April 2015 Minutes


Minutes for April 13, 2015

The eighth and final meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2014-2015 academic year was held Monday, April 13, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312.  Members present:  Vivian Covington (Chair), Patch Clark, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS representative Tiffany Vincent, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Jeff Pizzutilla, Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Lora Lee Smith-Canter, Shari Steadman, Student Rep Jacquelyn Byrd, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, and visitor Christy Sutton.  Absent were Barbara Brehm, Lena Carawan, Charity Cayton, Bethann Fine Cole, Kristen Cuthrell, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Kathy Misulis, Liz Doster Taft, Christy Walcott, and Elaine Yontz.

Approval of Minutes March 16, 2015 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


The new Dean of COE, Dr. B. Grant Hayes, will begin work on August 1, 2015.  He held the position of Interim Dean and Professor in the College of Education and Human Performance at the University of Central Florida.  Additional information is on the university and COE websites.

Another bill to watch–A handout pertaining to Senate Bill 593, Improve Professor Quality/UNC System, was distributed.  In summary, the Board of Governors shall adopt a policy applicable to all the constituent institutions that requires all professors teach a minimum of eight class courses per academic year. The salary of any professor who teaches less than the required number of classes shall be reduced on a pro rata basis, but may be supplemented with the proceeds of the constituent institution’s endowment fund. The policy shall also require an annual independent audit of each constituent institution to determine compliance.

The NC-ACTE Spring Teacher Education Forum will be held Friday, May 1, 2015 at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, 1890 Main Campus Dr. in Raleigh, NC.  The meeting is from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.  The forum will be focused on policy.  CTE members attending the form may be reimbursed for the $30 registration fee.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave a review of the recent CAEP visit.  The Board of Examiners Report was received April 12, 2015.  Findings for the Transformation Initiative, the ECU Pirate CODE: Overall Evaluation: Well-defined (the highest rating).  All current components of the TI are progressing or well-defined. There are no indicators that are undefined or emerging.

The CAEP Annual Report is due April 17, 2015.  Members were given the site to update their most recent program information.  Data will be displayed prominently at http://www.ecu.edu/cs-educ/oaa/NCATE-CAEP.cfm.

SACS-The 2013-14 Unit Assessment Reports are due May 15, 2015 for all educational units (same as March update).  The COE internal reporting deadline is May 11; OAA is in process of meeting with all COE departments.  The deadline for departments outside COE is determined by your unit assessment coordinator.

Reporting timelines for performance measures OAA collects and/or administers.

  • Outcome measures for which collection timeline may alter:
    • UG and AP Exit Survey – Survey window April 6-17; Data to be pulled April 20
    • edTPA:
      • Pearson Scoring – Data available after April 30
      • Local Scoring – Data available after April 30; to be pulled May 1
    • EPPs and GEPs – Data to be pulled May 4
  • Outcome measures for which timeline is set:
    • Progress Reports – “As of May 1” data to be pulled May 4
    • Disposition C – “As of May 1” data to be pulled May 4
    • Final Evaluations – “As of May 1” data to be pulled May 4

Remind Faculty to remind graduating candidates to complete their Exit Surveys – UG or AP – by April 17.

NCDPI–The annual IHE Report is due to NCDPI in mid-June.  Submissions from programs are due to OAA by May 11.  Please share the link and guidance with program faculty, http://goo.gl/JaIKlz (one for each activity).  Partnerships include grants, research projects, service learning projects, etc.  Partnerships do NOT include internship placements and related activities, off-site cohorts (already covered in other areas of the report narrative).

As part of the NCTQ records request, elementary coursework syllabi and any syllabi for service courses related to elementary education are needed.  English Education was added to the NCTQ request for this round.  Affected departments and faculty will be contacted.

NCTQ also makes records requests of our public school partners.  We typically assist them by sharing what we have shared with the NCTQ.  This helps to keep the message consistent.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information.

She would like to have the updated Licensure Only templates by April 30 or prior to the beginning of summer.

Senior I fall 2015/Sr II spring 2016 placements are now being made for applications received from the first round of Sr I/II applications.  The second round due date is May 12, 2015.  The final round due date is July 1, 2015.  Completed applications should be submitted on the earliest round due dates as possible.

Senior II students will attend the Education Career Fair April 28.  Sophomores and juniors will finish their practicum placement requirement in the schools on April 28.

Old Business

The issue regarding raising the GPA for admission to Upper Division will be revisited in the fall.  The admission requirement of 2.5 will remain for now.  The average cohort GPA at admission is 3.2.

Dr. Covington asked for any feedback or comments from programs regarding students just attempting required tests before licensure recommendation versus passing the required tests as a condition of the first license.  This would pertain to all areas requiring a test except Elementary; Special Ed-AC candidates, who must take and pass required tests prior to being recommended; and Special Ed-GC candidates must pass one PRAXIS II test before being recommended and the remaining three NCEL tests during the first three years of teaching. Birth-Kindergarten, Dance and Theatre do not require a test.  It was suggested that the new freshmen cohort attempt the test(s) before being recommended (applies to all but Elementary and Special Ed).  There was no comment regarding students taking and passing PRAXIS II before licensure recommendation.  Further discussion will take place in the fall.

UNC-GA has created Teacher Quality Dashboards:  Outcomes and Performance Indicators similar to the university EPP level dashboards.  There are three phases to the dashboards.  Phases 1 and 2 are complete; Phase 3 is under construction.  The dashboards will go live sometime this summer.

Volunteers to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee on the Conceptual Framework for the EPP are still needed.  One or two representatives from graduate level programs only (Student Service Personnel license areas) are needed. 

New Business

Some departments questioned the use of the Upper Division Interview Sheet.  Are all programs using this sheet?  Should it be more program oriented?  Should it be revised?  The SPED Department has a strong interest in doing so.  There is a need for consistency/commonality in the Upper Division Interview process.  Issues have been raised around selectivity and screening; i.e. ”grit, persistence.”  This will be referred to the Admission and Retention Committee in the fall.

If there are Petitions for Exceptions for the Admissions and Retention Committee, contact Dr. Covington by email.  She will then contact the committee members if needed.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee –Jamie Williams, Chair reported that the committee met April 6, 2015 and approved the following.

Package from Master of Library Science Program

Request #1:  Request approval of a new course, LIBS 6019 Research Literacy in Library Science

Request #2: Request change of prerequisite  for LIBS 6014 from “consent of chair” to “LIBS 6010

Request #3: Remove LIBS 6012 from degree requirements

Request #4: Add LIBS 6014 to the list of Tier 1 courses for the degree

Request #5: Remove LIBS 6014 from the list of TIER 2 classes for the degree and  replace with LIBS 6019

Package from the BS Science Education and General Science Concentration

Request #1: Approval of new course, Create SCIE 3606, Investigations in Earth and Space Science, to replace SCIE 3350/3351, Descriptive Astronomy, and SCIE 3360/3361, Physical Meteorology.

Request #2:  Revise SCIE 3602 to reflect the new SCIE 3606 course

Request #3: Change BS Science Education concentrations in chemistry, Earth science, and physics to reflect the new SCIE 3606. Change all four concentrations to increase consistency in the concentrations, particularly with respect to required labs.


Change CHEM 1120/1121 and CHEM 1130 to CHEM 1150/1151 and 1160/1161.

Drop BIOL 2100/2100, Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology and Lab, and add SCIE 3606, Investigations in Earth and Environmental Science.

Require BIOL 3260, Cell and Developmental Biology, as first option, with BIOL 3310/3311, Cellular Physiology, still an option for those also majoring in biology.

Require PHYS 1261.


Change SCIE 3350, 3351 to SCIE 3606.

Change MATH 2171 and 2172 to MATH 2121 and 2122.

Add PHYS 1251 and 1261.

Earth Science

Drop SCIE 3350, 3351 and 3360, 3361.

Add SCIE 3606.

Add BIOL 1201, CHEM 1161, and PHYS 1261


Drop SCIE 3350, 3351 and 3360, 3361.

Add SCIE 3604 and 3606.

Request #4: Change the 24-hour General Science Concentration from:

BIOL 1050 – General Biology

CHEM 1020 – General Descriptive Chemistry

GEOL 1500 – Dynamic Earth

PHYS 1250 – General Physics

SCIE 3602 – Investigations in Physical Science

SCIE 3604 – Investigations in Life and Environmental Science

Choose one of the following: SCIE 3350/3351, Descriptive Astronomy or SCIE 3360/3361, Physical Meteorology


BIOL 1050 – General Biology

CHEM 1020 – General Descriptive Chemistry

GEOL 1500 – Dynamic Earth

PHYS 1250 – General Physics

SCIE 3602 – Investigations in Physical Science

SCIE 3604 – Investigations in Life and Environmental Science

SCIE 3606 – Investigations in Earth and Space Science

The committee approved all changes.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report.

Admissions & Retention – No report.

Policy – No report.

There being no further business, the final meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m.  The next meeting will be September 2015.  Date and location to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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