April 2011 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for April 11, 2011

The seventh and final meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2010-2011 academic year was held Monday, April 11, 2011, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Elizabeth Briggs, Carol Brown, John Carlson, Vivian Covington (Chair), Mike Dawson, Johna Faulconer, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Cheryl Johnson, Troy Jones, Laura King, LCSN Representative Chris Moxley, Diana Lys, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Sharon Schleigh, Shari Steadman, Student Rep Katherine Alligood, Jane Teleki, Jamie Williams, and visitor Crystal Jones.  Absent were Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Brenda Eastman, Susan Morgan, Student Rep Jonathan Lewis, Ivan Wallace, and Sarah Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I–Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the March 14, 2011 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II– Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

A face to face TaskStream training opportunity, TaskStream Evaluator Training, will be held April 15 from 9-10:30 a.m. in Speight 242.  An online training, TaskStream Orientation for Faculty began April 11 via Blackboard and TaskStream Evaluator Training will begin April 18 via Blackboard. You may register through  http://core.ecu.edu/itconsult/sunr/professional%20development/default.cfm. An Orientation for Faculty was held earlier this month. During the first summer session, one face to face and one online training will be held each month. Other sessions will be held in late August or early September for those needing the training prior to fall semester.

The BITE 2000 Computer Challenge Exam will be given April 26, 2011 from 9-11 a.m. in BATE 2023. This is for students needing to meet the technology competency for Upper Division. Students should contact  bassm@ecu.edu.

Math Placement Tests will be offered on May 2nd, 3rd, or 5th in  Austin 110. Contact Gwen Hardin  harding@ecu.edufor more information.

Agenda III-Assessment Update & Accreditation

Program Area Coordinators, who wrote assessments in the past, received information from the Assessment Office on a disk. Now information on dispositions, progress reports, and portfolios will be through Report Manager in a BIC Report. Each program area coordinator will be able to access their information by a particular term.  The website is https://reports.intra.ecu.edu/reports/Pages/Folder.aspx.

Agenda IV –Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Vivian Covington reported for Susan Morgan, Lead Coordinator OCE/AL. Three hundred forty (340) applications were received in the first round of internship applications for SRI/SRII for Fall 2011/Spring 2012 and are currently being placed.  The second round is due May 13 at 5:00 p.m.  and the final round is due July 1 at 5:00 p.m. Please check student’s Upper Division and GPA status prior to submitting the internship application.  Verification of Upper Division admission should be attached to the student’s application (from TEMS or Banner).  Her office adheres to the guidelines when placing students. Interns should not request placement at a school previously attended nor request a placement out of the network.  The decision to place is up to the school system. Clinical teacher training is approaching and help with soliciting teachers is welcome. (The next trainings are 6/17/11 in Craven County, 6/21 or 6/22/11 in Pitt County and 6/28 or 6/29/11 in Wilson County). The school system determines who is trained. Interns are to be placed with trained teachers if at all possible.

Plans of study are created in the Office of Alternative Licensure for Licensure Only (Post Bach Teacher Cert)students and add-ons. Once a student is ready to take courses, they are assigned an advisor and registration is completed by the advisor in the program area. Lateral Entry teachers are advised by the Alt. Licensure Office.

Susan Morgan will be emailing program area coordinators to verify courses on Plans of Study. She sent her thanks for all the help this year.

Agenda V –Old Business

Mike Dawson asked about evidences being needed for transferred courses. Vivian Covington stated that evidences must be completed even if the course is accepted by transfer or as post bach credit for a course.

Marcela Ruiz-Funes asked if any clinical teacher training could be held on a Saturday or in the fall.  Vivian Covington said she could set up a clinical teacher training session in the fall for individuals not able to attend in the summer. Marcela said she would be available to assist with the training.

The Elementary PRAXIS test will change effective 9/1/2011. The new test is Elementary Education: Instructional Practice and Applications, test #0015, replacing 011 and 012. Art will also have a new test, Art Education, test #0135, which will replace 0131 and 0133. The old tests for both areas will still be accepted.

Agenda VI –New Business

Jane Teleki asked if an individual is licensed in an area different than the MAED they wish to pursue, is it better for someone to complete a post bach program in the new license area before applying for the MAED. Vivian Covington said it is up to the department, but students usually have to take additional courses in the new area and they are undergraduate level courses.  If enrolled in a MAED program, they would be paying graduate tuition, not undergraduate tuition.

The chair reminded everyone that the video consent form needs to be completed in the schools on each student, whether it is a video or audio taping of students.  Some schools may get permission at the beginning of the school year, eliminating the need for students to request permission from the parents.

Diana Lys said that the Middle Grade TPAC students in the pilot all did videos and memos were sent to the superintendent and the clinical teacher. Sharon Schleigh stated that video cameras are available from the main desk in the library and the Teacher Resource Center in the library. Vivian Covington stated that flip cameras may be required for students needing to video in the schools.

There has been some discussion concerning the elimination of masters pay for teachers receiving a masters in a content area and National Board pay increases beginning in July. Nothing has been seen in legislation about this.

The Granville County Cohort in Reading has worked with Curriculum & Instruction to begin a MAED in Reading this summer.

This legislation, if passed, will have a large impact on graduate enrollment, such as the reading cohort mention above.

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Curriculum — The Curriculum Committee met April 1, 2011 and recommended approval of the following.

Catalog revisions in Music Education:

The School of Music proposed a catalogue change to require all Music Ed. students take no more than 6 applied music classes at the 1000 level and no more than 3 at the 3000 level.  This is to prevent students from using up the applied teachers’ studio time and to encourage students to complete their courses in a timely manner.  (editorial change for clarification in number of hours students may take in applied music courses only).

Curriculum & Instruction (C&I) proposed adding a TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) strand for the MAED in Elementary Education and the MAED in Reading. The TESL strand would offer students an opportunity to select nine credits from four courses currently cited in the graduate catalog as follows:

TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language

6100. Planning, Implementing and Managing ESL Instruction (3)

6200. Culture and Language in ESL Instruction (3) P: TESL 6100 or permission of chair. 6300. Assessment in ESL Instruction (3) P: TESL 6100, 6200; or permission of chair 6500. Professionalism and Evidence-Based Accountability (3)

P: TESL 6100, 6200, and 6300; or permission of chair.

It was emphasized that the TESL strand would not allow someone to be recommended for a license in this area with either degree, as ECU does not have an approved program in that area.

The report was accepted.

Evaluation & Planning — No report

Admission & Retention — Vivian Covington asked that the committee meet and decide on the re-admission of several students into Senior I and II.  Please send your vote to Bill Grobe, chair of the committee. Minor revisions will be made to the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook (Apple Book).

Policy — No report

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.  The next meeting will be in September.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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