October 2006 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for October 9, 2006

The second meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2006-2007 academic year was held Monday, October 9, 2006 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Boni Boswell, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Todd Finley, Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Nancy House, Jami Jones, Carolyn Ledford, Tammy Lee, Ashley Mann, Melissa Matusevich, Mary Pickard, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Jane Teleki, and Scott Williams. Absent were Michael Brown, Lynne Davis, Pitt County Representative, and Sarah Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Carolyn Ledford and seconded by Bill Grobe to approve the minutes from the September 11, 2006 meeting with one correction. Mary Pickard was listed on the Policy Committee as being in CDFR/BK. She is in the Family and Consumer Sciences program area.

Agenda II – Announcements

Ashley Mann was introduced as the graduate student representative. A representative from a teacher ed undergraduate program is still needed. Please send suggestions to Vivian Covington.

A Career Fair with various industries represented will be held October 26 in Minges Coliseum.

Internship deadlines for Spring 2007 Senior I/Fall 2007 Senior II are November 6 and January 5, which is the first day of spring semester.

CTE minutes, by-laws, committees, and meeting dates can be accessed through Microsoft Outlook by clicking on Public Folders, All Public Folders and Council for Teacher Education.

Everyone serving as a chair on a Standing Committees was thanked for agreeing to give additional time.

Members were reminded of the Teaching Fellows Program’s upcoming five year review November 1-2, 2006 with the NC Teaching Fellows Commission.

Agenda III – Old Business

The Teacher Education Forum was attended by several members of CTE. Judge Howard Manning, presiding judge of the Leandro Case, and Diane Beasley, NC Teacher of the Year, were the speakers. The Office of Teacher Education would like to have Ms. Beasley speak at the Clinical Teacher Conference in March or later.

Factual corrections on the DPI Accreditation Report and the rejoinders for social work and dance have been submitted to DPI. The report should be presented to State Evaluation Committee October 30, 2006.

The PRAXIS Test Waiver was discussed at the Associate Dean’s Meeting on October 6. Only one part of the PRAXIS I test can be waived. In addition to the Rule of Three (student must have a 3.0 or higher GPA, have taken the test at least three times, and be within three or less points from passing the test), there must be extenuating circumstances consisting of a documented disability, remediation, and have passed a test in the area in which the waiver is being requested. Testing is the key. Possible courses in which the final exam grade may count could be MATH 1065 for math, ENGL 1000 or 2000 for reading and ENGL 1200 for writing. Once approved by the Dean, the request goes before a panel at the state level, then to the State Board. Requests are public knowledge.

Further discussion was held concerning the technology competency for admission to Upper Division. Bethann Fine stated that traditional students in EDTC 4001 usually did not have a problem with the class because they had taken the technology competency class within the four year time frame. The non-traditional student who completed the class five or more years ago was not as proficient. They had problems with attachments and file management. Melissa Matusevich stated that she had encourntered problems in her online classes. Taking the challenge exam as a pre-requisite to EDTC 4001 was suggested for students whose technology was over four years old. It was also suggested that modules be developed for individuals with outdated technology classes. Discussion on this topic will continue at the next meeting using different scenarios; Wachovia Partnership students, distance education students, and campus students.

Agenda IV – New Business

Peter Romary, an attorney working part-time at ECU, has created DVDs on domestic violence, proper seclusion and restraint. Pre-service and in-service teachers have to meet competencies in these areas. He is available to meet in early experience or methods classes or during Senior II.

Lynne Davis will be working with program areas on SACS Record Books.

Temporary authorizations have been received verbally for the M.A.Ed in BK and the MAT in Hispanic Studies. We are awaiting written confirmation. We have just sent in the review for the M.A.Ed in FACS.

Names of interested persons to serve on the Ad Hoc Committees are needed. Non-CTE members are allowed. Please share this opportunity with other faculty members.

Agenda V – Standing Committee

Admission & Retention – Scott Williams, Chair, had no report.

Evaluation and Planning –Carolyn Ledford, Chair, had no report.

Curriculum –Todd Finley, Chair, had no report.

Policy –Joe Ciechalski, Chair, asked that the committee meet after the meeting to determine a time to meet to discuss the testing waiver. (The Policy Committee will meet on October 23 at 3:15 in Speight 105 to discuss the procedures and criteria for requesting a waiver).

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Portfolio – The committee needs to meet to discuss training for university supervisors in scoring portfolios.

Graduate Programs – M.A. Ed field experiences need to be more in-depth. The committee needs to meet to discuss improvements.

Professional Studies – The Undergraduate Internship Progress Report Rubrics need validating.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m. The next meeting will be on November 13, 2006.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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