November 2009 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for November 9, 2009

The third meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2009-2010 academic year was held Monday, November 9, 2009 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Michele Wallen for Rick Barnes, Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, John Carlson, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lana Kay Dotson, Mary Jackson for Brenda Eastman, Dana Espinosa, Johna Faulconer, David Gabbard, Nicole Griffin, Bill Grobe, Laura King, LCSN representative Carla Frinsko, Adam Leggett, Diana Lys, Michael Meloth, Betty Peel, Karli Ruscoe, Sharon Schleigh, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Sarah Williams and visitor- Crystal Jones. Absent were Michael Brown, Linda High, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, and Barbara Woods.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the October 19, 2009 meeting were accepted. Dr. Covington reminded everyone that minutes and other items concerning CTE are in Outlook under Public Folders.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

The second and last round of internship applications for spring Senior I/fall Senior II are due the first day of classes, January 8, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. This round should be for students completing pre-requisite classes from the fall or those with previous GPA issues. The first round ended November 6.

Math placement test will be held Friday, December 11, 2009, 11:00 a.m. in Austin 110. Contact Gwen Hardin in the Math Department at 328-4111.

Agenda III – Assessment Update

Diana Lys, Interim Assessment Coordinator, gave an update. Thirty-seven revised licensure blueprints were submitted November 2 to DPI. We should receive feedback by the end of the year and in early January 2010 program coordinators will be notified with the status. The M.A.Ed revision process is still under development at DPI. More information will come when available. The Conceptual Framework needs revisiting and a new Ad-hoc committee formed. Please consider volunteering for this committee. Representatives from teacher ed program areas and non-teacher ed areas are needed. Please email names of interested faculty to Diana Lys. She would like to have the names by the December 14 meeting. The committee would need to start meeting in January. Two versions of the Electronic Evidence 4, new Progress Reports, were distributed and discussed. Please take to your program areas, discuss, and be prepared to vote on version 1 or 2 at the December meeting. The chosen version will be going into TaskStream and we are working on a way to have an electronic signature.

Agenda IV – Old Business

We have a few conflicts with sub-committee meeting times and need to change some assignments. Dr. Covington will email those involved.

Today’s refresher deals with second attempts at internship (SR I or II, medical or whatever reason).

  1. Students shall not be in the same county as first attempt so there are no preconceived notions.
  2. A different university supervisor is preferred.
  3. Some remediation of deficiency must occur prior to re-placement. Deficiency could be planning, management or a dispositional issue.
  4. Admissions and Retention Committee of CTE must rule on re-placement.
  5. No more than two attempted Internships are allowed.
  6. Documentation is critical; contracts may be instituted.
  7. A second attempt in the internship may occur after graduation if a grade of D is given in internship with 2.5 overall GPA. Students cannot go Lateral Entry. Students must repeat the internship at ECU. If a student has less than a 2.5 GPA, the student must take courses prior to the repeated internship to raise the GPA.

Less than one percent of interns have to repeat the internship.

Agenda V – New Business

Information on the Ad-Hoc Committee on the Conceptual Framework was covered by Diana Lys earlier.

Agenda VI – Standing Committees

Curriculum – Carol Brown, chair, – No report

Evaluation & Planning – No report

Admission & Retention – No report

Policy – Mike Bossé reported that more information was needed before proceeding with the policy statement regarding convictions. The committee will meet prior to the December meeting.

There being no further business, Mike Bossé moved to adjourn, which was seconded by Joe Ciechalski. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. The next meeting will be December 14, 2009.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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