January 2013 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for January 14, 2013

The fifth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2012-2013 academic year was held Monday, January 14, 2013 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Angelo Collins, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kaye Dotson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bethann Fine, David Gabbard, Sandra Harvey, Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS representative Rebecca Beaulieu, Diana Lys, James McKernan, Susan Morgan, Ron Preston, Robbie Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Shari Steadman, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, and Student Reps Jessica Pate and Angelina Knies. Absent were Lena Carawan, Bill Grobe, Laura Levi Altstaedter, and Jamie Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the December 10, 2012 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

Senior II seminars were held today, January 14th and Senior I seminars are scheduled for Tuesday, January 15th. A “get well” card was circulated for everyone to sign and send to Jane Teleki, a former CTE member. If your program area has a COAD 1000 specific section, please email that information to covingtonv@ecu.edu.

The question was asked if EDUC 4400 was designed to link to Senior I or not. Yes, EDUC 4400 is designed to be taken with Sr. I as it requires a field placement with assignments designed for the Sr. I, one day per week setting.

Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an update. SACS—Unit assessment information will be uploaded in TracDat by the end of the month. Feedback from the reviews was sent to programs for revisions to goals, means of assessment, criteria, etc.

Currently, there are no new updates with DPI.

NCATE – The Transformation Initiative proposal has been refined. Although the focus is on ELEM, MIDG, and SPED it has branched out to several other areas through video grand rounds, edTPA implementation, and co-teaching. The TI is a Research Practice Model that is referred to as the Pirate CODE for implementation purposes. CODE, stands for Continuum of Developing Expertise. The TI does not take the place of data collection for NCATE in any program area. Diana and Mary Worthington will continue to work with all areas to ensure we are meeting standards.

Specialty Program Area (SPA) accreditation candidacy was received last year for school librarians. Educational Leadership is accredited by the Educational Leadership Constituent Council and other programs are in the stage of initial submission, like CACREP for Counselor Education or reaccrediting over Spring and Fall 2013. Specialty Program Area accreditation is above unit and program accreditation.

The next NCATE visit will be in 2015.

Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Susan Morgan reported that the last round for spring/fall 2013 internship placements are due today at 5:00 p.m., as per the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook. She reminded all that it does take a while to place 2000 to 2500 practicum placements per semester, which could take up to six weeks. Her office tries to place students in the closest school. The dress code for ECU practica and internship students should be followed. The faculty instructors should follow up with their students to make sure they are attending. Student placements by program areas outside the Office of Clinical Experiences for practicums are appreciated; however, the office needs the name of the student, school, county, teacher name, and grade of the placement.

Agenda V – Old Business

All Senior Is and IIs have been notified personally by the Director of Teacher Education if they have a C-, D+, D, D-, F and/or INC in particular courses.

Background checks for fall 2013 Senior IIs will be done in spring 2013. Information will be given to them at the Senior I Seminar January 15, 2013. There were excellent participation results for the fall Senior I group. Background checks may be completed in early experience classes later.

Agenda VI – New Business

Plus/Minus grades; C- implications –

  • Please be sure syllabi reflect +/- grades clearly and that students are told C- does not equal C
  • Review your DPI Blueprints to be sure you are checking 24 hours of content of C or better
  • Remember the Professional Studies courses also need C or better; check these as well
  • Critical that advisors check grades and GPAs after grades post, but prior to Sr. I semester and between the Sr. I and Sr. II semesters

Lindsay Jones, formerly of Pitt County Schools, is the new coordinator in the Office of Clinical Experiences. The Office is now fully staffed.

Lateral entry teachers’ employment depends on their enrollment in classes. Templates will be sent to each program area yearly for review and update. Please pay attention to courses with electronic evidences, when they are offered and designate them appropriately.

Students with incompletes going into Senior II, must have grades change by January 31, 2013. All students with potential problems have been notified.

In some school systems, students with anything pending charges will not be allowed in a field placement. Child abuse, assault, drug charges and felonies convictions, usually result in a person being non-licensable in NC.

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – Bill Grobe Chair, No report. Vivian Covington will contact the chair as the committee needs to meet.

Evaluation and Planning – Mike Dawson, Chair, No report

Curriculum – Mike Brown – Chair, Mike Brown reported that the committee met and approved the following curricular changes from English. Course title revision of ENGL 1100 from “Composition” to “Foundations of College Writing”; new course, ENGL 2201. This course replaces ENGL 1200 in the writing foundations two-course sequence; Course description revisions, ENGL 2200, Major American Writers; course deletion of ENGL 3450, Northern European Mythology, and course revision of ENGL 3460, Literature and Mythology.

Approved curricular changes from Kinesiology were: Add “Upper division” designation to course description for the following courses:

  • EXSS 3000-Curriculum in Physical Education (2 s.h.)
  • EXSS 3500-Secondary Content in Physical Education (3 s.h.)
  • EXSS 3540-Fitness Education (2 s.h.)

Delete EXSS 3510-Lifetime Activities (1 s.h.), EXSS 3520-Team Sports (1 s.h.), and EXSS 3530-Field Sports (1 s.h.) from the core degree requirements and catalog. Add EXSS 3500-Secondary Content in Physical Education (3.sh) to the core degree requirements.

Add prerequisite language in EXSS 3900-Elementary School Instruction in Physical Education (3 s.h.) to include “BS in Health Education majors and Physical Education Alternative Licensure students may enroll only with consent of BS in Physical Education degree director.”

Add prerequisite language in EXSS 4323-Middle and High School Instruction in Physical Education (3 s.h.) to include “BS in Health Education majors and Physical Education Alternative Licensure students may enroll only with consent of BS in Physical Education degree director.”

Delete EXSS 3510, 3520, and 3530 from prerequisite language for EXSS 4323-Middle and High School Instruction in Physical Education and add EXSS 3500 to the prerequisite language.

The report was accepted.

Policy – No report

Rebecca Beaulieu, Principal at C. M. Eppes Middle School, was introduced as one of the alternating LCSN-Pitt County Schools representative. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Remaining meeting dates: February 11, March 18 and April 8. The meeting will be in Speight 312 or 313.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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