September 2012 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for September 10, 2012

The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2012-2013 academic year was held Monday, September 10, 2012, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Angelo Collins, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kaye Dotson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Sandra Harvey, Cheryl Johnson, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Ron Preston, Robbie Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Shari Steadman, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams. Absent were Lena Carawan, David Gabbard, LCSN-PCS representative, Laura Levi Altstaedter, and James McKernan.

Order of Business

Everyone was welcomed to the first meeting of CTE. Members introduced themselves including new members; Barbara Brehm (CDFR-BK), Angelo Collins (MSITE), Kristen Cuthrell (Elementary/Middle Grades), Kaye Dotson (Library Studies), Sandra Harvey (Elementary/Middle Grades), Ron Preston (M/Sci/IT), and Robbie Quinn (Art). New members absent were David Gabbard (Special Ed/Research/Foundations), Laura Levi Altstaedter (Foreign Language), and James McKernan (Special Ed/Research/Foundations). The chair, the Director of Teacher Education, is the designee of the Dean of the College of Education responsible for the oversight of teacher education programs and is accountable to the Dean of the College of Education for all recommendations relating to such programs.

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the April 9, 2012 meeting were accepted. SOCI 1010 – Race, Gender, Class, a course which may be used as an equivalent of EDUC 3002 or PSYC 2777, was awaiting approval by the chancellor. (The course was approved and was offered this fall).

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

A list of members was distributed for verification of phone numbers and departmental names.

The Math Tutoring Lab is now located in Austin 204. This is a free resource for students needing help in most 1000 and 2000 level math classes. Math 1065 students will need to go to the Pirate CAVE for assistance.

The Office of Professional Development and Student Outreach is co-sponsoring a FREE PRAXIS I and II workshop with Professional Educators of NC (PENC). The workshop will be Saturday, October 20, 2012 in Rivers 105. Pre-registration is required through

A list of University Curriculum Committee and Graduate Curriculum Committee meeting dates were submitted. These dates should be helpful when submitting curriculum changes to the various committees. Submissions must be received by 5:00 p.m. two weeks prior to the scheduled respective committee meeting.

5000 level courses may be taken by students in undergraduate and graduate programs. Graduate students taking a 5000 level course will not receive a +/- grade, but an undergraduate students taking a 5000 level course can receive a +/- grade. Course syllabi should be changed to indicate the new grading system. A “C-“ is not passing for a course that was previously listed as requiring a “C”. MAT students need to receive a “B” or better. The College of Education defaulted to a 2.0 GPA, no letter grade indicated in catalog descriptions. Each department needs to make catalog and syllabus changes. Each course in the 24 hour Blueprints needs to indicate the “C” grade, no “C-“, as does each course in the professional teacher education sequence.

The Teacher Education Forum will be held September 20-21, 2012 at the North Raleigh Hilton in Raleigh, NC. The Office of Teacher Education will reimburse CTE members for the registration fee.

The “Apple Book”, Welcome to Teacher Education handbook, is available in the book store and will be available online at very soon (active 9/12/12). Scroll to the Table of Contents to view and print the book. Appendices may be printed altogether or separately.

Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an update on assessment and accreditation. The office is gearing up for the NCATE visit spring 2014. The SACS Institutional Report is ready. The SACS onsite review will be April 2-4, 2013. SACS began using dashboard presentations and we will be using the same format for NCATE. An electronic exhibit room will be available.

Dr. Lys and Dr. Covington will attend the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) Conference 9/13-15, 2012. NCATE and TEAC are preparing to merge into CAEP. This conference will assist institutions that are preparing for an accreditation review and individuals involved in the preparation for accreditation review. Details on the various pathways to accreditation are one of the topics to be covered.

A few program areas are finding that some evidences in the Blueprints need changing. This is a good time to make changes if necessary. There have been some issues with Electronic Evidence 2 in the music and elementary education concentrations in the MAT program. Dr. Lys is in touch with program coordinators about changes.

A COE Assessment and Accreditation Resource Brief #1, covering the Diversity Factor from the Undergraduate Teacher Education Exit Survey was distributed. Dr. Lys hopes to provide this newsletter monthly as a way of sharing data.

Cheryl Johnson is on a national panel for developing a Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) handbook for FACS.

The TPA group is expanding to seven other institutions.

Senior I and II students were given information on TaskStream® to help clinical teachers with the system. Dean Patriarca of the COE is committed to paying $200 to two teachers at each school in Pitt and Greene County to act as TaskStream® leaders to assist in training a critical mass of clinical teachers. Individuals working with another university using TaskStream® should contact for a key code for ECU.

Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Susan Morgan, Lead Coordinator OCE/AL gave an update on placements. Only one Senior I intern has not been placed. She has stressed to Senior I students to be of assistance to clinical teachers using TaskStream®.

Not all practicum placement requests are in from faculty. If you place your own in conjunction with the Office of Clinical Experiences, send the name, school, and placement area to her office. There are two coordinators assigning all students in practica placements. Bryan Holley returned to teaching with the public schools. A replacement is being sought for his position.

Melissa Nichols, who did all the university supervisor’s travel has taken a staff position in the public schools. Doreen Strayhorn, who was in Alternative Licensure, took another position on campus. Individuals may contact Emails are forwarded to one of the coordinators at this time. Both positions should be filled soon. There are a few licensure only plans of study to be developed and activated.

The Clinical Teacher Conference is scheduled for October 25, 2012. Senior II interns will sub free for their clinical teacher on that day. Clinical teachers should register for the conference through the portal. University supervisors are welcome, but must register through the portal also. Click the COE OPD Portal link on The registration link should be available later this month.

Applications for the Spring NC Teach Cohort, a fast track for lateral entry teachers, are due October 1. This cohort is not available for individuals in the areas of special education or elementary education. November 1 is the last day to apply to the university. Selected students will have time to apply to the university for spring registration.

Agenda V – Old Business

The purpose of CTE is to provide avenues of communication among all areas of the University and public school community directly concerned with teacher education and to make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education concerning needs related to teacher education at East Carolina University. The faculty representative’s role is to communicate the information discussed at each meeting to the department, program or school they represent.

By-laws, minutes and committees may be found in Outlook, Public Folders, All Public Folders, Council for Teacher Education.

Agenda VI – New Business

Mike Brown was nominated for Vice-Chair by John Carlson, which was seconded by Bill Grobe. Nominations were closed and he was elected Vice-Chair of CTE by acclamation.

Two student representatives in teacher education are needed to serve on the CTE Committee; two undergraduate students in their junior year and two graduate level students, preferably not interning in the spring. One in each category will serve as an alternate. Forward nominations to Vivian Covington or Sherry Tripp.

This year a criminal background check through a national firm is being completed in Senior I. The cost is $49. Students should self- report offenses between Senior I and the end of Senior II. Beginning Fall 2013, students will complete the background check prior to admission to Upper Division (UD). Verification of the criminal background check must accompany the UD Application. Another background check must be completed again at Senior I. This information is in the newest version of the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook.

Susan Morgan stated that 15 counties would not take practicum placements because of students lacking background checks.

The UD Application, CPL Form and Internship Application now contain the question regarding U. S. Citizenship status, which is required to be licensed in North Carolina. Students who are not a U. S. Citizen would need to come to the Office of Teacher Education to discuss their status before progressing too far in a program, as they may not qualify for a teaching license.

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Each standing committee met and elected a chair after the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be October 1, 2012 in Speight 312. (NOTE: This is the first Tuesday due to October 8 being fall break).

Admission & Retention (5) at least 2 from COE plus DoTEd

John Carlson CFAC, THEA
Jamie Williams CHHP, HLTH
Bill Grobe, Chair COE, LEED
Diana Lys Director of Assessment & Accreditation
Angelo Collins COE, MSITE
Shari Steadman COE, LEHE
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

Evaluation and Planning (6) at least 1 from COE plus DoTEd

Ron Preston COE, MSITE
Mike Dawson, Chair CHHP, KINE
Cheryl Johnson CHE, FACS
Jim McKernan COE, SERF
Kristen Cuthrell COE, ELMID
Ivan Wallace COE, BITE
Robbie Quinn CFAC, ART
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

Curriculum (traditionally has met 1st Monday 2:00) (8) at least 2 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd

Kylie Dotson-Blake COE, HACE
Bethann Fine COE, MSITE
Mike Brown, Chair HCAS, PSYC
Lisa Rogerson COE, ELEM
Barbara Brehm CHE, B-K
Lena Carrawan CHE, SOCW
Sandra Harvey COE, ELMID
Student Rep
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156


Policy (5) at least 1 from COE, Student, plus DoTEd

Chair to be determined

Student Rep
Mike Brown Chair of Curriculum
Bill Grobe Chair of Adm. & Ret.
Mike Dawson Chair of Eval. & Planning
Cynthia Wagoner CFAC, MUSC
Kaye Dotson COE, LIBS
Susan Morgan Lead Coordinator, OCE/AL
Laura Levi Altstaedter HCAS, FORL
David Gabbard COE, SERF
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

Remaining meeting dates: October 1, November 12, December 10, January 14, February 11, March 18 and April 8.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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