January 2023


Minutes for January 9, 2023

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.

The fifth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2022-2023 academic year was held Monday, January 9, 2023 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Kim Anderson, Susannah Berry, Bethann Cole, Tim Dameron, Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales (Chair), Maureen Grady, CJ Korenek (LCSN Rep), Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Sarah Sconyers, Lisanne Shaffer-Dickerson, Rita Soulen, Nicole Tripp, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss (Vice-Chair), Kevin White and Visitor Monisha Atkinson.  Absent were Rob Benson, Phyllis Broughton, Jennifer Gallagher, Nanyoung Kim and Dawn Shelton.

Approval of Minutes December 12, 2022 Meeting

A motion was made by Sarah Sconyers and seconded by Cynthia Wagoner to approve the minutes of December 12, 2022.  The minutes were accepted.


Two Intern II Seminars were held today for elementary majors in the morning and other majors in the afternoon.  Over 300 interns were excited to be reporting to their internship site on January 10.

An Intern I Seminar was also held virtually today and the presentation was recorded to be sent via email to the interns.

The Spring 2023 Walter & Daisy Carson Latham Clinical Teacher & NC New Teacher Support Joint Conference sponsored by the COE will be held March 28, 2023 from 9-2:00 p.m. at the ECU Main Campus Student Center.  The Clinical Teacher of the Year also will be recognized.  So far 12 clinical teachers have been nominated. The spring interns receive the invitation in January and a response is due in February.  This is the first annual Teacher of the Year award and since the conference is prior to the end of the semester, Spring Intern IIs will have the opportunity to also nominate their teacher at the end of the semester for next year’s award.  Dr. Bryan Latham, who provided an endowment for the Latham Clinical Schools Network, is excited to give out the award this year.

The ECU Education Career Fair is scheduled for March 15 in the Main Campus Student Center.  Attending the Career Fair is mandatory for Intern IIs.  This year the fair falls during Pitt County Schools Spring Break and some candidates may be given an exemption if they have extenuating circumstances.  

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Sarah Sconyers, Interim Director reported the following:

  • New Dispositions Instrument training is available in the EPP/COE Faculty Resource hub in Canvas. Sarah Sconyers will send departments with training completers a brief report this week.
  • COE UG and Grad Exit Surveys were deployed 11/20-12/14. Results have been pulled and loaded to “Program Documents” in Nuventive Improve.

Integrating Task Stream and Canvas—what the integration will do.

  • Canvas courses and assignments can be directly linked to Taskstream portfolios and portfolio elements.
  • Annual Taskstream account creation/renewal codes will no longer be needed. Student Taskstream accounts will be automatically created when students are enrolled in a Canvas course tied to a Taskstream portfolio element.
  • Students will be able to upload work to Taskstream via Canvas when they log in using their ECU single sign-on; they will not need to log into the Taskstream website separately.
  • Instructors for Canvas/Taskstream integrated courses will automatically have Taskstream evaluator privileges for the portfolio elements tied to their course.
  • The integration will require instructors to set up and grade Taskstream-linked Canvas assignments in a particular way. OADD will provide training sessions and materials to support program faculty with these processes.

Timeline of Integration

Fall 2021, OADD and ITCS begin Taskstream/Canvas integration process

Summer 2022, Pilot begins with one section of EDUC 3200

Fall 2022, Pilot expands to include all sections of EDUC 3200, HIED 2123, and TPACK completion courses

Spring 2023 ,

  • Pilot expands to include HIED 3010 and HIED 4323
  • OADD tests Taskstream/Canvas, edTPA submission logistics
  • OADD collaborates with programs on comprehensive portfolio/course mapping
  • OADD provides training sessions and materials for program faculty

Summer 2023, OADD links Fall Canvas courses to corresponding portfolio elements

Fall 2023, Full integration implementation

Program areas will be receiving course listings to indicate whether to keep or remove program courses.  “Keep” may already be indicated in the spreadsheet for items the EPP uses as key gateways, CAEP data points or program requirements.  “Keep” should be indicated for any additional portfolio elements that provide data for Unit Assessment Reporting.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Tripp gave the following report.

For this term, currently there are 329 Intern II candidates.  There are 151 Intern I candidates.  The Round 2 Intern I placements for Spring 2023 was January 9, 2023.

University Supervisor (US) information was sent out today to program areas. There will be a virtual US meeting January 10 from 9:00-10:00 a.m.  Jason Whitted is updating the US list in Taskstream as new supervisors were added for the Spring.

Practicum information was sent out on January 4th and is due January 23rd.  OCE has the goal of returning placements to instructors by Feb. 23rd. Instructors please verify rosters as OCE works for placements from these rosters.  If someone is added or dropped, please connect with practicum@ecu.edu if this occurs after verification.  

ERM Advisory Board meeting is in the process of being scheduled for Spring 2023.

Old Business


New Business

Dr. Fales inquired with program areas about the impact of candidate disposition evaluations on Intern I methods course grade. Dr. Grady commented that faculty did not have dispositions ratings since this is completed by the CT in Sonia. Dr. Fales stated that disposition forms in Sonia for Intern 1 candidates are complete and Interns can download the completed forms from Sonia and provide to instructors. This may be a process where additional education is needed for candidates and instructors. A recent intern I situation arose where the intern completed coursework but the internship was cancelled due to unprofessional behavior, there was no way to reflect this in the Internship I course grade in accordance with the syllabus. Dr. Levi Alstaedter recommended that the Policy Committee examine dispositions impact on Intern I and determine if a new policy is needed. Susannah Berry motioned for the issue to be referred to the Policy Committee. The motion was seconded by Jeff Pizzutilla.

Standing Committees

Curriculum – Christy Walcott –No report, the committee did not meet on January 2nd and will communicate via email to make sure all packages are examined.

Evaluation & Planning  – Chair Cynthia Wagner– No report

Admissions & Retention – Chair Susannah Berry – No report

Policy– Chair Laura Levi Alstaedter – No report


Meeting Dates for 2022-2023February 13, March 13, April 10, May 8

The next CEP meeting will be on February 13, 2023.  The meeting adjourned at 4:11 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

Sherry S. Tripp

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