December 2011 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for December 12, 2011

The fourth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2011-2012 academic year was held Monday, December 12, 2011, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Vivian Covington (Chair), Michael Bossé, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Eva Price for Mike Dawson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Johna Faulconer, Bill Grobe, Diana Lys, Mark Malley, Susan Morgan, Graduate Student Rep-Jennifer Nester, Lisa Rogerson, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Sharon Schleigh, Shari Steadman, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, and Jamie Williams. Absent were Lena Carawan, Bethann Fine, Greg Hurley, Cheryl Johnson, Jami Jones, Laura King, LCSN-PCS representative, Undergraduate Student Rep, and Sarah Williams.

Order of Business

Chair Vivian Covington welcomed everyone.

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the November 14, 2011 meeting were accepted as written.

Agenda II – Announcements

The following announcements were made.

The Delta Chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma is offering the Elisabeth Hyman Grant-in-Aid for prospective teachers with a junior or senior class standing. An electronic copy of the application was sent earlier. The application is due no later than December 18. The $400 stipend will be awarded in February. Clarissa Lee at is the contact person.

Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an update on SACS, NCATE and DPI.

SACS – Departments with graduate programs outside the College of Ed will be receiving information soon regarding the next step in the SACS reporting process.

NCATE – There was no new information to report.

DPI – Due to the lockdown on November 16, 2011, the program coordinator’s meeting was cancelled. An agenda of the scheduled meeting was distributed. A problem that is surfacing in the undergraduate programs is students receiving a passing grade in a course, but failing to be proficient on the electronic evidences. Proficiency on evidences is a licensure requirement. Syllabi for both undergraduate and graduate courses with electronic evidences should be updated to include a statement noting that in addition to passing the class “with a C or better,” electronic evidences must also be at proficient. An example was included in the handout and Johna Faulconer will share the syllabi insert the reading faculty compiled.

Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Susan Morgan, Lead Coordinator OCE/AL stated that two new coordinators have been hired and will hopefully start January 16, 2012.

Only 33 students have yet to be placed in Senior I for spring. Placements are entered on OneStop for students to view as completed. January 9, 2012 is the final deadline for applying for Senior I internship.

All Senior II internship forms for spring 2012 are in TaskStream®, except for the Certification of Teaching Capacity (old Form S), which will still be in paper form.

University Supervisor Training will be held December 14, 2011 in Mendenhall from 8-12 p.m. Teacher Performance Assessment Training is from 1-4 p.m. After this term, all information on interns will be completed using TaskStream.® Three hundred clinical teachers have opened an account in TaskStream®. The Office of Assessment and Accreditation will give technical support to anyone experiencing trouble logging on to the program while in a public school,

The OCE submits travel reimbursements for university supervisors. Vivian Covington reminded everyone that travel reimbursements need to be submitted on time. Reimbursements submitted past the 30 day deadline will not be paid by Accounts Payable.

Agenda V – Old Business

  1. The Office of Teacher Education has received numerous calls concerning the dress attire of students in the public schools. Faculty need to take the time to discuss this with students. Pitt County has a good procedure for employee dress and appearance, which will be sent electronically to CTE members to share with faculty within departments. Their code should cover procedures in other counties also.

Mike Brown suggested that this more in-depth code be included in the Welcome to Teacher Education handbook and the OTE website.

  1. A handout regarding the changes in faculty licenses and renewal credits was distributed.

The number of renewal credits required to renew an expiring license has been reduced from 15 per five year cycle to 7.5 per five year cycle, with credit for teaching each year no longer allowed. One of the 7.5 must be in literacy (aligned to National Board for Professional Teaching Standard 3) and one of the 7.5 must be in the instructor’s academic subject area (aligned to National Board for Professional Teaching Standards 3 or 4). Faculty who are teaching in the MSA must also only have 7.5 renewal credits with three of them aligned with expectations of the North Carolina Executive Standards 2, 4, and 5). Effective with individuals renewing on or after August 1, 2011.

The State Department of Public Instruction will no longer issue new Methods Faculty licenses.

Implications for Faculty who currently hold a Methods Faculty License (valid for five years and renewable every five years): All currently issued and valid Methods Faculty licenses will be renewed, on the same five year cycle, as a Methods Faculty license provided all renewal credits are earned according to the new amounts and criteria above. Nothing changes for this group of faculty in terms of type of license.

Implications for Faculty who hold a Standard Professional I (SPI) License (valid for five years only and non-renewable unless employed in a school system): Mrs. Tripp will review with DPI whether or not the faculty can qualify for a conversion to an SPII license. If so, we will work to get these faculty licenses converted to SP IIs. If the faculty member does not qualify for an SPII license, at the time of the expiration of the Faculty’s SPI license, DPI will review the record to determine if the SPI could have been converted to a Methods Faculty license during one of the previous cycles. If this is not an option, the ECU Office of Teacher Education will issue an ECU-based Methods Faculty license, which will be valid for five years and renewable with sufficient renewal credits based on the criteria above.

Implications for Faculty who hold a Standard Professional II (SPII) License (valid for five years and renewable every five years): Nothing changes for this group of faculty in terms of type of license. This license will have to be renewed every five years according to the criteria above.

Implications for New Faculty Hires: Each new faculty’s credentials will be reviewed to see if the potential hire meets the SP II license criteria. If so, the SPII license will be sought for the new faculty member upon hiring. If they do not meet the criteria for an SP II license, an ECU-based Methods Faculty license will be issued provided the person meets the same criteria DPI previously used to issue the Methods Faculty license. This license will be valid for five years and renewable every five years based on the criteria above.

Please remain calm as we work through these changes. We will take good care of you, but we have over 400 licenses to check. Limiting phone calls and emails is greatly appreciated. We will be contacting affected Faculty. The type of license you hold is printed on your license at the top: Standard Professional I or Standard Professional II or Methods Faculty.

Agenda VI – New Business

In the fall, the Department of Curriculum and Instruction will be reorganized into three separate administrative program groupings: Elementary and Middle Grades; Literacy Studies, English Education, and History Education; and Special Education, Foundations and Research. Department heads/coordinators will be determined later.

Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Curriculum, Mike Brown, chair, reported that the committee met and approved a revision in RCTX 2230, Recreational Therapy Foundations. The report was accepted. Evaluation & Planning, Diana Lys—No report

Admission & Retention, Sharon Schleigh – No report.

Policy, Johna Faulconer – No report

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. The next meeting will be January 9, 2012. The room is to be determined.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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