April 2019 Minutes


2019 April Minutes

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.

The eighth and final meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2018-2019 academic year was held Monday, April 8, 2019 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present: Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Johna Faulconer, Kristin Gehsmann, Laura King, Rhea Miles, Patch Clark for Marissa Nesbit, Jeff Pizzutilla, Chris Rivera, Nicole Smith, Christina Tschida, Ivan Wallace, Kevin White, Jamie Williams, Elaine Yontz and Bryan Zugelder. Visitors in attendance were Nicole Moore and Shari Steadman. Absent were Barbara Brehm, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, LCSN-PCS Representative, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Cynthia Wagoner, and Christy Walcott.

Approval of Minutes February 11, 2019 Meeting

The minutes for the March 11, 2019 meeting were approved.


  • Today is the final CEP meeting for Dr. Yontz and Dr. Wallace, as both are retiring. Both were thanked for their service.
  • The SBE met April 3-4, 2019 and voted to keep the edTPA cut scores at 34 (13 rubric) and 38 (15 rubric) for the 2019-2020 AY.


  • Charity Cayton is working on the NC-NCATE Student Teacher of the Year Award process and will be sending out an email to the Admissions and Retention Committee with a link, procedures and timeline with university supervisors. The teacher candidate must have been nominated as the Outstanding Student Teacher at their home college or university. One teacher candidate from the North Carolina Association for Colleges and Teacher Educators member institutions will be recognized as the Outstanding Student Teacher of the Year in North Carolina. This recognition will be celebrated at the annual fall NC-ACTE meeting, September 30-October 2, 2019 in Raleigh, NC.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, our soon to be Dr. Fales, thanked all for the CAEP work. The key assessments for SPED 4010, READ 5317 and READ 3990 are the first ones to be validated. The key assessments are moving along very well.

Some have asked about using the pre-CPAST observation/evaluation instrument in Internship I. This opportunity will be discussed in the fall. The data on the use of CPAST at the halfway mark (2nd progress check-in) has come in and has been analyzed. The pilot semester use of CPAST is going well and we look forward to getting the data from the 4th check-in, final) at the end of the semester. A question was asked about logistics of training the next group of supervisors to use the CPAST, fall 2019 and spring 2020. Ideally, Ms. Fales would like to have all supervisors trained in September 2019 for fall 19 and spring 20.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith reported that the first round of Internship I applications (fall 19/spring 20) are in, and requests for placements have been made to district partners. Round 2 of applications is due May 6 and the final round is July 1, 2019.

Intern candidates for this term and supervisors were sent an email indicating scheduled times by program areas for the final Internship II seminar on May 2, 2019. Candidates will receive assistance with the online license process. We have 293 Intern IIs completing their internship this spring.

Old Business

Members were reminded that no licensure recommendations will occur for any degree seekers/licensure only or alternative routes without passing licensure exam score(s), passing edTPA scores, and a minimum 2.7 GPA.

ETS Title II Reporting Services made a change on student testing data on the Title II Report during the February resolution period. The ECU pass rate for traditional programs in the 2017-18 report year is 66%, up from 59%. The state rate is 73%. The pass rate for alternative programs is 99%. The state rate is 91%. These changes do not affect the institution’s individual pass rates as originally reported, however, the statewide pass rates, which are part of the individual report, will be different from the statewide results reported in February.

New Business

An Instructional Coach with one of our network partners worked with three employees who retook the Pearson Mathematics Subtest and three who took the new PRAXIS Mathematics CKT Subtest. Both groups passed on their last attempts. All were ECU alumni.

Three current ECU interns recently took the new PRAXIS Mathematics CKT Subtest and two out of three passed with scores 15-20 points higher than the cut score.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – Chair Elaine Yontz thanked Marissa Nesbit who has co-chaired the committee with her. She reported that the committee met 4/1/19 and approved the following:

In attendance: Cynthia Wagoner, Marissa Nesbit, Christina Tschida, Christy Walcott, Elaine Yontz, Jeff Pizzutilla

Agenda item: Kinesiology – Graduate

Curriculog Forms:

 Memo of Request: https://ecu.curriculog.com/proposal:3930/form

On November 16, 2018, Department of Kinesiology Graduate Faculty approved the curriculum revision to (1) Program Requirement for Adapted Physical Education Concentration in Kinesiology, MS (Thesis and Non-Thesis Option) and Physical Education, MAEd, and (2) course renumbering of 5000 level into 6000 level and deleting prerequisite courses.

  • Revision to Core Requirement: Remove KINE 5305: Motor Development and add KINE 6202: Motor Learning (moved from Restricted electives in the Kinesiology, MS)

Rationale: KINE 5305 has not been offered in the past few years so KINE 6202 has been the substituting course for KINE 5305.

  • Renumbering 5000 level courses to 6000 levels


      1. KINE 5303 to KINE 6303 Physical Activity Programs for Individuals with Developmental, Emotional, and Learning Disabilities (No Change in Title)

 KINE 5903 to KINE 6903  Physical Activity Programs for Individuals with Orthopedic, Neurologic and Sensory Impairments (No Change in Title)

 KINE 5904 to KINE 6904 Methods in Adaptive Aquatics (No Change in Title)

  • Removal of Prerequisite


      1. Delete KINE 3545 or 3546 and SPED 5101 as prerequisite for KINE 5303 (to be KINE 6303)

 Delete BIOL 2130 as prerequisite for KINE 5903 (to be KINE 6903)

 Delete Advanced Lifesaving Certification as prerequisite for KINE 5904 (to be KINE 6904)


Jeff: Both packages reflect changing 5000-level courses to create a 4000-level UG and 6000-UG component.


Include date faculty voted on all proposals in the justification area.

KINE 6303/proposal 4025: Include copy of notification to SPED about prerequisite deletion. List SPED in the “additional impacts” area. Objectives/content: A journal article submission and article critiques are expected, but no topic addresses research and writing. How is the research component addressed in this course? Consider clarifying this area.

KINE 6903/ proposal 4016: Include copy of notification to BIOL about prerequisite deletion. List BIOL in the “additional impacts” area. Objectives/content: Note: “Demonstrate understanding of..” in objectives. Is there a more specific verb that would convey how the understanding is being assessed? Consider revising these. Journal article submission/research assignment–same as above.

Program Revision Form: Justification: Minor proofreading notes.

Note that 5000-level courses are still appearing in the Curriculum Schema Preview instead of the new numbers. Add the new courses manually so that this area appears correctly. Check with Rachel Baker and Diane Coltraine for how to do this in Curriculog.

Action Taken:  Cindy Wagoner moved to approve, Christina Tschida seconded. All voted in favor of accepting the package actions.

Agenda item: Kinesiology – Undergraduate

Curriculog Forms:

 Memo of Request: https://ecu.curriculog.com/proposal:3928/form

On November 16, 2018, Department of Kinesiology faculty approved to create KINE 4303, 4903, and 3904 to correspond the revision of 5000 level courses. We request the removal of KINE 5303, 5903, and 5904 from the undergraduate catalog.


Include date faculty voted on all proposals in the justification area.

KINE 3904/proposal 4037: Consider revising objectives to specify physical actions/demonstrations that are expected. (Currently objectives include “describe” and “apply knowledge.”)

KINE 4303/proposal 4038: Include copy of email notification to SPED.

KINE 4903/proposal 4039: Include copy of email notification to SPED.

Action Taken:

Christy Walcott moved to approve this package, Cindy Wagoner seconded. All voted in favor of accepting the package actions.

No additional meetings are scheduled for this school year. The report was accepted, and votes carried to approve the curricula brought forth.

Evaluation & Planning– No Report

Admissions & Retention Committees– Charity Cayton asked the committee members to remain after the meeting to vote on Petitions for Exceptions. Dr. Covington reviews and signs the petitions as allowed by CEP, and she must report yearly to CEP on those petitions. Petitions with significant issues are forwarded to the committee for their direct review.

Policy–In the absence of Chair Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Elaine Yontz reported that the committee met and recommended the following for a vote.

“The edTPA shall count 10% of the Internship course grade. The 10% is in the Internship Course syllabi and grade, not the Internship Seminar course. The full 10% shall be given to a candidate who passes the edTPA either on the 1st or 2nd attempt. Program areas may add additional percentages for submitting on time, turning in Tasks at certain intervals, etc. but the actual passing of the edTPA shall only count 10%. This becomes effective fall 2019.”

Kristen Gehsmann called for the question. Discussion was initiated by Bryan Zulgelder. He stated that clarification is needed in the option to add points/weight to incentivize the first attempt being complete and scorable. Several individuals didn’t think the first attempt was being taken seriously by interns. A friendly amendment was made by Christina Tschida and seconded by Bryan Zugelder, to add the words “a complete and scorable edTPA” in the second to last sentence of the proposed policy statement. The policy was accepted with the amendment in bold as noted below.

“The edTPA shall count 10% of the Internship course grade. The 10% is in the Internship Course syllabi and grade, not the Internship Seminar course. The full 10% shall be given to a candidate who passes the edTPA either on the 1st or 2nd attempt. Program areas may add additional percentages for submitting a complete and scorable edTPA on time, turning in Tasks at certain intervals, etc. but the actual passing of the edTPA shall only count 10%. This becomes effective fall 2019.”

Johna Faulconer moved to adjourn and it was seconded by Christina Tschida. The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next meeting will be in September 2019.

(The following representative’s terms are expiring this year. Departments/schools may re-elect members for another 2-year term. Notices will be sent to program areas prior to the opening of school).

Johna Faulconer, LEHE

Nanyoung Kim, ART

Laura King, SEFR

Laura Levi-Altstaedter, FORL

Dan Novey, LEED

Jeff Pizzutilla, KINE

Cynthia Wagoner, MUSC

Christy Walcott, PSYC

Ivan Wallace, IDP

Kevin White, SOCW

Jamie Williams, HLTH

Elaine Yontz, IDP

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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