February 2009 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for February 16, 2009

The sixth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2008-2009 academic year was held Monday, February 16, 2009 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, John Carlson, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lynne Davis, Kay Dotson, Dana Espinosa, David Gabbard, Jennifer Gironda, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Laura King, Tammy Lee, Chris Locklear, Louis Warren for Betty Peel, Mary Pickard, Phil Phillips for Robbie Quinn, Christine Shea, Elizabeth Swaggerty, Jane Teleki, Laurel Truelove, and Sarah Williams. Absent were Michael Brown, Meta Downes, Elizabeth Hodge, LCSN representative, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, and Karli Ruscoe. Visitors were Cynthia Bickley-Green, Susan Beck-Frazier-Assoc. Dean of College of Fine Arts, Michelle Hairston, Jay Juchniewicz, and Patch Clark.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

One correction was made to the January 12, 2009 minutes. Elizabeth Swaggerty was in attendance at the January meeting. The motion to accept the corrected minutes was made by Bill Grobe and seconded by Joe Ciechalski. The corrected minutes were approved.

Agenda II – Announcements

Visitors were welcomed. A copy of the new Candidate for Professional License (CPL) Form, which accompanies the Upper Division Application, has been revised and includes a statement regarding the collection and use of Social Security Numbers. This was done to comply with identity theft issues and ECU’s policy. You may make copies to give to your advisees and other faculty members. Please begin using this form immediately and destroy previous copies. This new version is also on the Teacher Education webpage in the Teacher Education Handbook (Appendix 3) http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/teached/Index.cfm and also under the heading, Forms and Information, Upper Division, http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/teached/UpperDivisionForms.cfm.

Updated Video Release Forms and Guidelines are forthcoming.

The BITE Challenge Exam (formerly ASIP 2000) will be offered Monday, March 16 or Wednesday, March 18, 2009 from 2-4 p.m. in BATE Building, Room 2023. To register, students should contact Marquerite Bass Latham, bassm@ecu.edu.

Members were reminded to let advisees know that PRAXIS I, PPST, will not be offered on March 14, 2009, June 13, 2009 and July 25, 2009. It is still available through Prometrics at any time.

Agenda III – Old Business

There was no old or new business.

Agenda IV – Standing Committees

Curriculum – Carol Brown, chair, reported that the committee met February 2, 2009 and approved the following.

CSDI 6117 Augmentative and Alternative Communication (3) new course submitted by Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders College of Allied Health Sciences. Approved as an elective but cannot replace any of the required courses for the MS in Speech, Language and Auditory Pathology.

Changes in the admissions policy were approved:

  • A statement on the minimum GRE scores expected
  • A statement on the minimum GPA expected
  • A statement about types of letters of recommendations that are required
  • A statement on a new requirement for an interview for applicants
  • A statement about assistantships availability

Deletion: CSDI 6990 and Addition: CSDI 6992 These were approved for change to catalog copy.

The following were submitted but not approved.

Several catalog changes, three courses revisions and one new course proposal were proposed by Family and Consumer Sciences. These will be resubmitted at the next meeting.

HLTH 3020. Health Disparities. (3) revision of active course submitted by the Department of Health Education and Promotion was not reviewed and will be included in March 2 agenda. A second to the committee report motion was made by Joe Ciechalski. The report was accepted.

Evaluation and Planning – Tammy Lee, chair reported that the E&P Ad Hoc Committees are working on evidences and will present at the March meeting. The report was accepted.

Admission & Retention – No Report

Policy – Michael Bossé reported that the committee met this month and discussed the process to be used to approve any new course or proposing changes to the Core Curriculum. The suggested process includes the submission of an Intention to Plan document to CTE, which should include a clear rationale for the proposal, limited to less than four pages. It is not a course syllabus/proposal form. Notification of Intention to Plan will be sent from the CTE to Department Chairs and/or Area Coordinators affected by the proposed change. When the course/curriculum change is developed, it will be submitted to the CTE Curriculum committee, where members of both affected areas will be present. A recommendation will then be forwarded to CTE for a vote. He asked that members take the committee’s suggestions back to their departments and discuss. Send feedback to him prior to the March meeting in order to have a “revised policy” for the March CTE meeting and hopefully vote on the process.

There was some confusion and discussion as to the function of the policy committee regarding the core curriculum. Michael Bossé explained that the meeting held prior to the one hour listening meeting was to develop a process for changing the core that was adopted in January, not to propose program area changes at that time. Revised programs are to begin in 2010. The diversity class can be met by EDUC 3002 or through an approved Foundations Curriculum; Social Science course.

There was discussion on mathematics education being able to add their existing technology course in the core curriculum voted on last month. It was presented as an amendment to the core, not as a new course. A motion was made by Phil Phillips and seconded by Rick Barnes to grandfather in program areas with technology courses currently being substituted in the core now (art, science, music), with the understanding that they have the responsibility to cover whatever is covered in EDTC 4001 after revisions. After discussion, Michael Bossé called for the question. Joe Ciechalski seconded. The motion on the called question passed by a 2/3rd majority, with one vote against and one abstention. The motion to grandfather in technology courses, currently being used, passed with seventeen voting for, one against and two abstentions.

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be March 16, 2009 in Speight 312.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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