December 2009 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes from December 14, 2009

The fourth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2009-2010 academic year was held Monday, December 14, 2009 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Rick Barnes, Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Chris Capehart, John Carlson, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lana Kay Dotson, Johna Faulconer, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Laura King, LCSN representative Carla Frinsko, Adam Leggett, Diana Lys, , Betty Peel, Karli Ruscoe, Sharon Schleigh, Jane Teleki, Barbara Woods and visitor- Crystal Jones. Absent were Brenda Eastman, Dana Espinosa, Nicole Griffin, Michael Meloth, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Ivan Wallace, and Sarah Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I –Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the November 9, 2009 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements. The second and last round of internship applications for spring Senior I/fall Senior II are due the first day of classes, January 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m.

The mandatory Education Career Fair will be held February 23, 2010 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. at the Greenville Convention Center.

The Mary Lois Staton Reading/Language Arts Conference will be held February 16, 2010 from 12:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. at the Murphy Center. Interns not attending are expected to remain at their internship site.

The Pocosin Arts Folk School in Columbia, NC in partnership with the Rocky Mount Arts Center, will hold its 10th Annual Creative Arts Retreat February 18-21, 2010. Teacher licensure renewal credit is available. For more information, contact or

Agenda III-Assessment Update

Diana Lys, Interim Assessment Coordinator, gave an update. She has received two nominations for the Conceptual Framework Ad Hoc Committee. Please send names to her. Vivian Covington will contact nominees and a committee will be formed soon.

In January, Dr. Lys would like to load conceptual frameworks from peer institutions for viewing in SharePoint.

The two versions of the Electronic Evidence 4, new Progress Reports, were discussed prior to voting. Version 1 received zero votes and Version 2 received 12 votes. Four members abstained. The chosen version will be going into TaskStream.

She also shared the Training Implementation Schedule for TaskStream (TS). Mini orientations for the Provost’s Council, COE Leadership team, CTE and the COE Advisory Council will be held in January and February of 2010 focusing on Directed Response Folio setup, student tasks, faculty key codes and workflow. Information about other support resources available will be provided. TS training for students in EDTC 4001 will be developed in February. At the March 24, 2010 Clinical Teacher Conference Ben Coulter from TS may present and provide a brief overview of “things to come” and address concerns regarding implementation and training. April and May will be training time for faculty and staff and a Blackboard module for EDTC 4001 will be developed. June through September will be training time for clinical teachers, and supervisors. The TS module will be introduced for EDTC 4001 in August/September. Additional training materials, for use as needed, will be posted to the COE webpage for TS support. Training and support will be ongoing.

Agenda IV –Old Business

Today’s refresher is on the licensure process.

At the final Senior II Internship Seminar at end of each semester (May/December), students are given license forms to complete and checks are collected. It takes the Registrar approximately 4-6 weeks to verify all grades/degrees, print, and

December 14, 2009 send transcripts to the Office of Teacher Education. Non-degree students must request their transcripts. The OTE takes about 1-2 weeks to separate transcripts, match applications by program area and collect all supporting information prior to submitting to DPI. There are 48 other institutions submitting application to DPI around the same time. Students needing verification of completion of a program and licensure need to make this request in writing. Students are given this information orally and written at the seminar. A NC license is not required if teaching out of state. Out of state license forms are verified by OTE also. Degree and licensure requirements are separate. By understanding the process, you can help us by helping the students to understand the process.

For the most part license applications for graduate level students are collected through each department prior to submitting to the Office of Teacher Education.

Agenda V –New Business


Agenda VI – Standing Committees

Curriculum – Carol Brown, chair, reported that the committee met and approved three proposals pending minor editorial changes.

Elementary Education

Eliminate ELEM 5335, Aerospace Education and eliminate ELEM 6300, Responsive Teaching to Diversity in the Elementary School (3), as two existing courses are similar.

Revise ELEM 6000- change name to Action Research Planning in Elementary Education and change from 2 to 3 s.h.

Revise ELEM 6001- change name to Implementation and Analysis of Action Research Project and change from 1 to 3 s.h.

Special Education

Add Special Education – General Curriculum to the existing MAT degree option and add 6 new courses (3 s.h. each);

  • SPED 6003, Assessment in Special Education;
  • SPED 6004, Legal and Critical Issues in Special Education;
  • SPED 6005, Curriculum and Instructional Design in Special Education;
  • SPED 6006, Analysis and Application of Instructional Methods in Special Education;
  • SPED 6007, Individual Behavior Strategies and Supports in Special Education;
  • SPED 6008, Linking Research and Practice in Special Education

Math Education

Add Math Education to the existing MAT degree option and add five new courses (3 s.h. each)

  • MATE 6110 Algebra and Number Theory for Teachers
  • MATE 6120 Geometry for Teachers
  • MATE 6130 Statistics and Probability for Teachers
  • MATE 6140 Functions and Analysis for Teachers I
  • MATE 6150 Functions and Analysis for Teachers II

The report was accepted pending editorial changes, with one “no” vote.

Evaluation & Planning — No report

Admission & Retention — The committee met and reviewed three cases involving students repeating the internship. All were approved to repeat the internship. The report was accepted.

Policy — Mike Bossé reported that the committee met and they have a draft on the policy statement regarding convictions. The committee will meet again January 4, 2010.

Four additional meetings remain for the calendar year January 11, February 8, March 15 and April 12.

There being no further business, the chair wished everyone a “Happy Holiday” and the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. The next meeting will be January 11, 2010. The location will be announced later.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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