November 2013 Minutes


Minutes for November 11, 2013

The third meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2013-2014 academic year was held Monday, November 11, 2013, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Dan Boudah, Lena Carawan, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, , Bethann Fine, Hal Holloman, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, James McKernan, Susan Morgan, Kathy Misulis, Liz Oakley (UG student rep), Ron Preston, Shari Steadman, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams. Guest, Wendy Buck Petteway. Absent were Kylie Dotson-Blake, Angelo Collins, Cheryl Johnson, Diana Lys, Lisa Rogerson, Nate Von der Embse, Cynthia Wagoner and LCSN-PCS Representative.

Welcome and Introductions

Introduction of the Undergraduate student member was done by the Chair: Elizabeth Oakley, Junior Elementary Education major was welcomed by the group. A card for Sherry Tripp was circulated for everyone to sign. Many thanks go to Shari Steadman for purchasing the card.

Approval of Minutes October 14, 2013 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written with no corrections or additions.


The Chair asked for everyone’s help in calming the concerns of the December master’s degree graduates about licensure. They will meet the deadline for pay this year, if they meet all degree and testing requirements by graduation, submit forms, and pay their licensure fee.

Licensure renewal requirements are changing for faculty form 7.5 to 8 beginning with those renewing June 30, 2014 or after. Please inform faculty of this change.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Dr. Diana Lys, Director of Assessment & Accreditation – No Report

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Ms. Susan Morgan, Lead Coordinator gave the following updates:

  • Internship Placements for Sr. I spring 2014/senior II fall 2014 have been received and are being secured. Numbers are down about 40 from last spring. Last deadline for spring/fall placements is January 13, 2014 5:00 pm
  • A flow chart of LO for the process for a student to move from Licensure Only to Lateral Entry or vice versa was shared.

Old Business

There were no further Praxis II updates at this meeting. All areas will be required to take Praxis II if they complete their program on or after July 1, 2014.

New Business

A draft of a memo for the procedure to be used to process Spring Graduates’ licensure was distributed and brief discussion took place mostly regarding dates and the legality of the verbiage. The chair asked for feedback from departments and programs by December CTE meeting so the memo could be finalized for a January distribution.

Standing Committees

The CTE Curriculum Committee met on November 4, 2013, and recommended the following changes for approval:

Master’s Degree in CSDI
Recommend editorial changes to the catalog to clarify current procedure better than prior language.

B.S. in Family and Consumer Sciences Education

  1. New Course Proposal:
    The CDFR faculty seeks approval for FACS 2380: Apparel and Textiles for Family and Consumer Sciences. Please see the attached new course proposal form.
  2. Prerequisite Changes:
    FACS 4323: Add FACS 4317 as pre-requisite
  3. Catalog Changes:
    1. Core
      1. Deletion of HMGT 3300/3301
      2. Deletion of MRCH 2024, 2035
      3. Deletion of FACS 2003, 2004
      4. Deletion of NUTR 1330
      5. Deletion of CDFR 4366
      6. Addition of CDFR 2001
      7. Remove “or SOCI 1025” from CDFR 1103
      8.  Change NUTR 1000 to NUTR 1000 or NUTR 210
      9. Change NUTR 2300, 2331 to NUTR 2300, 2331 or HMGT 2300, 2301
    2. Foundations
      1. Change ART 1001 to ART 1001 or ART 1910
      2. Change COMM 2410 to COMM 2410 or COMM 2020 or COMM 2420
    3. Degree Requirements:
      1. FACS Core change from 42 sh to 33-34 sh
      2. Electives to Meet Required Hours change to 8-9 sh
      3. Required hours for degree change from 126 sh to 120 sh
      4. FACS students are required to complete ServSafe Manager certification prior to graduation

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No Report

Admissions & Retention – A handout for Internship Repeat requests was given to each committee member. The committee met briefly after the meeting to organize.

Policy – No Report

January 13, 2014 is the next meeting of the CTE Curriculum Committee. Send packages to the Chair, Ms. Jamie Williams, Health Education faculty member.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned with a motion by and a second by. The motion passed unanimously.

Meeting Dates remaining for 2013–2014 are December 9, January 13, February 10, March 17 (third Monday due to spring break) and April 14, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,
Vivian Martin Covington

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