January 2015 Minutes


Minutes for January 12, 2015

The fifth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2014-2015 academic year was held Monday, January 12, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS Representative Julie Cary, Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Susan Morgan, Jeff Pizzutilla, Sandra Seay, Lora Lee Smith- Canter, Shari Steadman, Liz Doster Taft, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, Elaine Yontz and visitor Laura Bilbro-Berry. Absent were Lena Carawan, Bethann Fine Cole, Kristen Cuthrell, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Lisa Rogerson, Cynthia Wagoner, and Christy Walcott

Approval of Minutes December 8, 2014 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.

Announcements– Everyone was reminded of the NCATE legacy, transformation initiative visit February 8-10, 2015. The CAEP Team will attend the CTE meeting February 9, 2015 from 4:00-4:45, please plan to stay the full time.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave a review of the upcoming visit.

The 108 page CAEP Institutional Report Addendum submitted December 22, 2014 contained responses to 46 questions. All responses will be validated at the onsite visit. This is posted online at http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/oaa/Exhibit_Rooms.cfm.

In response to/in support of CAEP’s IR question regarding ECU Conceptual Framework (CF), an Ad hoc Committee will be formed to discuss changes to the CF. Dr. Lys met with the Latham Clinical Schools Network on January 7, 2015 to discuss the ECU CF. Both the Local Education Agency (LEA) and ECU representatives agreed that each current priority area; diversity, assessment and research continue to be a priority. In the area of technology, ECU saw it as a priority. One LEA representative thought it is was not a priority, as technology should be integrated in everything we do. Rationale for each priority was noted and discussed. Documents completed by the board were collected and the information aggregated for the ad hoc committee to use to begin their work.

A draft schedule, pending feedback from Dr. Knight, BOE Chair, was presented. Team members will arrive on Saturday evening February 7, 2015 or Sunday morning, February 8, 2015 and begin working at the Hilton. The site team chair and state co-chair will provide an orientation for team members that includes current issues and recommendations from the “Board of Examiners Update” and other correspondence from CAEP regarding the TI visit expectations and procedures in contrast to the Continuous Improvement pathway. The team will be resolving any areas of concern noted in the Offsite Formative Feedback Report and validating that standards continue to be met. The BOE team members will discuss findings on documents reviewed after the offsite meeting and prior to arrival at the onsite visit. A reception or round table group interviews will be held late afternoon to resolve areas of concern in meeting standards and/or progress of TI. The Provost’s Council will attend this meeting. Later team meetings will be held to discuss findings from review of data and exhibits.

Monday’s schedule consists of meeting with the ECU CAEP Leadership Team, visiting Greene County Schools and Wintergreen Primary Intermediate School in Pitt County, meeting with ECU faculty, and the Council for Teacher Education. Late afternoon meetings are scheduled with candidates, graduates and LEA partners.

Tuesday will focus on the team meeting with the ECU CAEP Leadership Team, writing, revising, and finalizing the onsite report. The team will meet with the Provost and ECU CAEP Leadership Team to discuss the team’s findings and describe the next steps in the accreditation process. The team makes a recommendation to CAEP’s Accreditation Council, which makes the final decision about whether standards are met and the areas for improvement (AFIs) to cite. The team will depart at 2:30 p.m.

There were no updates on DPI/Program Approval or SACS.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information. The final date for Senior I applications for Spring/Fall 2015 Internship was January 12, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. SR II seminars were held this morning and SR I seminars will be Friday, January 16, 2015, in Mendenhall Student Center.

A list of SRI interns will be sent to departments to review placements and clinical teachers. New university supervisors should contact Ellen Dobson dobsone@ecu.edu to set up Blackboard or Taskstream® accounts, etc.

Ms. Morgan serves as the advisor of all lateral entry students. Licensure Only plans are initiated in the Office, but sent to each department for advising. Regional Alternative Licensure Center students are advised through one of the centers. She asked members to remind university supervisors in their program areas to enter Initial Visits in Taskstream® on time please.

Old Business—Student representatives are still needed to serve on CTE this year. A vote is needed on the revisions to the By-laws (see Policy).

New Business—Dr. Ivan Wallace will lead the CTE in a feedback session for Dr. Covington’s Five Year Review prior to the close of the meeting. Dr. Covington was not present during this time.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – No report. The next meeting will be February 2, 2015 meeting at 9:00 a.m. Items needing to go before the committee should be sent to the Chair, Ms. Jamie Williams, and members by 5:00 p.m. January 26, 2015.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report.

Admissions & Retention – No report. Dr. Covington is preparing the Petitions for Exception list for the committee to review.

Policy — There were no suggestions or comments regarding the revisions of the By-laws presented in December. A motion was made by Elaine Yontz and seconded by Nan Young Kim to accept the revisions. The revisions were accepted.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. Dr. Covington excused herself and Dr. Wallace led the feedback session on her Five Year Review. The next meeting will be February 9, 2015, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312 with CAEP team members joining the meeting at 4:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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