December 2007 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for December 10, 2007

The fourth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2007-2008 academic year was held Monday, December 10, 2007 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé,Boni Boswell, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Tom Caron, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lynne Davis, David Gabbard, Linda High, PCS representative Julie Cary, Betty Peel, Mary Lisa Pories,Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, Sarah Williams, Scott Williams, and guest, Mary BethCorbin. Absent were Joe Ciechalski, Meta Downes/Gregg Givens, Todd Finley, Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Tammy Lee, Mary Pickard, and Robbie Quinn.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the November 12, 2007 were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

The chair thanked Michael Brown for conducting the November meeting.

Dr. John Swope, Interim Dean, sent an email to faculty and staff in all teacher education areas reminding them that students that have not been admitted to Upper Division should not be admitted to upper division classes. Course registration has been overridden in many cases. Students not eligible for Upper Division have been dropped from their classes. In Banner, the message “PreQ and Test Score-Error” is equivalent to “not admitted to Upper Division”. It also pertains to course pre-requisites. Please check the upper division status on a student before registering a student for a class. This can be found in Banner on SOATEST. If admitted, it says “Upper Division Prerequisite”. Test date is the admission date. Please keep this in mind when trying to register students.

The next deadline for Senior I spring/Senior II fall placements is Friday, January 11, 2008 at 5:00p.m.

Marcela Ruiz-Funes announced that ECU, in collaboration with the Universidad Regiomontana in Monterrey Mexico is offering to pre-service educators, a one month long program from May 18 to June15, 2008 to introduce students to the culture of Mexico. Students will observe and assist in classrooms in the area. This program is open to all teacher education students. Students will earn6 semester hours. The contact persons are Rosa Maria Lopez-Canete at or Brandi Dudley at

A Raleigh News and Observer article on illegal immigration was distributed. State regulations require community colleges to admit illegal immigrants. In the past schools set their own rules for handling undocumented applicants. These individuals would have to pay out-of-state tuition, which would prevent many from attending.

An interesting article from the November issue of Wired Magazine on the link between art and science was included.

North Carolina in the World News illustrated how global education was at work in Onslow County’s Jacksonville High School. This school and eight other NC schools sent teachers and administrators to Mexico to develop relationships with their partner schools.

Please use the new Upper Division Application and CPL form and have students complete the entire application and form, which includes spaces for compiling composite scores on the PRAXIS and total SAT/ACT scores, if being used.

Agenda III – Old Business

Names of student representatives are still needed. Please send to Vivian Covington.

The November 30 meeting on new professional teaching standards was very successful. Lynne Davis thanked the Policy Committee for their work in facilitating the meeting. The Ad-Hoc Committees,Portfolio and Professional Studies, will remain as independent committees. The January 18, 2008meeting will focus on Standard 3, Content (8:30-12:00 TBA). Invite other faculty who are not necessarily teacher education faculty, but teach content area courses.

Agenda IV – New Business

Teachers of grades K-12 must now complete three renewal credits in their academic subject areas or content pedagogy per renewal cycle. We need to create CEU modules in content areas or pedagogy for in-service teachers.

Mary Beth Corbin of the Teaching Fellows Office spoke on NC Teaching Fellows (TF) recruitment. Postcards were mailed to students considering teaching as a career. Several departments have developed a handout describing their program area, which can be emailed, to students. She would like your help facilitating interest in the Teaching Fellows and Maynard Scholars Program. She promoted the student and faculty collaborative undergraduate research program which is available to NC TF or Maynard Scholars. Faculty and students participate in any type of qualitative or quantitative research. Contact the TF Office in Speight 203 for more information.

Mary Morrow Scholarship applications are available for individuals who are a NC resident in their junior year, currently enrolled in a teacher education program, and willing to teach in the public schools of NC for at least 2 years following graduation. Applications for this $1,000 scholarship must be postmarked by January 14, 2008. Contact Tarrick Cox, or 328-6208. Applications may be found at

Agenda V – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – no report

Evaluation and Planning – no report

Curriculum – no report

Policy – Michael Bossé reported that good data was received from the November 30 meeting. For development of the professional core, he would like to add representatives on the Policy Committee from service areas. The committee will meet on Tuesday to discuss using charter schools for internships. Presently students who are teaching assistants can remain at their school, but must change in Senior II.

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Graduate Programs – no report.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. The next meeting will be January 14, 2008.

Meeting dates for 2007-2008

  • January 14, 2008
  • March 3, 2008 (first Monday due to spring break)
  • February 11, 2008
  • April 14, 2008

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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