April 2014 Minutes


Minutes for April 14, 2014

The eighth and final meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2013-2014 academic year was held Monday, April 14, 2014 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: , Barbara Brehm, Lena Carawan, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bethann Fine, Bonnie Glass, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, Diana Lys, Kathy Misulis, Susan Morgan, Liz Oakley (UG student rep), Ron Preston, Lisa Rogerson, Shari Steadman, Nate Von der Embse, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams. Absent were Dan Boudah, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, LCSN-PCS Representative, and James McKernan.

Approval of Minutes March 17, 2014 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written. Ron Preston suggested that the original date of April 13, 2009 on Appendix 1 be added to the March 2014 revised Appendix 1.


The Office of Teacher Ed is completing the PEDS Report and the Title 2 IPRC Report, both due April 30.

Students who are completing a masters or higher level degree spring 2014 and are currently employed in a public school this school year may receive M level or higher pay if the proper paperwork is submitted to the Office of Teacher Ed, to be forwarded to NCDPI by May 7, 2014. Students were notified through their department of the process and materials were due in March to the departments and OTE on April 11. Some departments have not submitted the paperwork and were noted.

Approximately 40 Faculty License renewals are being assembled and will be sent to DPI this month.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys reported on CAEP, DPI and SACS.

SACS—The 2013-14 Unit Assessment Reports are due May 15, 2014 for all educational units. IPAR is revising the template in TracDat. The COE reporting deadline is May 11. Dr. Lys is in the process of meeting with all COE departments.

Members were reminded of revised reporting timelines for performance measures, which was
distributed last month. Please have faculty remind graduating candidates to complete their Exit
Surveys-UG or Advanced Programs (AP) by April 25.

DPI—The annual IHE Report is due mid June 2014. Dr. Lys is waiting on a template for this report from DPI. This report includes faculty involvement in schools. In past years, submissions from programs were due to her office by May 15. She will contact CTE reps/program coordinators as soon as the template is received. Work with Dr. Lys for MAED revisions to approved DPI Blueprints.

CAEP—The CAEP Annual Report is due April 18. CAEP Annual Report – Due April 18, 2014

  1. Data to be displayed prominently: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/oaa/NCATE-CAEP.cfm
  2. New EPP Dashboards: Educator Preparation Program Desktop – https://performance.ecu.edu/portal/EducatorPreparationProgram

CAEP Transformation Initiative Institutional Report – ECU Conceptual Framework survey is out to all Professional Education Faculty. She was unable to report today, but will send electronically.

CAEP Onsite Visit – February 8-10, 2015 – Confirmed dates for onsite visit by CAEP and NCDPI.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information. The first round of Senior I Applications were due April 3, the second round is due May 13, and the final acceptance date is July 1, 2014. School systems like to receive as many placement requests before testing in public schools begin.

Clinical Teachers who accept co-teaching interns must do co-teaching training (in the Fall) as well as Clinical Teacher training this summer (if not previously clinically trained). Faculty who will supervise co-teaching interns in the spring will have to be co-teaching trained as well.

Some licensure only templates are still not correct. Please check current courses for pre-requisites, semester taught, DE, and Face to Face designations, and let Ms. Morgan know of any changes.

Old Business

We have received confirmation from DPI that the online licensure system will not take place this spring.

The Master’s Pay Candidate Process is nearing the final date. Please double and triple check your candidates. Materials will be sent to DPI the last week of April. (Update: Mailed April 29, 2014 and received at DPI April 30, 2014).

New Business

Licensure only students in all areas except ELEM and SPED GC will need PRAXIS II
tests if completing the programs of study after July 1, 2014. Students need to be notified of this change in State Board Policy.

(UPDATE SINCE THE MEETING) DPI will allow Elementary and Special Ed-General Curriculum majors who complete their programs/degrees Fall 2014 to use the current PRAXIS II tests if taken and passed prior to September 30, 2014. Current tests are ELEM test #5015 and SPED-GC test #5511 or #0511 AND #5543 or #0543 found at ETS.org. After September 30, 2014, the new tests will be required for fall 2014 graduates.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – The committee met on April 14, 2014 and recommended a degree title change for approval in the Department of Mathematics, Science and Instructional Technology Education; change the MAED in Mathematics, Secondary Education to MAED in Mathematics Education. The committee accepted the change.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – The committee met March 31, 2014 and discussed a process description for innovations/pilots. Materials will be submitted to the E&P Committee for permission to begin or continue a pilot. After review, the committee reports and recommends to CTE to allow the innovation/pilot. After two years, a review of data and outcomes is required by the E&P Committee and referred to Policy Committee whether to discontinue or continue. A policy decision is needed for recommendation to full CTE.

Examples of Innovations/Pilots that may and may/not need review

Yes – policy change needed

  • VGR: Seeks a change to the required policy of 16 hrs. of early field experience classroom time
  • Co-teaching: Seeks a change to the required policy of 15 all days of solo teaching in Internship
  • edTPA: Seeks a change to the required grading policy in Internship grading
  • Non-public school practica sites: Seeks a change to the required policy of early field experiences in public school classrooms

No – policy change not needed, curriculum change related

  • Instructional Coaching
  • Science Concentration
  • Secondary ibooks/ISLES
  • Principal Fellows/Junior II practica in ELEM

Example of an Item that needs to go to the Policy Committee after innovation has been piloted

16 hours of early field experience observation and assistance in a public school classroom for XXXX 2123/2190/2611

  • Should policy be written with flexibility for all areas?
  • Should some programs have more required hours than others due to program structure?
    e.g. some programs have many pre-internship field experiences (ELEM), others have few (FACS)

The E&P Committee agreed to not rule on the request from the edTPALs regarding what materials and how much to share with other institutions about ECU edTPA implementation. However, the E & P committee did comment for the record that explanations and training should go with ECU materials to ensure fidelity of implementation and context for use in our setting.

After reviewing the report form the E & P committee, a motion was made by Barbara Brehm and seconded by Cheryl Johnson to table this discussion until the first meeting in September. A vote will be taken in October.

Admissions & Retention – No report. It is possible that some Petitions for Exception may need to be reviewed prior to fall semester.

Policy – No Report.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:10.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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