December 2008 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes from December 8, 2008

The fourth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2008-2009 academic year was held Monday, December 8, 2008 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Vic Aeby for Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kathy Davis, Lynne Davis, Kay Dotson, David Gabbard, Jennifer Gironda, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Laura King, Tammy Lee, Chris Locklear, LCSN representative Carla Frinsko, Betty Peel, Mary Pickard, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, Laurel Truelove, Sarah Williams, and visitors, Michelle Hairston and Chris Buddo from the School of Music. Absent were John Carlson, Meta Downes, Elizabeth Hodge, Robbie Quinn, and Christine Shea.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the November 10, 2008 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Members were reminded to let advisees know that PRAXIS I, PPST, will not be offered on March 14, 2009, June 13, 2009 and July 25, 2009.

The chair asked for a motion to change the order of the agenda. A motion was made by Michael Brown and seconded by Bill Grobe to change the order of the agenda and have the Standing Committee Reports first. The motion was approved.

Agenda III – Standing Committees

Curriculum — Carol Brown, chair, reported that the committee met December 1, 2008. A revision for HLTH 3020 was presented. The proposal will be re-submitted in January. EXSS 3805 will also be re-submitted next month. The next meeting will be January 12, 2009. The report was accepted.

Evaluation and Planning — Tammy Lee, chair reported the committee met and reviewed the recommendations reported at the November CTE meeting, which was to form several Ad Hoc Committee to work on the evidences that will be submitted to DPI as documentation of meeting standards. Evidence 6 was divided into two separate evidences. The committee is seeking any teacher education faculty to serve on one of the Ad Hoc Committees. The committees are for Evidence 3 and 5, Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge Skills and Dispositions (Instructional Practice) and Positive Impact on Student Learning (Instructional Impact); Evidence 4, Pedagogical and Professional Knowledge Skills and Dispositions (LEA/IHE Certification of Teaching Capacity); Evidence 6, Leadership and Evidence 7, Collaboration. The report was accepted.

Admission & Retention — Kathy Davis reported that the committee met November 24, 2008 and continued discussing the admission/retention process. The Deans’ Council is still debating whether to still require the 2.5 GPA and Praxis I tests for admission into Upper Division. The COMM 2410 or a public speaking class is important to meet the 21st Century Skills. There is concern that there are not enough of these classes to require it for all teacher education students. Perhaps the Provost could help with making more sections. There is no need for a background check since that is checked during the Senior I seminars and LEAs are now paying to do background checks on interns in some counties. Only a grade of “C or better” will be used in particular courses. No numerical grades will be used. The continued use of BITE 2000 for admission to Upper Division was discussed. Although PSYC 1000 and 3206 are no longer required by DPI, some programs use PSYC 4305, which has PSYC 1000/3206 as pre-requisites.

The re-admission status of seven interns with special circumstances were accepted.

The following admission and retention requirements were shared.

Upper Division

  • 2.5 GPA
  • “C or better” in ENGL 1100 & 1200, MATH 1065 (or equivalent), and COMM 2410 (or equivalent) unless the Dean’s council decides to require PRAXIS I.
  • Upper Division Interview
  • Require BITE 2000 or challenge exam (or equivalent course taken within past four years)

Retention Points Elsewhere in the Programs

Two faculty in program area complete Form Bs – attached to internship application to get into Senior I

To enroll in Senior I, three letters of recommendation are required (2-program area; 1-outside)

In 2123, write an Observation Statement of Reflection

*Extra Consideration: revise Upper Division rubric to include 21st Century Skills

David Gabbard suggested that someone talk with faculty in the Communication’s Department to see what the public speaking class entails. The report was accepted.

Policy—see Old Business

Agenda IV – Old Business

Lynne Davis, Assessment Coordinator, gave an update on teacher education issues. The committee met November 12, 2008 and discussed how to handle advanced teaching programs if SBE votes to change pay structure for masters degrees and how to document candidate’s proficiency with 21st century skills. (Since the assessment meeting, SBE passed the masters pay proposal which allows for increased pay with or without advanced licensure, effective July 1, 2009). Discussion will begin in January. The re-visioning of the undergraduate curriculum process continues. The October meeting focused on evidence for the content/specialty areas and what could be developed. Lynne Davis met with area coordinators on 11/17/08. Everything is on schedule and the committee will meet again the week of January 19, 2009.

A compromise proposal in response to the CTE Policy Committee proposal for the professional core curriculum was presented. A motion was made by Michael Brown and seconded by Bill Grobe to accept the compromise. Several members felt that the reading course did not apply to their programs and was not helpful. Michael Bossé stated that research showed that generalized courses are not effective in specific programs. David Gabbard stated that individuals in concerned program areas should contact the new reading coordinator and communicate their concerns. Carla Frinsk stated that there is a push for all teachers to teach reading, either by teaching vocabulary or activities in all classes. Carol Brown reminded members that the syllabi for core courses are on the COE website under Assessment and Accountability. Michael Bossé moved to amend the motion to accept the proposal to include “READ 3990 or READ 5317 or another CTE approved course”. Michael Brown seconded. After more discussion, Michael Brown called for the question, which was seconded by Mary Lisa Pories. CTE voted in favor to vote on amending the proposal. The amended proposal passed.

Discussion continued with Michael Bossé moving to amend EDTC 4001, to include “or another CTE approved course”. Tammy Lee seconded. Kathy Davis was concerned with the courses since they have not been rewritten. Carol Brown stated that basic technology skills do not vary, but software and hardware changes. Michael Brown noted that he was against the amendment. Betty Peel stated that we seemed to be going back to original proposal with many “ors”. Linda High stated that their program did not have room to add another course. Michael Bossé said MATE 4001 is used in his program area. Lynne Davis voiced opposition to the amendment. Core courses should be unit wide, not program specific. Mary Lisa Pories called for the question, which was seconded by Betty Peel. CTE voted in favor to vote on amending the proposal. The amended proposal failed.

Michael Bossé moved to amend the proposed change by changing the course from two semester hours to one hour. It was seconded by Tammy Lee. Carol Brown stated that it is impossible to teach everything in a one semester hour course. Chris Locklear asked if it was the course or credit hours that is in question. Carla Frinsko stated there is so much more in teaching than the subject. Sarah Williams said the core is to build on and revisions were needed. Michael Brown called for the question, which was seconded by Tammy Lee. CTE voted in favor to vote on amending the proposal. The amended proposal failed.

Michael Bossé made a motion to eliminate EDTC 4001. Linda High seconded. Betty Peel called for the question. Tammy Lee seconded. CTE voted in favor to vote on amending the proposal. The amended proposal failed.

Lynne Davis moved to table the compromise proposal until January 2009. Marcela Ruiz-Funes seconded. The motion carried.

Agenda V – New Business


The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. The next meeting will be January 12, 2009. The meeting room will be determined later.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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