February 13, 2006 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for February 13, 2006

The sixth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2005-2006 academic year was held Monday, February 13, 2006 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Melva Burke, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Lynne Davis, Dana Espinosa, Gwendolyn Guy, Melissa Hamm, Linda High, Lilla Holsey, Linda James, Jami Jones, Rhonda Kenny, Carolyn Ledford, Mark Malley, Al Muller, Ashleigh Phillips, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Sandy Triebenbacher, and Sarah Williams. Absent were Michael Brown, Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Pitt County Representative, and Betty Smith. Guests included Marilyn Sheerer, Dean of the College of Education; Glen Gilbert, Dean of College of Health & Human Performance; Jeff Elwell, Dean of College of Fine Arts and Communications; Alan White, Dean of Harriot College of Arts and Sciences; Margie Gallagher, Associate Dean of College of Human Ecology; Provost James Smith, and Michelle Hairston from Music.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Joe Ciechalski and seconded by Carolyn Ledford to approve the minutes from the January 9, 2006 meeting.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington introduced Marilyn Sheerer, Dean of the College of Education. Dean Sheerer is actually the Chair of CTE and Vivian Covington, Director of Teacher Education, serves at her pleasure. Dean Sheerer introduced the deans from the other colleges. CTE is the policy making body for professional education. It is not the vehicle between arts and sciences and other faculty on campus and professional ed. All of us are in teacher education. The Provost Council is that vehicle, which is collaboration in teacher preparation, which brings faculty from other bodies of campus together. The Writing Center has been reactivated. It is being developed, designed, and implemented by faculty in English Ed and the English Department. Dean Sheerer and Assistant Dean Lynne Davis have met with deans separately regarding the upcoming NCATE/DPI Visit. Please read notebooks prior to the visit and be familiar with the conceptual framework, tables, and dispositions.

Dean Sheerer introduced Provost James Smith who discussed the Provost Council. The council has met four times. It is behind where they need to be. There is no official charge, but it is intended to find ways to improve teacher education. The Dean of Arts and Sciences has experience in this area. Every area of teacher education programs needs to be involved in the council.

President Bowles is pushing teacher education and wanting more virtual programs in teacher education. B-K, elementary and special education have submitted a budget for putting programs completely online with collaboration with some others. It is hopeful that they will get funded. Designing a virtual program for math and science by arts and sciences and professional education faculty would be a good example of a curriculum project of groups working together. We are doing this now in Middle Grades math and science with Wachovia Partnership East.

Rick Barnes asked Dean Sheerer to define the difference between virtual and distance education. Virtual education programs are delivered completely online anytime, anywhere. For a Distance education program, someone may drive to another site for delivery of the program. The mode of delivery is different; the program quality is to be the same.

Some concerns regarding the visit are a lack of diversity which is less than the last visit. Perhaps a faculty exchange between historically black colleges and universities would be beneficial. We should think of diversity in a broad sense. There are eight or nine different categories of diversity; but race and gender are the only ones we can legally document. We should look at our recruitment efforts and why minorities are not accepting or staying at the university. We need to document efforts made to recruit and hire. NCATE will meet with some of the members of the personnel committees. The teacher shortage is making its way up to higher ed. The question was asked if there is an articulated plan on how to improve diversity of teacher ed? The plan used is the university wide plan that comes from Taffye Clayton’s Office.

Please adhere to the NCATE calendar during the upcoming visit, February 25-March 1, 2006. The next NCATE visit will be a seven year cycle.

The Clinical Teacher Conference will be held Thursday, March 9, 2006. Supervisors of Senior II interns are invited.

The COE Graduate Recognition Ceremony will be May 5, 2006 at Minges Coliseum at 7:00 p.m. Please inform your students. All teacher education areas are invited. Announcements will be on the COE website and OneStop.

Agenda III – Old Business

Program Coordinators have met with the Assessment Coordinator for a final briefing and listing of remaining items to be collected and finalized. They need everyone’s support.

Dean Sheerer and Assistant Dean Davis have visited program areas to brief them on the NCATE/SDPI visit. Physical education and theatre/dance are the only two remaining.

A copy of the ECU Licensure Renewal Plan for Methods Faculty has been sent to DPI for approval. One change is that up to 7 renewal credits may be earned for presentations (.5 each), in addition to the credits for attending conferences.

Agenda IV – New Business

Dates and time for CTE related interviews were discussed. Some members may be involved departmentally also.

Monday, February 27, 2006 10:00-10:45 am Speight 202 CTE Evaluation Committee

Monday, February 27, 2006 3:00-3:45 pm Speight 313 Complete CTE

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 10:00-10:45 am Speight 202 CTE Curriculum

SAT and ACT scores may be used in lieu of or combination with PRAXIS I scores. Students with a score of 1100+ on the SAT or a composite score of 24+ on the ACT will be exempt from PRAXIS I. A score of 550+ on the math part of the SAT or 24+ on the math part of the ACT exempts a student from the math section of PRAXIS I. A score of 550+ on the verbal part of the SAT or 24+ on the verbal part of the ACT exempts a student from the reading and writing parts of PRAXIS I. It is effective immediately, but must be implemented no later than the 2006-2007 academic year. It will be the students responsibility to supply a copy of the scores (either a copy of the score or printout from OneStop, if available) to their advisor to attach to the Upper Division application. Deadlines in the Office of Teacher Education will not be extended, nor will conditional admits to Upper Division be made, pending the receipt of scores.

Students adding elementary, ESL or special education to an existing license have to take the appropriate test. Other students adding an additional area to an existing license must meet the HQ definition, either by taking the appropriate test or have 24 hours in core courses.

Carolyn Ledford moved and Dawn Clark seconded the motion to accept the revised Senior I Agreement Form. Students are to have one full day per week when ECU and the school system is open. Late assignments should have 1 full day per week from the point of assignment. The motion passed. The new form will be used beginning Fall 2006.

The next DPI Program Approval Training will be May 15-17 in Atlantic Beach. DPI will reimburse the cost of travel and meals. Hotel rooms will be direct billed to the agency. Contact Steleana Rountree at srountre@dpi.state.nc.us or (919) 807-3378 or Jennifer Olson at jolson@dpi.state.nc.us or (919) 807-3371 with any questions about the training.

Agenda V – Standing Committee

Curriculum – Linda James reported that the committee met and approved two new courses with minor editorial changes in health, HLTH 4305 (3) Class Management in Health Occupations (elective) and HLTH 3355 (2) Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Education and Prevention (required).

Health Education proposed to add HLTH 3355 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Education and Prevention and HLTH 3244 Practices and Procedures in Health for the Elementary School to the existing requirements for the BS degree in School Health Education. This program change was approved.

The final change is to the course title for HLTH 5310, Education in Human Sexuality. The request is to rename it Sexuality Education in Schools. Title change was approved.

The Department of Business, Career, and Technical Education requested the following changes: Proposed catalog changes to make our BVTE 5500 Independent Study repeatable. Changes are shown for both the Graduate and Undergraduate Catalogs.

Proposed catalog changes to accept ASIP 2000 as credit towards the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree.

Proposed catalog changes to move the BVTE 4323 from the Professional Studies section to the Core section of the catalog for the BSBE in Business Education, BSBE in Marketing Education, and the BSBE in Business and Marketing Education as directed by the College of Education Office of Teacher Education

All proposed changes were approved.

Proposed DE Program in Business Education – CTE Curriculum Committee reviewed and supports the online program. The committee does not have to approve the program moving to an online delivery method.

A motion was made by Linda High and seconded by Sandy Triebenbacher to accept the report. All new course proposals and changes were approved. Evaluation – No report

Admission and Retention – No report. The Chair reminded the chair of this committee that a meeting will need to be scheduled soon to review changes in the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook. Policy – No report.

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Portfolio – No report

Graduate Programs – No report.

Professional Studies – No report.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:22 p.m. The next meeting for the academic year 2005-2006 will be March 20, 2006 due to Spring Break the week of the 13th.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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