October 2007 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for October 8, 2007

The second meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2007-2008 academic year was held Monday, October 8, 2007 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Vic Aeby for Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Boni Boswell, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Dawn Clark, Joe Ciechalski, Lynne Davis, Todd Finley, Linda High, Tammy Lee, PCS representative-Carla Frinsko, Betty Peel, Mary Pickard, Mary Lisa Pories, Robbie Quinn, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Jane Teleki, Sarah Williams, and Scott Williams. Absent were, Meta Downes/Gregg Givens, Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, and Melissa Matusevich.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Joe Ciechalski and seconded by Michael Brown to approve the minutes from the September 10, 2007. The minutes were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Everyone was asked to verify contact information.

An updated committee list was distributed. (Members met later to elect chairs).

Students needing a copy of their SAT/ACT scores for admission to Upper Division, may find them on OneStop on Profiles Tab–Student Profile. PRAXIS scores are also available. Faculty need to access the SOATEST screen in Banner to view PRAXIS scores after MVS is discontinued in November.

The first internship application deadline is November 5, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. All other applications should be held until January 11, 2008.

The internship application includes a statement pertaining to convictions. Assistance is needed in reminding students of the seriousness of this section of the application. When a student subs during Senior II, the school system completes a background check. Some students have had convictions after admission to Upper Division and have not discussed their situation with the Directer of Teacher Education, as written on the application.

DLK Recruitment is placing teachers in positions in London. Individuals must go within six months of graduation. For more information, students should contact Barbara.Hatch@uk-pro.net.

The next ASIP Computer Challenge Exams are October 25, October 29, January 9 or January 10. Students may contact bassm@ecu.edu to register. Students failing the exam will have time to register to take the course spring 2008.

The Office of Professional Development recently sponsored a workshop on classroom management with approximately 60 individuals attending. The next workshop, “Culture of Poverty: A Workshop for Teacher Education Faculty,” will be November 6 from 1-4:00 p.m. in Mendenhall Student Center, Room 244. Registration is requested at coeopd@ecu.edu. Topics for future workshops considered are diversity and arts in the curriculum.

The College of Education and Project HEART are hosting a Service Learning training a the City Hotel and Bistro on October 26 and December 6, 2007 from 8-4:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. For the October training, RSVP by October 17 at 328-4357.

Agenda III – Old Business

Assistance is needed in getting more students to participate in the BB&T Teacher Leadership Academy. It is not too late for students to join the existing group. Another group will be selected in the spring. The COE would like to continue this academy through the BB&T grant for another year.

Two student representatives are still needed to serve on the committee. They can be either undergraduates or graduate students. Send names to Sherry Tripp or Vivian Covington.

There is a general methods course available online for lateral entry (LE) teachers. It is preferred that LE teachers take methods in their major area. More departments need to offer their methods course online.

Using charter schools for internship placements was discussed. One school in particular has requested that interns be placed in their school. In the past, charter schools were not used for intern placements. Seven out of the sixteen UNC systems use charter schools. There are 20 to 30 charter schools within the LCSN network. Charter schools have a different learning experience. There is not much diversity or inclusion in the classrooms. Testing requirements are different from other public schools. Should there be a policy for all or should a particular school meet specific standards? Practicum placements are made at charter schools. Mary Lisa Pories made a motion and Joe Ciechalski seconded to send this matter to the Policy Committee for their recommendation.

Agenda IV – New Business

Lynne Davis distributed the DPI/IHE Survey Results for 2006-2007. On a scale of one to four, program completers for the initial program, masters level, and administrators rated each level high. High ratings were also received on Unit Summaries for the Initial and Advanced Programs Exit Surveys, Dispositions, Portfolio Components, and Progress Report Scores.

She gave an assessment update, highlighting the proposed NCATE/DPI alignment, the old and proposed standards, proposed program approval process, proposed timelines for implementation and the program revision process beginning with CTE responsibilities then program areas.

Agenda V – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – no report

Evaluation and Planning – no report

Curriculum – no report

Policy – no report

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Graduate Programs – no report.

The meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. for Standing Committees to meet and elect chairs. (Copy included. Standing Committees and chairs may be viewed in Outlook, Public Folders, All Public Folders, Council for Teacher Ed)

Meeting dates for 2007-2008

November 12, 2007                               February 11, 2008

December 10, 2007                               March 3, 2008 (first Monday due to spring break)

January 14, 2008                                   April 14, 2008

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

COUNCIL FOR TEACHER EDUCATION Committee Membership 2007-2008

Admission & Retention

Phone prefix: 328 unless listed otherwise

Robbie Quinn ART 5182
Linda High MUSC 4277
Scott Williams, CHAIR BITE 5187
Public School Representatives
Marcela Ruiz-Funes FORL 6045
Meta (Gregg) Downs (Givens) SLAP 744-6089 (744-6102)
David Gabbard C&I, Foundations 6865, 367-9768
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156
Latham Clinical Schools Network


Evaluation and Planning

Mary Lisa Pories SOCW 5547
Beth Ann Fine LSIT 6627
Sarah Williams C&I, SPED 5590
Bill Grobe LEED 6499
Joe Ciechalski, CHAIR COAD 4218
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156


Curriculum   (traditionally has met 1st Monday 2:00)

Tom Caron C&I, READ 737-2097
Michael Brown PSYC 4170
Carol Brown LSIT 1624
Todd Finley C&I, ENED 6695, 717-9286
Boni Boswell, CHAIR EXSS 0007
Jane Teleki CDFR, B-K 1330
Tammy Lee MSED, SCIE 9364
  Student Representative
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156



Michael Bosse, CHAIR MSED, MATE 9367
Dawn Clark DNCE 6325
Karli Ruscoe Alternative Licensure 2253
Mary Pickard CDFR, FACS 5714
Betty Peel C & I, ELEM 6782
Rick Barnes HLTH 4238
Student Representative
Scott Williams Chair of Admission and Retention
Boni Boswell Chair of Curriculum
Joe Ciechalski Chair of Evaluation and Planning
Vivian Covington Chair of CTE 2156

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