April 2008 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for April 14, 2008

The eighth and final meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2007-2008 academic year was held Monday, March 3, 2008 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 202. Members present: Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Kathy Davis for Boni Boswell, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Lynne Davis, Bethann Fine, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Tammy Lee, PCS representative Carla Frinsko, Mary Pickard, Betty Peel, Mary Lisa Pories, Robbie Quinn, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Jane Teleki, Sarah Williams, Scott Williams, and visitor, Jessica Davenport. Absent were Tom Caron, Meta Downes/Gregg Givens, Todd Finley, David Gabbard, and Karli Ruscoe.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the March 3, 2008 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

The Senior I Fall 2008/Senior II spring 2009 applications have two more due dates. The first round was completed March 28, 2008. The remaining due dates are:

  • 2nd round due Friday, May 9, 2008–All students eligible from March 29, 2008 to May 9.
  • 3rd round due Monday, July 2, 2008—Final date for eligible students.
  • Anyone becoming eligible after May 9, hold the applications until July 2.

The catalog copy is in the process of being changed for all initial licensure teacher ed areas.
Please remember to place the statement pertaining to 2010 revisions (March 3 minutes) on all
checksheets, brochures, web pages, etc.

The chair thanked all who attended and presented at the Sixth Annual Spring Clinical Teacher
Conference. During breakout sessions, many faculty in particular content areas came and met with teachers. It was a very successful conference.

The 26th Annual Fall NC Teacher Ed Forum will be held September 18-19, 2008. The forum has good research presentations. The theme for this meeting is Multiple Realities: Implementing Quality in Teacher Education. Proposals may be submitted related to the theme. The website with proposal information and template is located at http://www.nc-acte.org.

The state superintendent has convened a task force to consider ethical issues related to licensure. Cathy Barlow of UNC-W and Zoe Locklear of UNC-P are on the task force. Lynne Davis will be emailing you for examples of how you address ethics in your programs. We will compile and send to Kathy Sullivan. We have the Code of Ethics for NC teachers in the “Apple Book”, which is used in all early experience classes.

Jessica Davenport, Director of Communications in the College of Education (COE), showed different brochures describing teacher education programs in the COE. The brochures give general, enticing information for departmental programs with contact information. They do not include specific courses required in a program. Her office can help financially with the initial printing of your program area brochures using the same type of information. She may be contacted at 328-2179 or davenportje@ecu.edu.

Agenda III – Old Business

Linda Patriarca and Pamela Carroll interviewed for the Dean’s position. The COE Dean’s Search
Committee met last week to discuss the candidates with the Provost. She then forwards her
recommendation to the Chancellor. No notification to the Search Committee has been made as of today.

Vivian Covington suggested that the technology policy that was to begin in Fall 2008 be delayed since re- visioning of program areas are in process. She has discussed this with Bethann Fine, technology instructor, and she agrees. Ms. Fine moved to postpone the policy, which included development of modules and additional requirements for students until new requirements are set after 2010 to coincide with re-visioning and the DPI  date. The motion was seconded by Rich Barnes.

The motion passed. Please be sure that all of your colleagues are aware of this reversion back to the old policy. There is no time limit on technology courses used for admission to Upper Division.

Agenda IV – New Business

Lynne Davis gave an assessment update. The final version of Pre-Service Teacher Evaluation Rubric is due April 22. Supplemental and training materials will follow. The format for electronic
evidences has yet to be selected by the SACS committee. Power standards are being completed in three phases. DPI should have ready by August (content specific areas). We are looking at 5-6 standards with minimum requirements to be recommended for a license. Advanced support services and advanced teaching licensure information will come later.

Agenda V – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – Scott Williams, chair, reported that the committee met and made minor editorial changes to the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook; Cumberland and Harnett County were added to the LCSN list, “field trip” as one of the options on the absentee form requiring prior approval was removed and a list of helpful URLs were added to the Appendices. The report was accepted.

Evaluation and Planning – Joe Ciechalski reported that the committee met today. End products with re-visioning of teacher education programs will be ready soon.

Curriculum – Kathy Davis reported for Boni Boswell, Chair, that the committee met March 25, 2008 and approved the following. For the Middle Grades Education Program, ENED 4319 was unbanked; MIDG 4319 was banked and replaced with ENED 4319; the required cognate for each concentration was clarified; and the practicum hours for MIDG 3001, 3010 and 4001were eliminated. For the English Education Program, six elective English classes from any 2000 or above level literature courses were added, two English courses, new courses ENED 3018 and ENED 4010 were added and required for English Ed majors; 12 hours of foreign language requirements were removed. For the History Education Program, six elective history courses, HIST 3235, HIST 3240, HIST 3245, HIST 3260 and two electives above 2999 were added to the core. Cognates ANTH 1000 or ANTH 2010 and SOCI 2110 were clarified. Three new history education courses were added HIED 3001, HIED 3010, and HIED 4010. One semester hour was added to HIED 4325 (0 to 1). Twelve hours of foreign language was removed. A 2.5 GPA is required for admission to the BS program. A new concentration in History in the Master of Arts in Teaching will consist of new course HIED 6500, HIST 6510 and new course HIED 6600; six hours of US and European history—three from HIST 5130, 5220, 6030, 6050, or 6260 and three from HIST 5350, HIST 6355 or HIST 6375. Applicants must hold appropriate bachelor’s degree. For the M.A.Ed in Birth- Kindergarten, CDFR 6900 was revised and a new course CDFR 6991 was added. A new course FACS 6180 was added to the MAT in FACS.

Marcela Ruiz-Funes was not aware of the Department of Foreign Languages being notified of the deletion of the foreign language requirement in the English and History Ed Programs. After
discussion, Rick Barnes made a motion to accept the report. Marcela Ruiz-Funes added the amendment, which was seconded by Carol Brown, to accept the report with a provision to notify the Foreign Language Department of the deletion before sending to UCC. The amendment failed, 6 to 11 with 3 abstentions. The report was accepted. Vivian Covington will not sign UCC forms until Mark L’Esperance provides documentation of Foreign Languages being notified of changes.

Policy – Mike Bossé, Chair, reported that the committee met March 26. The April 11th meeting was productive. Issues are on the table with solutions proposed. These issues will come before the Policy Committee for discussion. The report was accepted.

Agenda VI – Ad Hoc Committees

Graduate Programs – The committee will meet April 16, 2008.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. The next and final meeting will be in the fall of 2008.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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