December 2013 Minutes


Minutes for December 9, 2013

The fourth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2013-2014 academic year was held Monday, December 9, 2013, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bonnie Glass, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, James McKernan, Susan Morgan, Kathy Misulis, Liz Oakley (UG student rep), Ron Preston, Shari Steadman, Nate Von der Embse, Cynthia Wagoner, and Ivan Wallace. Guest, Wendy Buck Petteway. Absent were Dan Boudah, Lena Carawan, Bethann Fine, Lisa Rogerson, Jamie Williams, and LCSN-PCS Representative.

Welcome and Introductions

Bonnie Glass was introduced form the Department of Mathematics, Science and Instructional Technology to replace Angelo Collins.

Approval of Minutes

November 11, 2013 Meeting The minutes were approved as written with no additions and one correction that Cheryl Johnson was present at the meeting not absent.


A copy of a PI and PII Primer was shared and will be followed up with an email to all CTE reps. Please share with your faculty and advising centers/advisors. The chair reminded everyone to check final grades and GPAs for upcoming Sr. I and Sr. II students. Some internships will have to be cancelled and there is a very short turnaround time from Fall to Spring.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Dr. Diana Lys shared that there is North Carolina/CAEP Partnership working group at the state level and she represents us on that committee. The blueprint revisions and approvals changed our cycle for accreditation so we have no more concurrent visits with DPI and CAEP. Questions being considered by this committee are those such as, “What is the DPI process for state program approval moving forward?” Probably it will be mid- way in the CAEP cycle, e.g. our next CAEP visit is 2015 and with a 7 year cycle, our next DPI approval would be 2018, three years after CAEP visit.

For those areas doing SPA accreditations, we would want them to be in alignment with the DPI program approval timeline. Those areas are ELCC, CEC, and CACREP.

Our next CAEP visit is Spring 2015. There are 12 NC Institutions also up for renewal at this same time/cycle. The April dates available for the visit are taken, so ECU is looking at February dates either 8-10 or 15-17, which are Sunday arrivals, Monday, and Tuesday departure timelines. The Institutional Report needs to be written. Dr. Lys will solicit help in writing and reviewing this document. The template for this report will be released in January 2014.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

The final Internship placement deadline for Spring/Fall Internships is Monday, January 13, 2014 at 5:00 pm. The final Sr. II seminar will be held Thursday, December 12, 2013. Please help us make students understand that attendance at the Sr. I and Sr. II seminars all year long are mandatory. Refresh your and your faculty’s minds on the Welcome to Teacher Education Handbook and help us to get students to read it and follow it, abiding by all policies and procedures therein. Mrs. Morgan has University Supervisor packets for faculty to be given to CTE reps for distribution to their faculty who are supervising Spring 2014.

Old Business

There were no further revisions/recommended changes to the draft memo for Master’s graduates involved in the Master’s pay issue for spring 2014. The chair will finalize this memo and make it available. The chair also reminded reps to be sure their programs are compiling lists of potential spring graduates to whom this letter needs to be sent. OTE will need the lists of students whom each department contacts.

Dr. Lys was able to confirm that the Praxis II testing for “all” areas being reinstated on July 1, 2014 is for “all” areas that were previously required to take tests. Those few areas that did not have tests previously still will not have them as we move forward, i.e. B-K, Dance, and Theatre. Also, it was clarified that Middle Grades students will have to take two tests, one for each licensure area.

New Business

The chair shared that there is no further information about the DPI rollout of the new online licensure system, which is supposed to be used for all spring graduates and June renewals of faculty. We have some preliminary plans on how to facilitate this process for our 700+ graduates, but it will be very down to the wire and last minute if DPI doesn’t roll this out until March 2014. We may be calling on each of you for help so please share this with your faculty. The Chair was asked to put on the agenda a discussion of policy development for new initiatives such as edTPA, co-teaching, etc. Some of the issues that arose during the discussion were: who gives permission for pilots? MOUs have been created to document the pilots, which programs are in them and how far along they are in the pilot/implementation phases. Should/could pilots come to CTE to inform policy by what has occurred or been learned by the practice? A motion was made and seconded to refer this issue to the Evaluation and Planning Committee of CTE to discuss further and bring to the full CTE for consideration. Motion was made by Shari Steadman and seconded by Barbara Brehm. The motion carried with no dissensions’ or abstentions.

Standing Committees

CTE Curriculum Committee met on December 2, 2013, and recommended the following changes for approval:


Course proposals describing revisions to the following English courses used in College of Education programs:

  • ENGL 2710 (BS English Secondary Education)
  • ENGL 3730 (Teaching English as a Second Language academic concentration)
  • ENGL 3740 (Teaching English as a Second Language academic concentration)
  • ENGL 3750 (Teaching English as a Second Language academic concentration)
  • ENGL 4710 (Teaching English as a Second Language academic concentration, BS Special Education Adapted Curriculum)
  • ENGL 4720 (Teaching English as a Second Language academic concentration)

Ivan Wallace made a motion to accept the package as written with the inclusion of notification from the programs affected by the changes and pending College approval. Seconded by Lisa Rogerson; motion passed

Package will be brought to the full CTE during the January meeting.


Proposals to break up TCHR 6024 course and return the credits to the individual sections in the College of Education.

  1. Omission of TCHR 6024 from the following programs BITE, ELEM, ENED, HIED, MIDG, SCIE, and SPED
  2. Creation and addition of BITE 6024, ELEM 6024, ENED 6024, HIED 6024, MIDG 6024, SCIE 6024 and SPED 6024
  3. Change in the number of “required core course” hours from 24 s.h. to 15 s.h. and a change in the number of “teaching area specific course” hours from 15 s.h. to 24 s.h.
  4. Deletion of TCHR 6430
  5. Deletion of ART as a MAT concentration

The vote was unanimous to accept the curriculum recommendations from the CTE Curriculum Committee. January 13, 2014 is the next meeting of the CTE Curriculum Committee. Send packages to the Chair, Ms. Jamie Williams, Health Education faculty member.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No Report

Admissions & Retention –No Report, Committee to meet after CTE meeting today.

Policy – No Report

There being no further business the meeting adjourned with a motion by Ivan Wallace and a second by Cheryl Johnson. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting Dates remaining for 2013–2014 are February 10, March 17 (third Monday due to spring break) and April 14, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,
Vivian Martin Covington

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