April 2017 Minutes


Minutes for April 10, 2017

The sixth and final meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2016-2017 academic year was held Monday, April 10, 2017 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present:  Laura Bilbro-Berry (visitor), Barbara Brehm, Kermit Buckner, Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Ellen Dobson, Bernice Dodor, Crystal Jones (visitor), LCSN-PCS Representative Kamara Roach, Laura King, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Angie McCoy (visitor), Kathy Misulis, Marissa Nesbit, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robert Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Nicole Smith, Lora Lee Smith-Canter, Shari Steadman, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Ivan Wallace, and Elaine Yontz.  Absent were Jennifer Adams, Lena Carawan, Student Representative Ally Funsch (GR), Liz Doster Taft, and Jamie Williams.

Approval of Minutes March 13, 2017 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


April Talbert, Teaching Instructor/CAVE Director/Course Coordinator for MATH 001 and MATH 1065 gave an overview of which foundations credit math course is most appropriate for different ECU majors. She included handouts for majors that require Math 1065 and additional math courses or have 1065 as a co-requisite for a required course, MATH 1065 and 1066 syllabi.  MAT 143 at a community college transfers in as MATH 1050 and MAT 171 as MATH 1065.  This course is preferred for STEM majors.  If further information is needed, contact April Talbert, talberta@ecu.edu or Dr. Johannes Hattingh, hattinghj@ecu.edu.

SDPI is still in need of IHE program proposal reviewers. Individuals would be reviewing programs related to their area of expertise.  Each review should take approximately 20 minutes.  More information is available at http://bit.ly/EdPrepReviewers.

Bills to watch are SB 599 and HB 634

SB 599 (Excellent Educators for Every Classroom) is a bill entitled “An act to establish the professional educator preparation and standards commission, to authorize the expansion of educator preparation programs and to create a system that holds all programs accountable, to reorganize and clarify the educator licensure process, and to ensure availability of information on teacher vacancies occurring in North Carolina public schools.” The State Board shall at least annually review the accountability status of each EPP and adopt rules necessary for the sanction of EPPs that do not meet accountability standards or comply with State law or rules.  Sanctions include warning, probation, and revocation.  The bill defines the current type of licenses issued and a new residency license.

HB 634 (Private Alternative Teacher Preparation) is entitled “An act to direct the state board of education to approve certain qualifying alternative lateral entry teacher education preparation programs.” The State Board of Education shall approve at least one, but no more than four, alternative, private, for-profit, or nonprofit lateral entry teacher education preparation programs if the programs meet standards set by the State Board of Education. The standards shall not exceed those standards applicable to institutions of higher education that offer other lateral entry programs. The standards shall include all of the following requirements:  Preservice training, competency-based standards necessary to earn a teaching license, at least 80 instructional hours of classroom readiness training prior to entering the classroom, a minimum of three educator coaching visits in the first year of teaching, and all required pedagogy and subject-area content completed by the end of the first year of teaching.  Additional information can be found at http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/BillLookUp/BillLookUp.pl

The 2017 Roadmap of Need released by the Public School Forum of NC and its NC Center for Afterschool Programs (NC CAP) was distributed. The Roadmap uses data on health, youth behavior and safety, education, and economic development to assess the relative well-being of young people living in each of North Carolina’s 100 counties and ranks the counties.  The publication examines 20 indicators in all counties with county specific data on each indicator, as well as an overall ranking of all 100 counties.

The NC-Association for Colleges and Teacher Educators is soliciting nominations for the Student Teacher of the Year Award. In addition to a paper reflecting on the internship experience, and letters of recommendation, the candidate must have been nominated as the Outstanding Student Teacher at their school and have a minimum 3.25 GPA.  Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 graduates are eligible.  Applications should be sent to Charity Cayton by May 10.  The Admissions and Retention Committee will select one individual to submit to NC-ACTE by May 20.  Institutions and the top five candidates will be notified by July 15.  The award will be presented at the annual fall NC-ACTE meeting.  Last year’s winner was an ECU student in the Birth-Kindergarten program.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Data Management

Ellen Dobson reported that all program approval renewals were submitted April 1 and three have been approved.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Dr. Nicole Smith gave the following report.

No intern applications will be accepted from April 4 – May 8th.  Remaining intern applications are accepted on the following dates.

Round 2 Deadline:  May 9, 2017

Round 3 Deadline:  July 3, 2017 by 5:00 p.m.

Angie McCoy in OCE has been updating Plans of Study for all program areas and processing early release requests. Nineteen interns were requested for early release; two were denied.

The final Intern II Seminar will be held May 4, 2017. At this time students will received information on applying for their license electronically.  Students have been notified of their specific meeting time and location.  A chart listing the times was distributed.

Old Business

Beginning fall 2017, practica placement requests need to be made with “low-performing” schools in mind. No candidate admitted to UD as of July 1, 2017 should graduate from ECU’s EPP without having had a placement in a low-performing school.

·        What conversations need to happen with your faculty to ensure they know this has to occur?

  • Do you need OEP staff to come share this mandate with faculty? Administration?

·        How will this be tracked? All early field (2123, 2190, 2611) placements?

·        What will be the OCE/OEP’s responsibility in this?

Tracking could possibly be done in TEMS. Barbara Brehm in Birth-Kindergarten noted that all NC Pre-K sites are low performing schools.  The question was raised if the new lab school could be used.  There will be three classrooms totaling 75 students only.  Once the Lab School is up and running it may be a place for practica, but it will not cover every grade, subject, etc.  Mursion and/or Video Grand Rounds can be used for some, but not all practica hours and not low performing hours.

New Business


Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – Elaine Yontz reported that the committee met April 3, 2017 and approved the following.

The Mathematics Education faculty from MSITE are requesting to add a mathematics education teaching area under the umbrella of the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT). This will assist in producing more high school mathematics teachers, a high-need area.
The faculty in the Science Education program area of MSITE are requesting to add the course, Grant Writing in STEM Education, to the Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) in Science Education. The course is designed to focus on the needs of STEM education majors, and previous concerns about inappropriate duplication with other courses within the College and campus have been resolved.

The graduate faculty in the Department of Psychology are requesting to:

Revise a degree title: from Psychology, General–Theoretic to General Psychology (CIP remains the same)

Consolidate three graduate psychology degrees and discontinue two degrees

MA in Psychology, General-Theoretic (UNC ID 42010110201; CIP 42.0101); consolidation parent degree

MA in Clinical Psychology (UNC ID 42280110201; CIP 42.2801); consolidate/discontinue

MA in School Psychology (UNC ID 42280510201; CIP 42.2805; teacher licensure specialty area code 049); consolidate/discontinue

Establish new two concentrations in the MA in Psychology, General-Theoretic

  • Clinical Psychology
  • School Psychology (teacher licensure specialty area code 049)Revise course title: from PSYC 6404 Professional School Psychology to PSYC 6404 Ethics and Law in School Psychology Consolidation of separate MA degrees into concentrations under a single General Psychology MA is in response to UNC System and University recommendations to consolidate lower enrollment program and more efficiently utilize department resources.
  • Establish one new course: PSYC 6001, Graduate Seminar
  • Change total credit hour requirement for MA in Psychology, General-Theoretic from minimum 45 to reflect a range (34-51 semester credit hours) per the proposed concentrations.

The report was accepted.

The CEP Curriculum Meeting will meet in for the last time this AY on Monday, April 24 at 10:00 am in Bate 2014. Packages are due to Elaine Yontz, yontzm@ecu.edu by 5 pm, one week prior to the meeting.

How to find Bate 2014:

  • use the elevator on the west side of the building (the side of the building that faces Flanagan);
  • at the second floor, exit elevator and walk straight ahead;
  • 2014 will be the second door on the right.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report

Admissions & Retention – Charity Cayton reported that the committee met today and discussed the Qualtrics Survey regarding the Upper Division process.

Survey results are varied; Discussion included: should there be an extemporaneous writing sample at UD interview, or some type of other WI requirement (such as 6 hours) – look at ENGL 2201 – possibly include in UD materials as a requirement, need to think about what is the minimum writing standard; should there be a core set of questions that are asked across program areas with other questions that are catered to individual program areas; should we require professional dress across the board for the interview; want it to meet the needs of the program areas, but have some consistency across program areas; think about how all this effects licensure only candidates and online programs.

Next Steps (Fall 2017)

Investigate ENGL 2201, then lead a discussion with the full CEP to take back to their program areas and continue process.

The report was accepted.

Policy – Laura Levi-Altstaedter reported that the committee met and discussed two items:

edTPA—It is recommended that a set cut score and retake information be in writing in the Fall 2017 Welcome to Educator Preparation handbook and Intern II syllabi.  The following paragraphs should be used.

edTPA Passing Score Requirements

Initial licensure candidates must achieve a passing score on the edTPA to be recommended for licensure. The ECU edTPA passing total score for all educator preparation program candidates completing a 15-rubric assessment is 38.  Foreign Language candidates complete a 13-rubric assessment with a passing total score of 32.  NCDPI is currently studying a statewide cut score for all edTPA candidates.  When the North Carolina passing score is determined, candidates must meet the North Carolina passing score.

edTPA Official Retakes

Candidates who do not achieve a passing score on the first edTPA submission or receive an incomplete score due to condition codes should submit an official full or partial retake of the edTPA at their own expense. Candidates must submit a retake to be eligible for licensure recommendation.

Candidates who do not pass the edTPA on the second attempt will not be recommended for licensure. Additional retake attempts will be allowed at the discretion of the Educator Preparation Program and the program area.

Video Grand Rounds (VGR)—It is recommended that VGR be accepted as a standardized exception for all “early experience” courses.

For 12 of the 16 hours of required observation, candidates can participate in VGR. VGR requires candidates to view a series of four classroom-based videos, one video per week; complete a structured observation protocol after watching each video; and participate in a whole-class debriefing discussion with classmates and a faculty member following each video observation. During these debriefing sessions, faculty intentionally model how classroom teachers might think about the events shown in the video.

Following the completion of VGR, candidates would observe in a classroom for the remaining 4 hours of the 16 hours of required observation. Candidates would complete an observation protocol and debrief following the completion of the observation hours.

The report was accepted.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. The next meeting will be September 2017.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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