April 2009 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for April 13, 2009

The eighth and final meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2008-2009 academic year was held Monday, April 13, 2009 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present:  Rick Barnes, Michael Bossé, Michael Brown, Carol Brown, John Carlson, Joe Ciechalski, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kay Dotson, Dana Espinosa, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Tammy Lee, Chris Locklear, Betty Peel, Cynthia Bickley-Green for Robbie Quinn, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Karli Ruscoe, Christine Shea, Elizabeth Swaggerty, Jane Teleki, Laurel Truelove, and Sarah Williams. Absent were Lynne Davis, Meta Downes, Jennifer Gironda, Elizabeth Hodge, Laura King, LCSN representative, Mary Pickard, and Mary Lisa Pories. Visitors were Patricia Clark (Theatre) and Michelle Hairston (Music).

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the March meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Visitors, Michelle Hairston and Patricia Clark were welcomed.

Members were reminded to let advisees know that PRAXIS I, PPST, will not be offered on June 13, 2009 and July 25, 2009.  It is still available through Prometric Testing Center at any time.

Information on the upcoming, Teacher Ed Forum, NC-ACTE, which is the combination of the NC group of AACTE and NC ATE, was distributed.  The Forum will be held September 24-25, 2009 in Raleigh. Interested presenters should submit a proposal by May 27, 2009 via email attachment.  The website with information is  http://www.nc-acte.org.  CTE pays the registration fee for CTE members (pending budget constraints).

On April 23, 2009, the Northeast NC Region Teacher of the Year, Sonya Rinehart will speak in
Hendrix Theater in Mendenhall Student Center from 3-4 p.m. All teacher education students,
particularly those in the early experience classes are invited to attend.  Also, anyone considering the teaching profession, like Arts and Science majors are invited. She is an excellent speaker and presents a great message.

Lynne Davis was unable to attend the meeting. Vivian Covington reported for her regarding the assessment update. The deadline for all reports and evidence revisions is April 24, 2009. DPI is holding fast to the July 1, 2009 deadline for reports in spite of budget concerns. We appear to be in good shape.  The next program coordinators meeting is the week of April 27, 2009. The Ad Hoc Committees on Evidence have been meeting and will be reporting today.  The university is still waiting for the ruling on the 2.5 GPA and PRAXIS I from General Administration. DPI has made the 2.5 GPA an exit criteria, which could lead to problems if a student were   to complete all program requirements and not be able to get licensed due to a low GPA. No decision has been made by the deans (UNC system education deans) whether to keep the required 2.5 GPA or PRAXIS I. As of now, a 2.5 GPA and passing PRAXIS I scores are still an entrance criteria into teacher education.

Agenda III –New Business

Representative’s terms expiring this May are Rick Barnes, Carol Brown, Elizabeth Swaggerty, Dana Espinosa, Meta Downes, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Betty Peel, Mary Lisa Pories, Robbie Quinn, Marcela Ruiz-Funes and Sarah Williams. Representatives may be re-elected for another two-year term. Student representatives serve a one-year term and may be re-nominated.  Undergraduate student representatives are juniors or seniors admitted to teacher ed, which makes it difficult for them to serve a two year term because of the Senior II internship. It is easier for graduate students to serve two years.  If you have names of students to nominate for next year, please submit them. Students are selected by the chair from nominations submitted. Departmental chairs are notified of representatives whose terms are expiring and representatives are elected.

Agenda IV – Standing Committees

Curriculum — Carol Brown, chair, reported that the committee met April 6, 2009 and approved the following:


  • EXSS 4806: Course revision from lecture and lab to just lecture
  • EXSS 4805: New course, Exercise, Evaluation, and Prescription Lab
  • EXSS 3301 and EXSS 4300: Add declared HHP major or minor to course pre-requisite.


  1. New course, BITE 4100, Designing Virtual Environments in Business, & Information Tech Ed, with minor editorial changes
  2. Delete the BSBE in Marketing Education due to low productivity:  No students affected
  3. Changes to Foundation Curriculum in BSBE to reflect current practices and catalog changes
    1. Drop HIST 2012, add HIST 1050 or 1051
    2. Change credit hours for MUSC 2208 from 2 to 3
  4. 4.   In the BSBE common core, drop BITE 5503 as an option i.e. BITE 4700 or 5503 will become BITE4700 with no option
  5. Changes to the Information Technology concentration, 18 s.h.
    1. Delete ICTN 2154, 2155;2158, 2159; 1500, 1501
    2. Add BITE 1500, BITE 4100, and BITE 4500
    3. Delete “or BITE 2500” after BITE 2112
    4. Delete BITE 4200 as prerequisite from BITE 5200
  6. 6.   Update the inventory of BITE course descriptions, needed editorial changes to reflect updated language and course prerequisites
    1. Change the word processing to technology
    2. Change workforce preparedness to career and technical education
    3. Remove prerequisites
    4. Delete references to family and consumer sciences (now housed in CHE)


  1. Revision of the Master of Music in Music Education to include 7 areas of emphasis from which to choose
  2. Clarify catalog narrative: program description, requirements, etc.


  1. Request to cross list HLTH 4001/RCTX 4001
  2. Remove HLTH 5900 and replace with new course HLTH 4100, Stress Management: Principles and Practices (cross listed with RCTX 4100 for Undergraduates (response to Graduate School desire to cleanse 5000 level courses)
  3. Editorial changes for course proposals; consider reducing number of objectives, redo lettering and fix misspelling


  1. New  course FACS 6990, Review of Research in Family & Consumer Sciences; kept FACS 6900 banked
  2. Three previously approved courses returned with suggested revisions
    1. FACS 6424, Evaluation in FACS, approved with changes
    2. FACS 6426 , Supervision in FACS, approved with changes
    3. Unbanking and revision of FACS 6430 approved with changes
  3. New course FACS 6990, Edit suggested- APA for Text and Change FCS to FACS
  4. Need Memo:  Change title of CDFR 6990, 6991 to Act. Res. 1 and Act. Res. 2, to reflect inclusion of B-K and FACS master’s students taking course sequence


  1. Request change of name of graduate certificate from Certificate for Special Endorsement in Computer Education to Certificate for Technology Facilitator in K-12 Education. This certificate, for licensed teachers, is 18 semester hours and leads to the endorsement needed for the position of Technology Facilitator.
  2. Provide an opportunity for candidates who already hold a master’s of education in a related field to add the Internship course, EDTC 6992, in addition to the current 18 semester hours required for the certificate, allowing the master’s degree holding  candidate to add-on both 18079 and 077 licensure.

The report was accepted.

Evaluation and Planning — Tammy Lee, chair reported that the E&P Ad Hoc Committees met and continued work on Evidences 3, 5 and 6.  Tammy Lee reported on Evidence 6, Leadership. The committee received several concerns from different program areas and actions taken by the committee were as followed. 1) It was decided that the Senior I methods class was the best place for students to have access to the principal and professional development goals that relate to their specialty area. 2) It was best for the principal to be interviewed. The new principal standards encourage principals to involve teachers in the school improvement plan. 3) A procedural change allows group interviews with the principal in schools having a large number of interns. 4) To discourage dishonesty, two individual questions by each candidate will be submitted to the principal based on review of the manual.

Sarah Williams reported on Evidences 3 and 5. Any concerns or suggestions for the evidences or rubrics should be sent to Sarah Williams, email williamssar@ecu.edu by May 1, 2009. The committee did not get any feedback from the concerns mentioned at the last meeting. Some program areas felt it was difficult to have an extended number of lesson plans. Because students had to show so much more specific information in those plans, the committee tried to help the students by extending the number, but as they looked back through it was decided it could be done in five lesson plans with a maximum of ten.  Please review the rubrics and make suggestions. We have this summer and next year to work on these. The chair stated that it is important to get feedback on these rubrics because once we agree on this, it will be what we use to hold students accountable to get their license.

Admission & Retention — No Report.  Vivian Covington and Sherry Tripp met to go over the Welcome to Teacher Education, “Apple Book” revisions. We will work together to re-design and simplify the book. The Welcome to Teacher Education handbook is the policy for all teacher education programs. Some of the revisions include removing some of the steps and combining into a narrative, rearrangement of sections, and dropping the session numbers on PRAXIS tests.  A section on background checks and disclosure of criminal charges needs to be included.  Questions are asked on the Upper Division application and students have to meet with the Director of Teacher Education (DTE) if convicted of a crime other than a minor traffic violation.  During Senior I, permission is needed for a background check if the LEA wants to conduct one. The internship application contains the same question (since admission to Upper Division). Students are supposed to meet with the DTE before completing the application. There are three checks prior to completing a license application, which has the same question. Nothing is stated in the book other than what is on the applications.  It does state that you can be removed from the internship for criminal activity. All of this should be in writing.  The Licensure Only section will direct students to the Alternative Licensure website. Requirements for add on and licensure only will be moved closer to the beginning of the book. The CPL form, Appendix 3, includes a statement pertaining to the disclosure of the social security number and the purpose. Please use this new form, which you were given a copy of earlier. On Appendix 4, internship application, it contains a statement regarding convictions since admission to Upper Division. If a student checks “yes”, they are to meet with the DTE before completing the application. Students are not doing this and applications are being submitted.  A line is being added after the conviction statement for the DTE to initial and date after meeting with the student. Please do not accept applications from students that have checked “yes” and not met with the DTE. School systems are getting pickier when interviewing and with all the layoffs, it will be getting worse.  They want to do their own background check. We need to be able to counsel with those students prior to placement.  On Appendix 4, we are adding Vance County to the Latham Clinical Schools Network (LCSN) and possibly Currituck County. If they sign the agreement, that county will also be added. There is no place for follow up on the Improvement Plan.  A column will be added. Appendix 10, License application, will contain the social security disclosure statement as well as Appendix 10a, Form V. Other minor editorial changes will be made. Michael Bossé asked if the book would be ready by the fall to which  Vivian Covington replied that it would. Rick Barnes asked if Wake County would ever be added to the LCSN. Vivian Covington replied that it was not likely because they have so many other institutions closer to them. We do use them for German placements since there are no other counties teaching German. We do not pay their teachers and it would involve their teachers having to come to Clinical Network Training  They use a different criminal background check form than all the other counties.  With increase in numbers by 2012, we may eventually have to use them more.

Michael Bossé moved to accept the revisions and Michael Brown seconded. The revisions were approved

Policy — Michael Bossé reported the committee met. He apologized to CTE for receiving the revised by-laws so late. The change in the by-laws pertained to the functions of the Curriculum Committee. Added to the functions would be, “The Curriculum Committee will recommend to the CTE exceptions to the Professional Core courses, see Appendix 1.” The purpose of adding this as an Appendix to the by-laws is to keep the actual by-laws from being so large.  The proposed Appendix 1 to the by-laws is the CTE Policy Committee Recommendation Regarding the Procedure for Proposing Changes to the Professional Core Curriculum, which establishes a process for considering proposed exceptions to the approved CTE Professional Core Curriculum. Requests for exceptions can be made in memo form following the procedures set forth. Recommendations from the CTE Curriculum Committee will be forwarded to the CTE for a vote. Program areas may still request exceptions directly to the CTE by voting to amend the by-laws prior to presenting the request.  The vote to approve the proposed Appendix to the by-laws and the proposal to add the sentence under the functions of the CTE Curriculum Committee passed 21 to 0.

Vivian Covington thanked the Policy Committee for all their hard work and reminded all those with terms expiring, to please let your program chair know of this.  She stated that there have been hard discussions, budget cuts, and next year may not be any better. It has been an honor to serve and chair this committee. She thanked everyone for their hard work and wished everyone a great end to their year.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:10 p.m.  The next meeting will be
September 2009.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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