March 2006 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for March 20, 2006

The eighth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2005-2006 academic year was held Monday, March 20, 2006 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Michael Brown, Melva Burke, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Lynne Davis, Dana Espinosa, Gwendolyn Guy, Melissa Hamm, Jami Jones, Carolyn Ledford, Mark Malley, Al Muller, Pitt County Representative-Julie Cary, Mary Lisa Pories, Marcela Ruiz-Funes and Sandra Warren for Sarah Williams. Absent were Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Lilla Holsey, Linda James, Rhonda Kenny, Ashleigh Phillips, Betty Smith, and Sandy Triebenbacher.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Rick Barnes and seconded by Joe Ciechalski to approve the minutes from the February 13 and 27, 2006 meetings.

Agenda II – Announcements

The College of Education Graduate Recognition Ceremony will be held May 5, 2006 in Minges Coliseum at 7:00 p.m. (note time change). If other program areas need to post departmental graduation activities to OneStop under Teacher Education, please let Dr. Covington know.

Please adhere to the directions and timelines for the three deadlines for undergraduate Senior I fall/Senior II spring internship requests. Nancy Houston in Clinical Experiences receives the intern applications.

Faculty with teaching licenses expiring June 2006 have been notified. The deadline for submitting renewal materials to the Office of Teacher Education is April 18. Materials received after then will require the $55 renewal fee.

The Admissions and Retentions Committee will meet this month to discuss revisions to the “Apple Book” and re-admits to internships. Any suggested changes should be sent to the chair, Sarah Williams or Sherry Tripp.

Agenda III – Old Business

All NCATE standards were met at the recent accreditation visit in February. There are three areas for improvement. Standard 2, Unit Assessment—There is not clear evidence for how faculty use the unit assessment system to improve and inform instruction. Standard 4, Diversity—Students do not have diverse faculty with whom to interact and there is too much variability in diversity courses/information offered to students in the initial programs. All DPI standards were met. Two programs had minor citations. The Unit Accreditation Board makes the final approval for NCATE standards. The State Evaluation Committee and the State Board give final approval for the DPI standards.

The math and verbal portions of the SAT scores are the only ones used in place of PRAXIS I tests. The writing portion does not count in any way as of now.

The State Board is considering a proposal to appoint a review panel to evaluate applications for exceptions from licensure requirements and make recommendations to the State Board. This proposal includes individuals who have not met PRAXIS I requirements after taking multiple times, but has a good GPA or extenuating circumstances has prevented the individual from passing the tests. The individual and a representative from the LEA or IHE may be required to appear before the panel. Materials submitted become public records. State Board action will be taken next month.

Agenda IV – New Business

The chair would like for members to share with their faculty the possibility of (1) discontinuing the Speech and Hearing requirement, (2) requiring a “C” or better in all professional courses in all programs, and (3) dropping the technology requirement for admission to upper division. Only students with potential speech or hearing problems would be referred to the clinic. These issues will be discussed next month.

Al Muller would like the Portfolio Committee to look into deleting the required technology checksheet since the grade in the technology class is evidence of achievement of the technology standards.

Teacher ed programs must now include training in the positive management of student behavior and the safe and appropriate use of seclusion and restraint. Peter Romary, a local attorney dealing in conflict resolution and mediation may assist in creating modules in these areas to be incorporated in classes. Mary Lisa Pories of Social Work stated that her program area teaches courses in these areas and may be able to assist in the design and delivery. Where students receive this training in each program area will need to be documented.

Agenda V – Standing Committee

Curriculum – Vivian Covington reported for Linda James. The committee met and approved the following changes in the math education program; (1) in General Education, drop PHIL 1500 as a required course and add four already required courses to the listing to be consistent with the general teacher education requirements (PSYC 1000, PSYC 3206, HIST, and ENGL Literature); (2) in the Core, drop two courses that no longer exist, MATH 2775 and MATH 2935 as per a UCC agreement and add the two new course replacements, MATE 2700, Applications in Statistics and Probability and MATE 2800, Discrete Math: Explorations and Applications, and (3) in Professional Courses, add PSYC 4305 as an alternative to EDUC 4400 to make this consistent with general teacher education listing on page 183 of catalogue and change pre-requisites for MATE 4001 to MATE 2800 and MATE 2700 (previous pre-requisites no longer exist). A motion was made by Rick Barnes and seconded by Mary Lisa Pories to accept. All proposed changes were approved.

Evaluation – No report

Admission and Retention – No report.

Policy – No report.

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Portfolio – No report

Graduate Programs – No report.

Professional Studies – No report.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next meeting for the academic year 2005-2006 will be April 10, 2006.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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