December 2012 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes from December 10, 2012

The fourth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2012-2013 academic year was held Monday, December 10, 2012 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Angelo Collins, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bill Grobe, Sandra Harvey, Diana Lys, James McKernan, Ron Preston, Robbie Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Shari Steadman, Cynthia Wagoner, Jamie Williams, and Student Reps Jessica Pate and Angelina Knies. Absent were Lena Carawan, Kaye Dotson, Bethann Fine, David Gabbard, Cheryl Johnson, Laura Levi Altstaedter, LCSN-PCS representative, Susan Morgan, and Ivan Wallace.

Order of Business

Agenda I –Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the November 12, 2012 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

University graduation is this Friday, December 14, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. The College of Education ceremony, which includes all teacher education graduates, will be at 5:00 p.m. Both are in Williams Arena at Minges Coliseum.

Information on the Inaugural Marian Drane Graham Scholars Programs for Summer 2013 was distributed. This program is open to rising juniors and seniors with a GPA of 3.0 attending one of the 16 constituent institutions of higher education in the UNC system. Scholars will work in a state government agency 15 to 20 hours per week to further their knowledge of how higher education impacts the state of NC. Students must have a faculty sponsor at the home institution that is willing to assist in the development of a capstone project. Students must also be willing to live in apartment-style housing on the NC State campus from May 11-June 23, 2013. The position carries a stipend of $3000. Resume, letter of interest, letter of recommendation from your faculty sponsor and unofficial transcripts should be submitted to Dr. Karrie Dixon, no later than January 30, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. Questions prior to the deadline should contact John Johnston at Candidates chosen for an interview will be notified in February. (Information was emailed earlier to CTE members).

An application for the Elisabeth Hyman Grant-in-Aid for Prospective Teachers, sponsored by Delta Kappa Gamma was distributed. This is a $400 stipend for prospective teachers with a junior or senior class standing. Applications are due no later than December 18 to Clarissa Lee at Please inform interested students. (The application was emailed to CTE members earlier).

Agenda III-Assessment Update & Accreditation

Diana Lys reported that on November 27-29, Dr. Cap Peck of the University of Washington and principal investigator of a grant from the Spencer Foundation along with Dr. Alicia Ardelia-Rey, of AACTE and The Holmes Scholar Program met with administrators, faculty and clinical teachers about how they use data to improve their effectiveness day-to-day. ECU was the second of ten institutions to be visited. UNC Chapel Hill and Stanford University nominated ECU for inclusion in the study.

NCDPI granted ECU permission to substitute edTPA for portfolio evidences. Dr. Lys will schedule one on one meetings with the appropriate program area individual, either the program coordinator or department chair to discuss substitutions.

Students in courses with EE2, electronic evidence, must pass this component as well as the class.

Agenda IV –Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Dr. Covington reported for Susan Morgan, Lead Coordinator OCE/AL. The date for the last round of internship applications is January 14, 2013, the first day of classes. Normally this date is for students finishing a class needed prior to Senior I. The Senior II Seminar will also be held on January 14. Senior I’s will meet on January 15.

University Supervisors will meet on December 12, 2012. The final Senior II Seminar will be December 13, 2012.

Agenda V –Old Business

Advisors need to check fall 2012 Senior I students moving to Senior II in spring 2013 for any required course failures, GPAs below 2.5 or course loads above 12 s.h.

December 10, 2012 One out of 500+ Senior I students did not comply with the criminal background check. Background checks will be completed on Senior I’s in spring 2013 also.

Agenda VI –New Business

This month, the State Board of Education passed new test requirements for graduates completing after July 1, 2014 in Elementary (in lieu of PRAXIS II, #5015) and Special Education-GC (in lieu of PRAXIS II, #0511, BUT #0543 is still required). Elementary and special ed students will take MTEL, Massachusetts Test for Education Licensure, Foundations of Reading (090) and General Curriculum (03): mathematics subtest and multi-subject subtest. In addition, special ed students will continue to take the PRAXIS II test, 0543. These tests will be effective July 1, 2014. The tests are more expensive than PRAXIS tests. An estimated cost for the elementary test would be $111 more and $135 more for all special ed tests. A pilot will be conducted to determine appropriate cut scores. Cut scores used in Massachusetts will be considered. edTPA is required at the IHE level in Massachusetts.

Rachel McBroom, Professional Development Consultant for DPI is our contact for IHE reporting.

PRAXIS Study Companions are now available for teacher education candidates. This booklet combines several testing resources into one. All tests should be covered by July 2013. Study Companions are accessible at

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – Bill Grobe Chair, No report

Evaluation and Planning – Mike Dawson, Chair, No report

Curriculum, Mike Brown – Chair, Mike Brown reported that the committee met and approved the following: Removing the pre-requisites from the following TESL courses; 6200, 6300 and 6500.

The report was accepted. The next meeting will be determined.

Policy – No report

Mike Brown, Chair of the Foundations, Curriculum and Instructional Effectiveness Committee reported that he was given the task of determining courses that would cover the domestic and global diversity requirement. Effective Fall 2013, new undergraduate students will be required to complete two (2) three-hour diversity courses. Courses can be chosen from courses that meet the Liberal Arts Foundations requirements and/or requirements for the major. PSYC 2777 and EDUC 3002 would be acceptable for one of the domestic diversity courses.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

Remaining meeting dates: January 14, February 11, March 18 and April 8. The meeting room will be determined.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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