December 2010 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for December 13, 2010

The fourth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2010-2011 academic year was held Monday, December 13, 2010, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Mike Dawson, Johna Faulconer, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Cheryl Johnson, Troy Jones, Laura King, LCSN representative Julie Cary, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Sharon Schleigh, Shari Steadman, Student Reps Katherine Alligood and Jonathan Lewis, Jane Teleki, Sarah Williams, Michele Wallen, and visitor Crystal Jones. Absent were Elizabeth Briggs, Brenda Eastman, David Gabbard, and Ivan Wallace.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the November 8, 2010 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

The Mary Lois Staton Reading/Language Arts Conference sponsored through the Department of Curriculum and Instruction will be held February 7, 2011 from 12:00-6:00 p.m. in the Murphy Center. If you combine literacy in teaching, you should take advantage of this conference. Individuals interested in presenting at the conference should submit proposals to Kathy Misulis ( in Speight 119.

Educational Testing Service is offering new test-prep materials; interactive practice tests and PRAXIS I Study Plan on Demand, a multimedia presentation. Please note that the computer based test, 5014 is not a test accepted by NC for an elementary license. The only tests for elementary are test 0012 and 0011 or 0012 and 5011, the new computer based test. Numerous students have taken the wrong tests 5011 and 5014 for the elementary license.

Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an update on assessment and accreditation. She participated in a webinar last week discussing an international education test, Program for international Student Assessment (PISA). This test was given by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to 15 year old students in approximately 65 countries. Shanghai, China was the top scorer in the areas of science, reading, and math, well above the US.

Strategic data collected in core courses need DPI evidences imbedded. Courses used as substitutions must have evidences imbedded; therefore substitutions will be harder to do.

Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Ms. Morgan, Lead Coordinator OCE/AL reported that the deadline for the Senior I placements is January 7, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. and should only be for students awaiting grades from fall 2010. If students do not make a “C” or better in required courses or fail a required course or GPA falls below a 2.5, students cannot register for Senior I classes or be placed. Students are required to be at the school site one full day per week or equivalent (15 visits) and do three lessons during the semester. She asked that departments please notify the OCE of any changes in student’s schedules. This office places close to 600 interns yearly.

Agenda V – Old Business


Agenda VI – New Business

The chair stated that undergraduate methods/Senior I course syllabi must state that passing the course is contingent upon successful completion of Senior I internship site requirements in addition to classroom requirements.

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Curriculum – The Curriculum Committee met December 7th and recommended approval of the following.

Health Education –

Title change and revision of HLTH 2000 Introduction to Health Education to Principles of Public Health Education.

Special Education –

three new courses- SPED 6015 Facilitating Systems Change Through Collaboration and Co-Teaching,  SPED 6014 Positive Behavior Intervention and Support, and SPED 6994 Research Review and Planning in Special Education (replacing SPED 6999). Bank three courses; SPED 6302 Research in Special Education, SPED 6999 Project Planning in Special Education, and SPED 6301 Seminar in Multiple Disabilities. Change the title of the SPED degree in Mental Retardation to Intellectual Disabilities and substituting the term Intellectual Disabilities for Mental Retardation in SPED 6020 and SPED 6021 course titles and descriptions. Revision of SPED 4020, Teaching Students with Exceptionalities in Inclusive Elementary Classrooms (3) (F,S). The SPED program will merge the SPED 2000 and SPED 4010 competencies into one 3 s.h. course that is designed just for Elementary Education majors. Minor revisions are needed for SPED 4010.

Elementary Education proposed revisions to eight undergraduate and eight graduate level courses. Minor revisions were needed.

ELEM 3000 Curriculum and Standards in the Early Childhood and Elementary School. (3) RENUMBERING EXISTING COURSE from 3275 to 3000. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 3100 Theory to Practice: Learning and instruction in the Early Childhood and Elementary School. (3) change from 3 s.h. to 4 s.h. Renumber existing 3235 to 3100 Since the AC track course of study currently had 127 hours and 1 s.h. as a free elective to bring the total to 128 hours for graduation, the change further benefits students in their course of study by adding the one hour to specialized content. This change is for the SPED program.

ELEM 3200 : Language Arts in the Early Childhood and Elementary School. (3) Renumber from 3250 to 3200. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards. Change from 4 s.h. to 3 s.h.

ELEM 3300: K-2 Practicum Experience. (3) Renumber existing 3236 to 3300. Revised to meet 21st century standards. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards. Changes include adding 2 s.h. to change from 1 s.h. course to 3 s.h.

ELEM 3500 Teaching Social Studies in the Early Childhood and Elementary School. (3) Renumber existing 4550 to 3500. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 3600 3-5 Practicum Experience. (3)(P: Upper division standing; Renumber existing 4551 to 3600. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards. Revise to meet 21st century standards. 1 s.h. added to the practicum by dropping of ELEM 2000.

ELEM 4300 Classroom Organization and Management in Early Childhood and Elementary School. (3) Renumber existing 4525 to 4300. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 4500: Practicum in Classroom Organization and Management. (1) Renumber existing 4526 to 4500. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 6010 Teaching the Integrated Language Arts in the Elementary School (3). Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 6200. Leading Curriculum Revision and Implementation. (3). Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 6406: The Teaching of Social Studies in the Elementary Grades. (3). Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 6400 Advanced Assessment and Teaching in the Elementary Grades. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 6412: Emerging Literacy. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 6488: Advanced Language Arts in the Elementary School. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 6500: Management and Problem-Solving in the Elementary School. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

ELEM 6550: Leadership and Communication Skills in Education. Revised to be in compliance with new Department of Public Instruction standards, the core national standards, 21st Century learning skills, and NCATE standards.

Music Education –

Change the MM in Music Education from 34-36 hours to 33-35 s.h. EDUC 6001 will be required of all music education majors with the exception of Music Therapy, which does not carry a NC teaching license.

The removal of the core course, SPED 6002, from the core courses required of MAED students in Special Education was deferred to the full CTE Committee from the Curriculum Committee. Students in this program have a special education background and the course is not needed. Michael Bossé moved that this program change be accepted. Cheryl Johnson seconded. The motion carried.

The statement in each program area in the undergraduate catalog regarding degree requirements changing in fall 2010 should be removed. Vivian Covington will contact Diane Coltraine to see if this may be done through a memorandum changing all programs simultaneously.

The curriculum committee recommends if justification for course revision or proposals for new courses includes references to 21st century standards, course objectives and/or outlines should reference at least one area of emphasis taken from the 21st century standards (e.g. critical thinking, creative thinking, problem solving, self-directed learning, etc.)

The report was accepted. The next CTE Curriculum meeting will be January 10, 2010. Send proposals to the committee by January 3, 2010.

Evaluation & Planning – Mike Dawson reported that a rubric of “Why I want to be a Teacher” was piloted in one section of ART 2123 this semester. They will check the validity in spring semester and report to CTE.

Admission & Retention – No report

Policy – No report

Michael Bossé recommended that teacher education faculty be more proactive and initiate suggested changes to DPI.

The chair reported that the state had selected seven school systems to be involved in internationalizing global connectivity through schools. Cumberland County, which is in our network, has been named as one recipient.

TPAC, used across the country, is being piloted and could be a more valid and reliable replacement for electronic evidences 3 and 5 in the future.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. The next meeting will be January 10, 2011 at 3:15 p.m. The room is to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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