March 2014 Minutes


Minutes for March 17, 2014

The seventh meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2013-2014 academic year was held Monday, March 17, 2014 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Dan Boudah, Barbara Brehm, Lena Carawan, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bonnie Glass, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Susan Morgan, Liz Oakley (UG student rep), Ron Preston, Lisa Rogerson, Shari Steadman, Nate Von der Embse, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams. Absent were Bethann Fine, LCSN-PCS Representative, and James McKernan.

Approval of Minutes February 10, 2014 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


NCDPI, working with Pearson and other vendors, has rolled out Home Base in public schools for the 2013-14 year. Home Base is a multi-year technology project providing digital tools and learning resources for students, teachers, educators and parents in all 115 local school districts and public charter schools in North Carolina. Federal Race to the Top and state funds paid for the development and implementation of the project. The Office of Professional Development is offering four-one and one-half hour training sessions at 9:00-10:30 a.m. or 2:00-3:30 p.m. on either April 8 or April 9, 2014 for teacher education faculty. These sessions will give an overview of North Carolina’s student information system (SIS Power School, which will replace NC WISE; instructional improvement system (IIS) Schoolnet, a new standards-aligned tool for instruction; and educator effectiveness (EES) Truenorthlogic, a simpler online evaluation system. Individuals may sign up for one of the 1.5 hour sessions through the portal at

Pearson Evaluation Systems will conduct a Standard Setting and Item Validation Conference in the Raleigh area on June 24-25, 2014. The goals of the conference are: 1) provide judgments that will assist in the setting of the passing standards for the Foundations of Reading and General Curriculum licensure exams in North Carolina; and 2) confirm the content validity of the test materials. The panel’s item validation judgments will be used to finalize the test bank and the first operational test form scorable item set. In addition, the passing score for each test will be established by the North Carolina State Board of Education based, in part, on the recommendations made by the panels.

Two panels of 20 N.C. educators each will be convened for participation in the conference. Panels will consist of public school educators and higher education faculty.

Pearson Evaluation Systems will cover travel and lodging expenses for selected panelists.

Due to the nature of the work, panelists must commit to participating in both full days of the conference (June 24-25, 2014).

Faculty interested in being considered for service as a panelist must complete the form at by March 26, 2014.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys reported on CAEP, DPI and SACS.

SACS – The 2013-14 Unit Assessment Reports are due May 15, 2014 for all educational units. IPAR is revising the template in TracDat. Revised reporting timelines for performance measures, which her office and/or administrators collect are as follows:

  • Outcome measures for which collection timeline may alter:
    • UG and AP Exit Survey—Survey window April 14-25; data will be pulled April 28 by her office
    • edTPA: Data for Elementary, Special Ed and Middle Grades will be available after April 15
      • Data “as of April 30” for all other areas pulled May 1
    • EEPs and GEPs – “As of April 30” data pulled May 1
  • Outcome measures for which timeline is set:
    • Progress Reports – “As of April 30” data pulled May 1
    • Disposition C – “As of April 30” data pulled May 1
    • Final Evaluations – “As of April 30” data pulled May 1

DPI – The annual IHE Report is due mid June 2014. She is waiting on a template for this report from DPI. This report includes faculty involvement in schools. In past years, submissions from programs were due to her office by May 15.

CAEP – The CAEP Annual Report is due April 18. Program listings are all in and updated in CAEP AIMS. About 100 faculty surveys are still needed in the Professional Education Faculty Survey. The PEDS Annual

Report, completed by the Office of Teacher Education and her office, is due April 30, 2014. More detailed questions about Educational Preparation Programs are being asked; candidate pipelines, cohort graduation rates, pre-service candidate performance, P-12 student achievement of graduates and financial aid default information.

The CAEP Transformation Initiative Institutional Report template has been released in AIMS.

Feedback is needed on Section 1, Overview of the Institution and Conceptual Framework. In 2010, a committee met to discuss the Conceptual Framework and Overview of the Institution. At that time no changes were made. Is the language now reflective of new CAEP standards? Does the document and graphics reflect current standards? Is it still used? Please discuss this with faculty. A Qualtrics Survey and documents will be sent to teacher ed programs for suggestions and feedback. Based on results, Dr. Lys will revise and make editorial changes. This will be given to the Evaluation and Planning Committee prior to their next meeting March 31, 2014. Cheryl Johnson called for the question and Kristen Cuthrell seconded. The motion was accepted.

Our next CAEP/DPI onsite visit will be February 8-10, 2015.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information.

She presented a substitution form for advisors of licensure only students to use when substituting a course listed on the student’s plan of study. This will assist her office when checking coursework prior to Senior I and the Office of Teacher Ed when verifying completion of coursework for licensure. If you have suggestions for the form, please let her know (form sent electronically earlier).

The Education Career Fair will be March 20, 2014 from 8:00-10:30 a.m. in Minges Coliseum with 70 schools/systems represented. Students are asked to bring their resume and dress appropriately. Interns will have the day off to attend the Fair. A session on the electronic licensure process was previously scheduled for the afternoon, but was cancelled. Interns are not required to return to the internship site.

Dispositions and attitudes seem to be an issue with some student interns this semester. If an Improvement Plan is required on a student, a copy of the plan needs to be in the student’s intern file.

The first round of Senior I Applications are due April 3, the second round is May 13, and the final acceptance date is July 1, 2014.

Faculty involved in co-teaching who wish to continue or individuals interested in co-teaching should meet March 19 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. in Speight 225. This is for fall/spring interns, as we are currently co-teaching in Pitt, Greene, Beaufort, Martin and Wilson County, and need to decide if we should maintain these counties or expand. Please let Vivian Covington or Judy Smith know if you are interested.

Old Business

There is no new information on the DPI initiation of the online licensure system (information was to be available February 2014).

The Master’s Pay Candidate Process is ongoing and the chair thanked everyone for their assistance.

New Business

License renewal materials have been sent to faculty whose license is expiring June 30, 2014. Needed items should be returned to the Office of Teacher Education by April 11, 2014. DPI has asked for an earlier submission this year. Currently 7.5 CEUs are needed (1 literacy, 1 content and 5.5 general) and will not change until 2016. In 2016, PK-8 teachers will need 8.0 CEUs (3 content, 3 literacy, and 2 general). All other educators will need 8.0 CEUs (3 content and 5 general). Digital teaching and learning competencies will possibly be integrated into licensure renewal requirements in 2017.

It is important that faculty keep copies of all CEU credits and request CEU documentation from conferences since the next renewal cycle may be an electronic process.

Patch Clark announced the Family Fare Children’s Theatre was presenting Schoolhouse Rock for grades K-4 on April 4, 2014 in Wright Auditorium. Another performance will be held at 7:00 p.m. in Wright.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – The committee met on March 17, 2014 and recommended the following changes for approval in the Department of Mathematics, College of Arts & Sciences and Health Education. A separate vote was taken for each program area.

The Department of Mathematics requested a change in course description for MATH 3263 to better align with current practices in the course. The committee accepted the change.

Under a separate vote, the committee accepted the following changes in Health Education. There was discussion on the assessment course. There was one no vote.

Two new courses were approved in the core requirements; HLTH 2900 (3) – Health Education Curriculum and Planning and HLTH 3550 (3) – Assessment in Health Education.

Three courses were revised; Course title change for HLTH 3244 – Health Methods for Elementary Grades; course title change and course revision for HLTH 4305 – Classroom Organization and Management in Health Education. This course was also added to core requirements; and course title change and course revisions for HLTH 4323 – Health Methods for Middle and Secondary Grades.

Editorial changes were made to the degree requirements.

EDUC 3002 – Introduction to Diversity, PSYC 2777 – Ethnocultural Psychology, or SOCI 1010 – Race, Gender, Class, were added to the professional core requirements.

BIO 2131 – Survey of Human Physiology and Anatomy Laboratory requirement was removed.

The core degree requirement designation was removed from the following courses: HLTH 3010 – Health Problems I; HLTH 3020 – Health Disparities; and HLTH 3030 – Health Behavior.

READ 5317 – Reading in the Junior and Senior High School was added as an option to READ 3990 to fulfill the teacher preparation reading requirement.

Changes were made in the Interdisciplinary Human Studies Academic Concentration: From the first section, remove HLTH 3020, HLTH 3030, HLTH 4001, and REHB 2003 and add HLTH 2900. From the second section, remove HLTH 3010 and add HLTH 3355, HLTH 3550, and HLTH 4305.

A note was added to make students seeking a health/physical education license aware of specific courses required within the Interdisciplinary Human Studies academic concentration.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – The committee will meet March 31, 2014 to review suggested changes, edited by Diana Lys, on the Overview of the Institution and Conceptual Framework.

Admissions & Retention – No report.

Policy – Laura Levi-Altstaedter reported that the committee met to review Appendix 1 to the CTE By-laws of CTE. A draft copy was distributed. Several changes were made to the document. The word “Changes” in the title, Procedure for Proposing Changes to the Professional Core Curriculum was changed to “Alternatives”. Under procedures, another step was added. (A) was replaced with “Only course-by-course alternatives will be considered.” The lettering format changed from A-E to A-F. References to “changes” or “exception” were changed to “alternative” or “alternative course” throughout the document. Cheryl Johnson called for the question, which was seconded by Jamie Williams. The draft was accepted with two “No” votes.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned by vote at 4:35.

The final meeting will be April 14, 2014 in Speight 312 at 3:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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