February 2023


Minutes for February 13, 2023

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.

The sixth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2022-2023 academic year was held Monday, February 13, 2023 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  Members present: Susannah Berry, Bethann Cole, Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales (Chair), Jennifer Gallagher, Maureen Grady, Nanyoung Kim, CJ Korenek (LCSN Rep), Rhea Miles, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Sarah Sconyers, Dawn Shelton, Rita Soulen, Nicole Tripp, Christy Walcott, Stacy Weiss (Vice-Chair), Kevin White and Visitor Monisha Atkinson.  Absent were Kim Anderson, Rob Benson, Phyllis Broughton, Tim Dameron, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Lisanne Shaffer-Dickerson and Cynthia Wagoner.

Approval of Minutes January 9, 2023 Meeting

A motion was made by Maureen Grady and seconded by Sarah Sconyers to approve the minutes of January 9, 2023.  The minutes were accepted.


An Internship Application Meeting will be held February 24 in Speight 301 from 9-11 a.m.  OCE will email program cordinators February 20.  The meeting is optional but beneficial.

LCSN will meet at Eastern AHEC on March 1.  Ed Leadership faculty will discuss the MSA program and Pirate Fellows.  This will be an interactive meeting with ideas and feedback for LCSN members.

The ECU Education Career Fair is scheduled for March 15 in the Main Campus Student Center.  Attending the Career Fair is mandatory for Intern IIs.  This year the fair falls during Pitt County Schools Spring Break and some candidates may be given an exemption if they have extenuating circumstances. 

The Spring 2023 Walter & Daisy Carson Latham Clinical Teacher & NC New Teacher Support Joint Conference sponsored by the COE will be held March 28, 2023 from 9-2:00 p.m. at the ECU Main Campus Student Center.  The Clinical Teacher of the Year also will be recognized.

edCamp ECU will have a face-to-face conference April 15.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Sarah Sconyers, Interim Director, reported the following:

edCamp ECU will be partnering with the Teacher Resource Center in a face to face conference April 15 on ed tech used in the classroom.  Faculty may attend also.  CEUs will be available.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSenaPs6UDKPfhqgyk2gJg1oekXbmJ7Rp-l-LG08osUQnMPXKg/viewform

Taskstream and Canvas Integration—Program areas were asked to review portfolios in Taskstream and decide which assessments to keep or remove.  “Keep” may already be indicated in the spreadsheet for items the EPP uses as key gateways, CAEP data points or program requirements.  “Keep” should be indicated for any additional portfolio elements that provide data for Unit Assessment Reporting.  This is due by March 1. 

ATLAS, a  teaching tool using videos will be phased out this year.  COE is not renewing.

CAEP Annual Review is due in April. 

CPAST training information has been sent to those working with interns.

New Dispositions training is available in the EPP/COE Faculty Resource hub in Canvas. All faculty working with initial teacher candidates should complete this training.

302 interns are submitting edTPAs this term and OADD is providing assistance as needed.  

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Tripp gave the following report.

Internship Application Meeting 2/24 in Speight 301 9-11.  An email will go out to program coordinators with virtual link option and in person option on 2/20.  Round 1 applications are due April 4, Round 2 May 10, and Round 3 July 3.

CareCorp Grant through REI – Interns with AmeriCorps grants, there are 15 for this year. Counties involved are Greene and Lenoir with priorities for hard to place licensure areas such as Middle Grades, Special Education, Math/Science. Currently, the team is working to see how many slots each district will want to fill and how they want to prioritize. There will be an application process which will guide placements in these districts. Some information will be routed on the 2/20 email related to internship application and for those attending face-to-face.  CareCorp team members will be present to share some information along with our OCE office with Dr. Monisha Atkinson leading the Internship Application meeting.  It is possible that intern hours can counted as paid intern hours.

MAT grant – EdPirates – Twenty students are being recruited for the next 4 years for a total of 80 candidates in the ELEM/MIDG areas.  There was a recent flyer that was sent out.  Districts included in the grant are Lenoir, Greene, Washington, and Elizabeth City Pasquotank.  Dr. Fales and Dr. Tripp are invited to a meeting on 2/27 to work to collaborate with the team related to this new population starting for teacher licensure. This will begin with MAT candidates starting summer 2023 for coursework with internships Fall 2023 and Spring 2024.

Clinical Teacher of the Year – Volunteer scorers will receive applications on Monday, February 20th (thanks to Carol Greene, Dawn Shelton, Ron Preston, Cynthia Wagoner, Jim Kuras, Monisha Atkinson and Nicole Moore).  Drs. Atkinson and Moore will work to route and collect to get some finalist ready for the review committee.

Educator Residency – Intake continues to occur for Fall 2023. As of Thursday of this week – all staff will be in place including the recent hire of TFA/Alternative Licensure Support coordinator Allena King.  There is some curriculum moving forward by both Math and Science to customize Residency plans starting Fall 2023 pending curriculum approval.

Our spring Residency Advisory Board met at the end of January with discussions around the residency survey and updates to licensure.

Old Business

NCDPI Exceptional Children Stipends—Ten $10,000 stipends will be awarded based on IHE enrollments with renewable possibilities.  Individuals will have to teach in NC one year.

This item from last month did not go before the Policy Committee but will prior to the next meeting. “Dr. Fales inquired with program areas about the impact of candidate disposition evaluations on Intern I methods course grade. Dr. Grady commented that faculty did not have dispositions ratings since this is completed by the CT in Sonia. Dr. Fales stated that disposition forms in Sonia for Intern 1 candidates are complete and Interns can download the completed forms from Sonia and provide to instructors. This may be a process where additional education is needed for candidates and instructors. A recent intern I situation arose where the intern completed coursework but the internship was cancelled due to unprofessional behavior, there was no way to reflect this in the Internship I course grade in accordance with the syllabus. Dr. Levi Alstaedter recommended that the Policy Committee examine dispositions impact on Intern I and determine if a new policy is needed. Susannah Berry motioned for the issue to be referred to the Policy Committee. The motion was seconded by Jeff Pizzutilla.”

If there are issues with an intern candidate in an Intern I course, please communicate with OCE early.

New Business

Literacy Audit Response/Expedited Curricular Packages—In response to the UNC System Office Literacy Audit results and the subsequent resolution from the UNC Board of Governors, UNC EPPs were asked to provide sufficient evidence of Science of Reading instruction for ELEM and SPED program areas. ELEM, SPED, and READ have worked diligently on several curriculum packages that are begin expedited through the curricular process in response to legislation and the Board of Governors resolution. Our completer performance data demonstrates that we produce teachers that are effective in reading instructions.

Teacher Assistant internship Placement Policy and Procedures—Per SB 599, Internship Assignments. – Local school administrative units are encouraged to assign teacher assistants to a different classroom during an internship than the classroom they are assigned to as a teacher assistant. To the extent possible, they may be assigned to another school within the same local school administrative unit. 

OCE has worked with schools so that TAs work in a different school or classroom.  If an intern receives a TA position after being placed in an intern position in the school, OCE needs to be notified to make the building level administrator aware of the intern responsibilities and what is expected as an intern.

Standing Committees

**Curriculum – Christy Walcott –The committee met on February 7 and approved the following.

1.  UG- Summary of Request Math, Sci & Instruc Tech Educ The mathematics education faculty are creating four new courses (MATE 4002, 4004, 4991, and 4992) that will be taught online to post-baccalaureate students (Education Residency Model teachers) working to gain a 6-12 mathematics teaching license. The plan is for mathematics teachers to take these specific MATE courses instead of the similarly numbered TCHR courses (impact e-mail attached).  This set of four courses (along with two others – SPED 4008 and READ 5317) will not lead to a degree, only a teaching license.

2.  GR- Summary of Request Math, Sci & Instruc Tech Educ The Science Education program would like to remove the prerequisite of ELEM 6550/ADED 6550 from SCIE 6600 – Teacher Research in Science Education. We revised our program a few years ago and removed the Leadership and Communication Skills and Education course (ADED 6550 or ELEM 6550) from our program. These course are no longer a part of our program, so we need to remove them as listed prerequisites for SCIE 6600.

3. UGSummary of Request Math, Sci, & Instruc Tech Educ The four proposed courses are related to the Educator Residency Model (ERM) that is used at East Carolina University for alternative licensure teachers. The courses are being proposed in light of recent legislation, ​North Carolina Senate Bill 599, which resulted in a new program being needed for alternative licensure (ERM). New Courses:

SCIE 4991 – Residency I in Middle and Secondary Science Education

SCIE 4923 – Methods of Teaching Middle and Secondary Science

SCIE 4924 – Planning, Assessment and Technology in Middle and Secondary Science Education

SCIE 4992 – Residency II in Middle and Secondary Science Education

4) UG- Summary of RequestKinesiology

KINE 3904 | Methods in Adaptive Aquatics

  • Change the title to “Adapted Aquatics” to align with the language used in state policies and extend the scope of course contents from swimming techniques to theories, methods, practices, and program development in the aquatic environment for all ages of people with disabilities.
  • Change of Course Description: “Theories, methods, practices, and program development in the aquatic environment for people with disabilities.”
  • to expand the contents covered in the course.

KINE 3906 | Physical Education for Special Populations

  1. Change the title to “Adapted Physical Education” to align with the language used in state policies for K-12 PE programs/instruction.
  2. to “introduces K-12 physical education programs, services, and instruction specially designed for students with disabilities.

5.  GR- Summary of Request – Music

In order to reduce potential admission barriers and to allow for students with varying previous musical experiences to be considered for acceptance into our graduate music programs, the School of Music Graduate Faculty voted on January 18th, 2023 to revise admission standards for both the MM degree and Advanced Performance Studies Certificate. Specifically, the language in the Graduate Catalog related to admission was revised from “Applicants must have the equivalent of a bachelor of music degree from an accredited institution and a minimum average grade of 3.0 in all previous course work” to “Applicants must have earned a baccalaureate degree or higher from an ECU approved institutionally accredited college or university or an international university deemed to have equivalent credentials as determined by one of our pre-approved foreign institution evaluation servicers, and a minimum average grade of 3.0 in all previous course work.”

6.  UG-Summary of Request Special Ed, Found & Research

Revisions to the Special Education, General Curriculum program

Professional Studies

   Revise hours from 21 s.h. to 24 s.h.

   Add EDUC 3002 


   Revise Core hours from 30-31 s.h. to 36-37 s.h.

   Revise Choice text in Core from 1 course to 8-9 s.h.

   Add choices in the Core: ELEM 3200; MATE 3030; READ 3000; READ 5316; SCIE 3270 or SCIE 3280 or SCIE



   Revise 11 s.h. to 19-20 s.h.

   Add courses: MATE 3067; READ 3302; READ 3990 or READ 5317

Remove Reading Licensure requirement (18 s.h.)

Add statement: Elective if needed to complete degree requirement.

7.  UG-Summary of Request-Kinesiology

KINE 3301 Short Course Revision: We are proposing to remove health and human performance major or minor, add sport studies major or minor, and add declared physical education major to the prerequisite field. Additionally, we are requesting to add KINE 2003 or KINE 2123 as prerequisites. Waiting for SOR Link – Full package moved to UCC but this short course form affects CEP (ELEM and PE) and needed our approval.

8.  UG-Summary of Request-Theatre & Dance

The School of Theatre and Dance is initiating discontinuation of the BFA, Theatre Arts Education degree and rehousing it under the BFA, Theatre Arts degree as the educational theatre concentration.  This is to create a more cohesive Theater Area and to ensure Educational Theatre is seen as equally rigorous, competitive, and exciting as other concentrations.

The current status of the program includes 6 Fall 2023 graduates, 3 graduating in Spring 2024 and 13 current freshman and sophomores.  Even though we wish to discontinue this degree, the courses will all still be offered to allow a student to pursue licensure or non-licensure concentrations in Educational Theatre with a BFA, Theatre Arts degree. Students whose efficient matriculation would not be negatively impacted will transfer to the new catalog year and pursue the BFA, Theatre Arts, Educational Theatre degree instead while a handful will be taught out.

One form still in cue FYI – Program revision form for BFA Theater Arts. This package proposal is to Discontinue BFA Thea Arts education; instead roll into BFA Theatre Arts as a concentration. Adding 3 new courses to set up for success as teachers/filling gaps in curriculum.

The report was accepted with some minor edits.

Evaluation & Planning  – Chair Cynthia Wagner– No report

Admissions & Retention – Chair Susannah Berry – No report

Policy– Chair Laura Levi Alstaedter – No report

Christy Walcott moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Dawn Shelton.


The next CEP meeting will be on March 13, 2023.  The meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m.

Meeting Dates for 2022-2023 March 13, April 10, May 8 possibly

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

Sherry S. Tripp

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