January 2009 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for January 12, 2009

The fifth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2008-2009 academic year was held Monday, January 12, 2009 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Patch Clark for John Carlson, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lynne Davis, Kay Dotson, David Gabbard, Linda High, Elizabeth Hodge, Laura King, Tammy Lee, Chris Locklear, Betty Peel, Mary Pickard, Robbie Quinn, Marcela Ruiz- Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, and Sarah Williams. Absent were Meta Downes, LCSN representative Carla Frinsko, Bill Grobe, Mary Lisa Pories, Christine Shea, and Undergrad student rep. Visitors were Allen Adeimy, Rebecca Allen, Stacey Altman, Alice Arnold, Cynthia Bickley-Green, Chris Buddo, Dawn Clark, Kathy Davis, Dana Espinosa, Michelle Hairston, Greg Hurley, Jay Juchniewicz, Audrey Kilgore, Bomna Ko, Phil Phillips, Eva Price, and Jeffrey Ward.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the December 8, 2008 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Visitors were welcomed.

The CPL form, which accompanies Upper Division applications, is being revised to include a social security number disclosure statement. This form will replace earlier versions.

Members were reminded to let advisees know that PRAXIS I, PPST, will not be offered on March 14, 2009, June 13, 2009 and July 25, 2009.

New content standards have been approved by the State Board of Education. The chair expressed appreciation to the many ECU faculty members who were panel participants.

The chair asked for a motion to change the order of the agenda. A motion was made by Joe Ciechalski and seconded by Michael Bossé to change the order of the agenda to have the Standing Committee Reports first. Patch Clark asked to be added to the agenda to present a new proposal. The chair agreed to allow this under new business. The motion was amended to include the request and it was approved.

Agenda III – Standing Committees

Curriculum – Carol Brown, chair, reported that the committee met January 12, 2009. Approval for NUTR 4600 as part of the revised FACS program was delayed until a memo from the Department of FACS is received documenting approval for use of the course. A revision of EXSS 3805, deleting prerequisite EXSS 2850 and consent of instructor was approved. Approved were editorial changes in catalogs due to the program name change in Business and Information Technology Education (BITE). A new course BITE 6100, Designing Virtual Environments (3 s.h.) as an elective for the MS or MAEd in the Vocational Education Program was approved pending editorial changes in the proposal form. The report was accepted.

Evaluation and Planning – Tammy Lee, chair reported that she had received many names for members of the E&P Ad Hoc Committees. Information regarding these committees will be sent later. The report was accepted.

Admission & Retention – No Report

Policy – No Report

Agenda IV – Old Business

Visitors were reminded that the meeting was not a public hearing. Patch Clark moved and David Gabbard seconded to remove from the table the compromise proposal for the professional core curriculum. The motion passed. The compromise proposal then became the business at hand following Robert’s Rules of Order. Sarah Williams called for the question, which was seconded by Mike Brown. The committee voted 11 for and 10 against for calling the question. The motion to call for the question failed as a two-thirds majority is needed to call the question.

Patch Clark stated that the proposal she wanted to introduce pertained to the professional core and and involved K-12 programs of music, physical education, art, theatre and dance. Much discussion was held around this proposal, which included the use of “OR” courses for all the professional core courses. It also included the elimination of READ 3990 as one of the “OR” choices. There was a motion by Patch Clark and a second by Marcela Ruiz-Funes to amend the compromise proposal to include the options for K-12 programs.

Elizabeth Hodge called for the question, which was seconded by Michael Brown to accept the compromise proposal with the K-12 amendments. Seventeen (17) voted for calling for the question and four (4) against. The question was called. The vote on the amended compromise proposal failed by a vote of 10 to 8.

Elizabeth Hodge moved and Jane Teleki seconded a call for the vote on the original compromise proposal. The vote on the called question to passed 15 to 5. The vote to accept the compromise proposal as originally presented was approved with 13 for, 6 against, and 2 abstentions.

Michael Bossé moved that math education students take MATE 4001 (3) in place of EDTC 4001 (2). The MATE course includes all material covered in the EDTC course plus math related materials. It adds one (1) hour to the mathematics education program. Joe Ciechalski seconded. The motion passed 9 to 5 with 7 abstentions.

Lynne Davis moved that further amendments and adjustments to the existing core be referred to the Policy Committee. Michael Brown seconded. The motion passed 20 to 1.

Agenda V – New Business


The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be February 16, 2009. The meeting room will be determined later.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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