October 2005 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for October 10, 2005

The second meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2005-2006 academic year was held Monday, October 10, 2005 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Melva Burke, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Lynne Davis, Dana Espinosa, Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Gwendolyn Guy, Michelle Hairston for Linda High, Lilla Holsey, Linda James, Jami Jones, Rhonda Kenny, Kelly Kiser, Carolyn Ledford, Mark Malley, Al Muller, Pitt County Representative Carla Frinsko, Mary Lisa Pories, and Sandy Triebenbacher. Absent were Michael Brown, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Betty Smith, and Sarah Williams.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Joe Ciechalski and seconded by Carolyn Ledford to approve the minutes from the September 12, 2005 meeting.

Agenda II – Announcements

The chair announced that the ASIP 2000 Challenge Exam will be given October 19 from 2-4 p.m. and October 20 from 1-3 p.m. in Bate 2023. Students should contact smithcyn@ecu.edu to register for the exam.

A Career Fair for all majors will be held October 20 from 10-2 p.m. in Minges Coliseum. The Teacher Education Job Fair is held in the spring. Any student in Senior II this semester, wanting to attend the October Career Fair, must get prior approval and complete the absentee form.

Spring 2006/Fall 2006 internship placement requests are due November 7, 2006. Second and last round placements for Spring 2006/Fall 2006 are due the first day of Spring 2006 semester.

Members were asked to let new faculty know that CTE minutes, by-laws, committees and meeting dates can be accessed through Microsoft Outlook by clicking on Public Folders, All Public Folders then, Council for Teacher Education.

Thanks were given to Ad Hoc Committee members and chairs of all committees.

Agenda III – Old Business

HB706, Facilitating of Hiring of Teachers, was vetoed by the governor last month. This bill gave out-of-state teachers the designation as “highly qualified” (HQ) if they earned that distinction in their prior state. The legislature still may override his decision. This month the State Board of Education compromised and voted to give full NC licensure to out-of-state teachers with at least three years experience if they are hired back by their local districts after one year of teaching in NC.

Elementary and Exceptional Children (degree seeking or licensure only) must take PRAXIS II. All NC Teaching Fellows and lateral entry teachers must take PRAXIS II, regardless of their area. Other Middle Grades, K-12, and secondary students do not have to take the tests. They also will be issued a Standard Professional License I (SPLI). After three years of teaching, it can be converted to a SPLII. PRAXIS II is one option of meeting the HQ requirement. This is becomes an employment issue.

Michael Bossé (Math) is suggesting that his students take the PRAXIS II while they are familiar with all levels of math since most new math teachers do not normally teach the higher level courses. Dana Espinosa (EXSS) asked if a class “M” license would still be issued. Class codes remain the same, the status of the license is designated by SPLI or SPLII.

Fall graduates in elementary and exceptional children areas should take the tests now. It is to their advantage for employment purposes to take the tests now, since teachers have to be HQ by July 2006.

Individuals adding on a teaching area to an existing license do not have to take the PRAXIS II (except elementary and exceptional children), but have to be HQ, which consists of having 24 hours in the content or taking the test. Individuals completing an M.A.Ed in a teaching area or MAT degree meet the criteria for being HQ, thus no test is needed in areas other than elementary and exceptional children.

No updates have been received concerning the SAT cutoff scores to use in place of PRAXIS I.

Two new student representatives were introduced. Melissa Hamm, a graduate student in reading, will serve this semester and replace Kelly Kiser who will be graduating this fall. Ashleigh Phillips, a student in BCTE, is the new undergraduate representative.

The Teacher Education Forum held in September had a good turnout and good representation from teacher education. Judge Manning spoke on the state of the high school. Wendy Miller, NC Teacher of the Year was the luncheon speaker. Kathy Sullivan discussed license changes.

The undergraduate catalogue mistakenly omitted SPED 4010 from the course listings. It is still a required course.

Agenda IV – New Business

The chair suggested that members think about converting the Ad-Hoc Graduate/Advanced Programs Committee to a standing committee.

The accreditation visit will be Saturday, February 25 through Wednesday, March 1, 2006.

Agenda V – Standing Committee

Curriculum – The chair, Linda James announced that November is the deadline to get approval for catalog changes.

Evaluation – The chair, Carolyn Ledford reported that the DPI Report has been drafted and ready for the printer.  Evidence boxes are being prepared. They have reviewed a draft of the NCATE Report due out October 20. Site visit arrangements are being prepared and the preliminary visit is in December.

Admission and Retention – No report

Policy – No report

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Ad Hoc Committee members do not have to be CTE members. Committees are Portfolio, Graduate Programs and Professional Studies. The Dispositions Committee completed its work and disbanded.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. The next meeting for the academic year 2005-2006 will be November 14, 2005.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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