March 2024 Minutes


Minutes for March 11, 2024

Via Teams at 3:15 p.m.

The seventh meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2023-2024 academic year was held Monday, March 11, 2024 via Teams at 3:15 p.m.  

Members present:  Kim Anderson, Susannah Berry, Bethann Cole, Tim Dameron, Holly Fales (Chair), Tara Ferguson (Art Grad student rep), Phyllis Broughton, Tara Ferguson (G student rep), Alana Freeman, Maureen Grady, Dean Andre Green, Jennifer Gallagher, CJ Korenek (LCSN Rep), Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Bethany McKissick, Rhea Miles, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robbie Quinn, Sarah Sconyers, and Rita Soulen, Kevin White, and Jennifer Williams.  Absent were Rob Benson, Lisanne Shaffer-Dickerson, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Tripp, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott and Adelyn Lowry (Elementary UG student rep).

Approval of Minutes February 12, 2024 Meeting

A motion was made by Rita Soulen and seconded by Bethann Cole to approve the minutes from February 12, 2024. The minutes were approved.


Holly Fales shared the following announcements with the group:

  • The Education Career Fair will be held March 13 for Intern II candidates. This is mandatory for intern IIs.  Catrina Davis emailed the session topics; Budgeting on a Teacher Salary, NC Teacher Benefits and Retirement and NC Beginning Teacher Support/What to Expect as a Beginning Teacher.
  • The Latham Clinical Teacher Conference will be held April 9.  Catrina Davis in the Academic Success Center will be sending notices of this event and asking for proposals for breakout sessions that offer resources, tips, and tools that can be easily applied and utilized for PK-12 teachers.  The Clinical Teacher of the Year will be announced.
  • The PIRATE program for high school future teachers will be held June 12-14.  It is a recruitment initiative designed to create a pipeline of high school students who are interested in becoming teachers. It is a free two-day overnight program that will offer rising high school sophomores, juniors and seniors an opportunity to learn about teacher education programs at ECU.  Participants will interact with current ECU teacher education students and faculty and staff. Participants will learn about college life at ECU, explore the field of education through engaging and innovative activities and make meaningful relationships with peers. 

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Sarah Sconyers, Director reported the following:

  • CAEP Annual Report

OADD is continuing to work with Advanced Program coordinators to validate key assessments for CAEP, this was part of the phase-in plan for advanced programs.

  • Canvas and Taskstream

Reminder that Canvas assignments must be created for any items being collected and evaluated in Taskstream for this term.  Data will be pulled the Monday after Spring commencement.

  • Mary Worthington will be sending Fall Exit Survey results April 3rd and will be active until April 17, 2024. She would like to have students participate in those surveys as much as possible to get a good pool of respondents to poll results and analyze those results.  

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Tripp, Lead Coordinator, gave the following report for Clinical Experiences. 

  • Internship applications for fall 2024/spring 2025 have been shared with the following rounds for submission: Round 1 April 1, Round 2 May 8, and Round 3 July 1st by 5 p.m.
  • The Residency Advisory Board is meeting tomorrow.
  • There are 29 Intern Is this term and 275 Intern IIs.
  • The position in OCE vacated by Ms. Bentz has been posted.  It is an Administrative Support Specialist-Advanced level.  If you know of anyone interested, have them apply.

Old Business:

Updated Practica and Internship Dress Code

  • The updated Practica and Internship Dress Code had minor changes and was sent to the Policy Committee for approval for adoption Fall 2024 (see Policy Standing Committee).    

Revisions to Upper Division Process

Recommendations are based upon survey results administered to all program areas during Fall 2023.  Recommendations 2-5 were accepted earlier by CEP.  Recommendation 1 was discussed today with possible revisions.

Recommendation 1: No longer require candidates to demonstrate computer competency (BITE 2000, MIS 2223, or related competency exam).  92% of responses indicated they would no longer like to require. In addition, removal of the requirement will eliminate the “hidden” requirement for many programs that do not have these courses listed in the degree program.

Tomegia Winston, BITE 2000 instructor gave details on the course Intro to Computer Literacy.  It teaches knowledge and skills needed to satisfy basic technology competencies required to support and enhance professional productivity.

  • By the end of the course, students should be able to demonstrate introductory knowledge, skills and concepts related to technology and send correct emails.
  • demonstrate understanding of the Windows operating system including file management
  • create, edit and format a document
  • create, edit and utilize functions and format spreadsheet to perform calculations and create a graph
  • create and modify simple or complex graphics using AI generated elements
  • design a database with multiple fields and records
  • prepare a multimedia presentation with sound and animation
  • use Linkedin Learning
  • know the Do’s and Dont’s in social media

Question—Is there a challenge exam to take in lieu of the course?  It has not been offered in a while.  Only two students signed up for the last exam and 10 students are needed to make it worthwhile for the instructor. The exam cost is about $100 and not covered through Financial Aid.  Students can transfer CIS 110 from a community college or EDU 250 from transfer candidates in the Associate in Teacher Preparation program.

Dr. Quinn moved to send the Revisions to Upper Division Process back to the Policy Committee and was seconded by Rita Soulen.  After cleanup, the suggestions for Recommendation 1 will be sent to departments for review; the Policy Committee will meet and vote prior to the April meeting.  There were no further changes to Recommendations 2-5.

Recommendation 2: Interviews will not be required for all candidates.

Candidates identified as needing additional support as outlined below will be required to meet with program faculty for a “Candidate Success Meeting.”

Recommendation 3:  Essays will not be required for admittance to Upper Division. 

Early experience courses can still require “Why do you want to become a teacher” essay and programs can continue to utilize across the degree if they are already doing so. However, producing the essay again at time for admittance for Upper Division will no longer be required.

Recommendation 4: Early Experience courses will still be required for Upper Division.

Students must complete the Early Experience course with a C or better to be admitted to Upper Division. Program areas can allow an Early Experience course substitution for Associate in Teacher Preparation transfer candidates that have scored a C or better in EDU 250 as outlined by program specific transfer degree plans.

Recommendation 5: Upper Division Applications move to SONIA

Timeline: All current Upper Division procedures will remain in effect until July 1, 2024. New requirements would go into effect in Fall 2024 if the recommendations are adopted.

*Minimum admission test scores and GPA requirements are set forth by the state of North Carolina and cannot be waived by the EPP. See § 115C-269.15. Minimum admissions requirements for educator preparation programs, item (b).

Note: Disclosure of criminal background, student code of conduct and unprofessional ratings would still be addressed by OCE. This may require an additional candidate meeting with OCE depending on the situation. This process will not change.

Early Release Policy will remain the same; the intern should not have any emerging ratings on the third observation.

New Business: None

Standing Committees

Admission and Retention:  Susannah Berry shared information on the NC Teacher of the Year award.  Nominees come from each program area.  The winner is announced in the spring and recognized at NCATE and Fall Convocation.  ECU has had a good track record in the past.  An email will be sent to departments regarding nominations due by May 1.  After being reviewed the name will be given to Holly Fales prior to May 24 deadline submission date.  We have strong candidates in internship and ECU is due a winner.

Curriculum: Rita Soulen, Chair reported the CEP CC met at 2:00 today March 11, 2024 and approved the following.

  • The History Education undergraduate program proposed revisions to include replacing the required Math 1065 with any approved general education math course; replace required literature course as the required GE: Humanities with any approved general education Humanities of Fine Arts Course. For Cognates, replace required 9 s.h. general education social sciences requirement with listed 3 s.h. from listed ANTH, GEOG, ECON, POLS, PSYC or SOCI courses. 
  • The Elementary & Middle Grades Department proposed curricular changes to the BS degree in Middle Grades Education, including replacing LING 2710 with any ENGL or LING course 2000+ or READ 3000 in the English Concentration and replacing MATH 2119 with MATH 1065 in the Math Concentration, and changing the MATE 2700 requirement to add “or MATH 2228” in the Math Concentration. 
  • Elementary Education proposed the following curricular changes to the BS degree in Elementary Education: change the MATH 2127 requirement to add “or MATH 1065”; change the MUSC 3018 requirement to add “or a Fine Art”; change the ART 3850 requirement to add “or a Fine Art”; amend the language in the current catalog concentration description from “four of the academic concentrations” to “five of the academic concentrations”; add a new concentration: Content Integration Generalist; and in the Reading optional add-on licensure, remove READ 5316 and add READ 3550. 
  • The Department of Educational Leadership proposed discontinuation of off-site locations where the Doctor of Education (EdD) program was conducted in-person.  With the EdD now offered online there is no need to deliver the program at off-site locations. 

Dr. Fales noted the changes in the undergrad programs in Elementary, History and Middle Grades English and Math will help with the transfer population from community colleges and other transfer students. The Council voted to approve the curriculum committee minutes.  

Evaluation & Planning:  Jenni Gallagher and Cynthia Wagoner, Co-Chairs –no report

  • Policy:  Kevin White and Nicole Tripp, Co-Chairs—The committee met and approved the Practica and Internship Dress Code with minor changes.

With no further business, McKissick moved to adjourn and Cole seconded. The meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m. The next and final CEP meeting will be April 8, 2024. 

Future Meeting Date: April 8, 2024

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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