September 2024 Minutes


Minutes for September 9, 2024

Via Teams at 3:15pm.

The first meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2024-2025 academic year was held Monday, September 9, 2024, via Teams at 3:15pm.

Members present: Rita Soulen, Robbie Quinn, Jeffrey Pizzutilla, Nicole Tripp, Jim Kuras, Alana Freeman, CJ Korenek, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Jennifer Williams, Kayla Chandler, Bethann Cole, Sarah Sconyers, Dawn Shelton, Kevin White, and Jennifer Gallagher.

Approval of Minutes from April 8, 2024 Meeting

A motion was made by Rita Soulen and seconded by Robbie Quinn to approve the minutes from April 8, 2024. The minutes were approved.


Standing Update from the Office of Educator Preparation

Dr. Holly Fales, Assistant Dean, reported the following:

  • Dea Suggs, administrative assistant for the Office of Educator Preparation is going to be the new secretary for CEP.
  • Jim Kuras was welcomed to the CEP committee. Jim is the Director of Undergraduate Services.
  • The NCACTE Conference will be September 18-20, 2024, at the North Raleigh Hilton. Dr. Fales, Dr. Tripp, Sarah Sconyers, and several other COE members will be presenting at NCACTE .
  • ECU Student Teacher of the Year-Abigail Lung, History Education.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Sarah Sconyers, Director, reported the following:

  • Undergraduate edTPA pass rate was 99%.
  • Residency edTPA pass rate is around 80%.
  • Rachel Bass, Assessment and Professional Development coordinator in OADD will be doing some additional support and session webinars to help support candidates in need of help.
  • The Teaching Channel has a new platform this year. The process to get access has not changed, but there will be some differences in terms of how students will receive notification that they have been added to the platform and how you and your students will access and share content. Instructions were sent out via email.
  • New students can only access Taskstream using the canvas integration. Students will not have login credentials for Taskstream anymore. We will phase out those students who had login credentials and move forward with only being able to access Taskstream through the canvas course setup.
  • Taskstream assignments are evaluated in Taskstream. Taskstream data is used for accreditation and annual unit assessment reporting. Incomplete evaluations in Taskstream lead to incomplete datasets for reporting.
  • The CAEP site report will be submitted in 2028 and our site visit will be in 2029. We are required to have three cycles of data for reporting. EPP faculty may be called upon to participate in working groups and validation panels this year.

Standing Update from the Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Tripp, Lead Coordinator, reported the following: 

  • Clinical Experiences Coordinator position has posted. Please encourage those interested to apply.
  • Fall 2024 Intern I: 242 candidates; Fall 2024 Intern II: 33 candidates.
  • Early Release Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2024
  • Continuing to recruit in Alternative Licensure: Fall 2024 cohort: 462 candidates; includes the eleven-week summer 2024 intake for the Birth-Kindergarten program.
  • Educator Residency Model Spring 2025 Application deadline: October 15, 2024
  • ECU Spring 2025 Residency Application Link:
  • 1300 students are currently enrolled in the Residency Program which includes GPA assist and students that have finished the plan of study taking an additional hour for support.

Old Business:

  • Dispositions Update:
    • Jim Kuras provided an update on dispositions implementation. Two areas of concern with evaluation completion: Early Field Experience (2123) and Junior Level course areas. 86% compliance for Early Experiences – 12 out of the 14 departments had data collected. 31% compliance for Junior Level – 4 out of 14 departments had data collected.
    • Faculty training for dispositions is located in the faculty training Canvas module.
    • Follow-up information on the current assigned dispositions coordinator and dispositions process will be sent out to the departments by Jim Kuras.
  • Literacy Audit Responses Update:
  • All the 2023 reviewer recommendations have been implemented, but new recommendations not mentioned in any other prior review for one course in particular.
  • Dr. Greene, Dr. Fales and University leadership are working to make sure they understand those areas were addressed. Adjustments were made to send it off for another quick review.
  • Revised Upper Division Protocol effective July 2, 2024:
  • Program areas have already began doing the new Upper Division process in Sonia.
  • Caroline Hill hosted a session for advisors across all the Ed prep programs.

New Business:

  • Petition for Exception-Revised Process:
  • New DocuSign process has been implemented for a Petition for Exception. It was emailed to all program areas and advisors. This new process will eliminate a lot of additional paper, emails, and steps in the process.
  • CEP Student Representatives, Graduate and Undergraduate:
  • CEP Student Representatives are needed for this year. If we have multiple student recommendations, we can convene and decide on a representative. Please email all nominations for a graduate or undergraduate student to serve on the committee to Dr. Holly Fales.
  • Welcome to Educator Preparation Handbook Updates 2024
  • UD Revisions: The new Upper Division guidelines are in the 2024 Educator Preparation handbook.
  • Transfer Revisions: If candidates come through the teacher preparation pipeline, it is possible for them to come straight into upper division coursework based on their community college GPA.
  • Verbiage for TA Employees: We are working with employing districts and principals. The district makes the decisions on where TAs are placed, best practices are shared with districts, but exceptions can be made (i.e., if a district employee already works in a school their child attends.)
  • Teacher Recruitment Funds:
  • Teacher Recruitment funds have been awarded for the 24-25 academic year. Jim Kuras will be reaching out to program areas for proposals to utilize those funds. Funds can be used for recruitment materials and activities, workshops for licensure test and Praxis core preparation.
  • CEP Focus Topics, Meeting Format for 24-25:
  • Dr. Fales will be sending out a survey about focus topics for the year.
  • May revisit items from last year pertaining to Upper Division regarding transfers.
  • Other potential topics such as praxis core testing requirements, GPA calculations for residency admission, state board recommendations, and other topics coming from legislation.

Standing Committee

  • Elect Chair for each committee and email to Dea Suggs at by at least one week in advance of the next CEP meeting.
  • Curriculum
  • Evaluation & Planning
  • Admissions & Retention
  • Policy

Next CEP Meeting

  • Monday, October 14th at 3:15pm via MS TEAMS

With no further business, Dr. Fales moved to adjourn, and Robbie Quinn seconded. The meeting adjourned at 4:45pm.


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