September 2015 Minutes


Minutes for September 14, 2015

The first meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2015-2016 academic year was held Monday, September 14, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Kermit Buckner, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lori Flint, Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS Representatives Julie Cary, Heather House and Tiffany Vincent, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Marissa Nesbit, Sean O’Dell, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robert Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Nicole Smith, Shari Steadman, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams. Absent were Lena Carawan, Kristen Cuthrell, and Liz Doster Taft. Visitors were Laura Bilbro-Berry and Christy Sutton.

All were welcomed to the first meeting for this year and each member introduced themselves. New members for this year are Kermit Buckner (LEED), Lori Flint (SEFR), Heather House (LCSN-GR Whitfield), Marissa Nesbit (Dance/Theatre), Sean O’Dell (Sch PSYC), Robert Quinn (ART), and Nicole Smith (Alt. Licensure/Clin. Exp). Laura Bilbro-Berry, Asst. Director of Teacher Ed and Christy Sutton, Clinical Coordinator in Alternative Licensure were welcomed as visitors.

Approval of Minutes April 13, 2015 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


The NC-ACTE Conference, also called the Teacher Education Forum, will be September 24-25, 2015 at the North Raleigh Hilton. Public and private institutions with teacher education programs normally attend the Forum. The Office of Teacher Education will reimburse the registration fee for CTE members.

The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook, “Apple Book”, can be found online at by clicking on Handbook.

The Accuplacer Math Placement Tests will be offered October 26 or 29, November 3 or 6 in Austin 204 on a first come, first served basis. Contact Sandy Godley, for future test dates.

August 1, 2015, NCDPI began the new online licensure system for LEAs and existing professional educators. IHE’s will be trained on the new system at the Fall Forum. Fall graduates will use this new system. There are 120 Senior II interns this semester. More information detailing the process will follow.

Robert Quinn in Art announced the Faculty Art Exhibition will be held October 9 through November 20. A reception will be held October 16 from 6-8:00 p.m. in the Wellington B. Gray Gallery.

Lori Flint, also Chair of the University Curriculum Committee, suggested that curriculum changes needed to be submitted soon in order to be acted upon this academic year.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an overview of SACS, NCDPI and CAEP.

SACS—The COE Assessment Review Committee (ARC) reviews of education units, certificates, and support units are commencing. Each College/Unit works differently through this process, and Dr. Lys reported on where the COE is in this process. CTE reps should check with home units if their programs reside outside of COE.

If you need access to assessment data, submit a Data Request through allowing adequate time for request clarifications and report development.

NCDPI—If you are making significant changes to approved blueprints, they are due either September 15 or February 15 yearly. A significant change would include any changes to evidences in degree/licensure portfolios.

Program Approval for Licensure Programs—Policy and Process workgroups have been formed. We are good with edTPA for evidences 3 and 5. Evidence 2, is Content. Lori Flint reminded members of Evidence 6, Teachers Lead in their Classes and Schools. This is being piloted in EDUC 4400 in Taskstream this fall for inclusion next spring. She will bring results back to CTE in the spring.

Specialized Professional Accreditation (SPA) Timelines

Timelines may be adjusted to fall mid-cycle (3 years prior) of the ECU EPP’s next accreditation cycle. If you are a program rep for one of the nationally recognized programs below, please report back at the October CTE meeting if the program plans to pursue SPA accreditation for the next cycle.

  • Council for Exceptional Children (CEC): BS submission September 15, 2015; MAED submission February 15, 2016.
  • National Association of School Psychologists (NASP): moved to Spring 2019 (2/19/2019) to align with mid-cycle review for next CAEP visit.
  • American Library Association/American Association of School Librarians (ALA/AASL): MLS program’s AASL national recognition expires 2/1/2022. (Contact Diana Lys since this accreditation is around CAEP’s next visit in 2022).
  • Educational Leadership Constituent Council (ELCC) (NPBEA): MSA program’s ELCC national recognition expires 2/1/2023.

CAEP–Recommendations from February 2015 CAEP Accreditation visit go to CAEP Accreditation Council in October 2015 for final approval.

Student Survey Pilot Opportunity is available. If anyone is interested in this pilot, which has the name, Tripod, the Gates Foundation has grants to make this happen. Any program interested in learning more, contact Diana Lys.

Looking ahead, the CAEP Standards for Initial and Advanced Programs are more challenging to meet than the legacy NCATE Standards we used for our last visit. So for discussion and feedback, reps should engage faculty in their areas with this question and bring feedback to the council, “How do ECU’s advanced programs (MAED/MM, MSA, MLS, MS, EdS, EdD) document graduates’ impact on P-12 learners?”

Also, think about Advanced Program impact data, specifically, what data do ECU programs have? Think about this as program areas, and it will be discussed at the next meeting. Thinking of this in the form of “Hits” and “Misses” in the data to support our work and tell our story might be helpful. CAEP Standards for Advanced Programs were distributed and emailed earlier to CTE members.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Smith, a former Pitt County Schools employee, assumed the duties of Susan Morgan today as Lead Coordinator in Clinical Experiences and Alternative Licensure. Julia Lynch, who replaced Karen Gammon as a Clinical Coordinator, began in OCE on September 1, 2015. She is also a former Pitt County Schools employee. She will be working with practica placements and alternative licensure plans of study.

Senior II Seminars were held August 25 with 118 students attending. Senior I Seminars were held August 28 with 290 students attending.

Old Business

The purpose of CTE is to provide avenues of communication among all areas of the University and public school community directly concerned with educator preparation and to make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Education concerning needs related to educator preparation at East Carolina University. The Director of Teacher Education will serve as permanent Chair of the Council. Bylaws, minutes and committees can be found at CTE members should report information to faculty in their respective departmental areas as a primary function of their role on CTE.

A chart was presented showing the number of days missed and number of interns who missed days during Senior II. There were a total of 521 days missed involving 224 interns. Numbers included approved and unapproved absences.

Members were reminded to discuss with faculty the requirement of a grade of “C” or better in the correct, professional core courses, which was passed in 2009, effective with teacher ed candidates entering a teacher ed program Fall 2010 or later. Students cannot be recommended for a teaching license with grades of C- or lower in professional core courses.

Vivian Covington distributed a handout of NC Program Remodeling (previously referred to as re-visioning) Materials listing resources for teacher preparation programs, resources for school executive preparation

programs, and superintendent preparation programs. IHEs seeking State Board approval for new teacher or school executive programs must submit electronic blueprints to the Director of Educator Preparation following the guidelines listed under each program. The site link with resources is

New Business

Two additional counties, Currituck and Chatham have joined the Latham Clinical Schools Network, bringing the total to 41 counties.

The National Heritage Academies, a charter school management corporation, has recently opened Winterville Charter School in Pitt County. They are interested in students being placed in their school for practica placements or as interns. Dr. Covington explained ECU does not sign MOUs with individual charter schools; however, we can place students in charter schools but all teachers assigned to ECU students must be licensed for the grade in which the student is placed.

A non-licensure Waiver for Advanced Licensure Program is being proposed for master level and above individuals who do not presently hold a NC teaching license who wish to pursue a degree that normally requires an initial license upon entering a program. This would apply to individuals out of state or foreign students not wanting a NC license or individuals with expired SP1 NC licenses (i.e. those teachers who did not complete the three years of the state required Beginning Teacher program). This form can be accessed at:

It has been suggested to change the name of the internship semesters, from Senior I and Senior II to Internship I and Internship II to be more inclusive of, and less confusing to MAT and Licensure Only students who are not “seniors”. Shari Steadman suggested the names be changed and this was referred to the policy committee for a recommendation to CTE in October.

Nominations for a Vice-Chair were solicited. Jamie Williams volunteered to serve. Robert Quinn moved to close the nominations, which was seconded by Cheryl Johnson. Kathy Misulis moved to accept Jamie Williams by acclamation, which was seconded by Lori Flint. Nominations were closed and Jamie Williams was elected Vice-Chair of CTE by acclamation.

The chair asked for names for student representatives. Two undergraduate students and two graduate students are needed to serve on the council, preferably not a student in Sr. II in the spring (which would include MAT students). One student in each category would serve as the rep and one in each category would serve as an alternate. Please send nominations to Vivian Covington, or Sherry Tripp,

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – No report

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report

Admissions & Retention – No report

 Policy – No report

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:40 p.m. The next meeting will be October 19, 2015 in Speight 312. NOTE ** this date is the 3rd Monday due to Fall Beak October 12-13, 2015.

Members remained after the meeting to elect chairs of the Standing Committees, which are listed below.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp


Committee Membership 2015-2016

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