership & Communications Courses – ADED 6550, ELEM 6550, LEED 6000 Fall 2011
GE3 – Content Knowledge and Student Learning St. 3 – Content; St 4 – Student Learning Program Area Will vary by program area. May vary.

Her goal is to assist all program areas in completing their revisions before July 1 and will be glad to meet with departments. We will not submit as a unit until October 1, but it is possible to complete the work of revisioning prior to Summer 2010.

The Department of Educational Leadership has been working in TaskStream for the past year and half re-visioning the MSA program and has received approval from DPI and UNC-GA. They are ready to implement and move forward.

Agenda IV –Old Business

Clarification was given on reduced DPI requirements for licensure that affect Foundation Curriculum requirements (deletion of the specific requirement for a history course, a literature course, MATE 1067 or MATH 1065 or 1066 or 2127; PSYC 1000, and PSYC 3206 for secondary and K-12 programs). Teacher education programs may choose, like all other majors, (1) courses in Humanities and Fine Arts, unless the program area requires “a literature” course; (2) MATH 1065 or MATH 1050, unless the program area specifies MATH 1065; (3) courses in Social Sciences, unless the program area is specific about “a history”. There are no changes in the areas of English, Health and Exercise Sport Science and Science. Mike Bossé stated that his opinion was that MATH 1065 was the preferred course for teacher education majors.

The curriculum changes from FACS that were removed from the vote at the last meeting have been reviewed. A motion from Joe Ciechalski and a second from Carol Brown to accept the proposal as written in the March 15, 2010 minutes was approved. There was one abstention.

Agenda V –New Business


Agenda VI – Standing Committees

Curriculum — Carol Brown reported that the CTE Curriculum Committee met virtually on April 1, 2010 and final decisions documented at 9:00 a.m. on April 5, 2010. The committee approved the changes in the BS degrees in French, German and Hispanic Studies based on the mandate from the NC State Board of Education to revise licensure program requirements. As part of the revision, a diversity requirement has been added. Students may choose between EDUC 3002, Introduction to Diversity or PSYC 2777, Ethnocultural Psychology. The report was accepted.

Evaluation & Planning — No report

Admission & Retention — No report. Vivian Covington stated that the committee needs to meet to discuss any changes for the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook.

Policy — The committee chair, David Gabbard and Vivian Covington will meet with the attorney to shore up the felon policy by fall semester.

Agenda VII – Ad Hoc Committees

Dr. Lys reported that the Conceptual Framework Committee is in the process of organizing and narrowing the foundations piece to have ready for the fall.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next meeting will be in September.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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