December 2015 Minutes


Minutes for December 14, 2015

The fourth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2015-2016 academic year was held Monday, December 14, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312.  Members present:  Laura Bilbro-Berry (Acting Chair), Barbara Brehm, Kermit Buckner, Charity Cayton, Ellen Dobson, Lori Flint, Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS Representatives Heather House, Jeff Pizzutilla, Robert Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Nicole Smith, Ivan Wallace, Michelle Hairston for Cynthia Wagoner, Michelle Wallen for Jamie Williams, and Student Representative Sarah Cope.  Absent were Vivian Covington (Chair), Lena Carawan, Kristen Cuthrell, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Kathy Misulis, Marissa Nesbit, Sean O’Dell, Shari Steadman, Liz Doster Taft, Cynthia Wagoner, Jamie Williams and Elaine Yontz.

Approval of Minutes November 9, 2015 Meeting

Minutes were approved as written.

Standing updates on Assessment & Accreditation

Ellen Dobson, Interim Director of OAAT, reported on Evidences.  We are still required to collect seven electronic evidences for every candidate for initial licensure.  Since the approval of our original blueprints, we asked for permission to substitute edTPA for evidences 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.  In July 2013, we received permission to substitute edTPA for evidences 3 and 5.  The substitution for evidence 2 as approved conditionally, but no timeline was established.  The requests to substitute edTPA for evidences 6 and 7 were denied.  As a result, we need to resume the collection of evidences 6 and 7 immediately.  Beginning Fall 2015, evidence 6 was being addressed in EDUC 4400.  Program coordinators should review their blueprints and make plans to implement evidence 7.

Programs that wish to modify or change their evidence 7 will need to submit a request to NCDPI no later than Feb 15, 2016.  Contact Ellen Dobson for details.

Standing Update from the Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith reported that LCSN representatives granted 32 early releases for fall Intern II students, which involved 16 different LEAs.  Program areas for those early released included elementary, middle grades, art and physical education.

Intern II seminars will be held December 17, 2015 in Speight 241 and 242.  Students will be trained in using the new Online License System implemented by DPI August 1, 2015.

A university supervisor meeting was held December 3, 2015.  If you were unable to attend and have not received your packet of information, contact her office.

The last round due date for spring/fall applications will be January 11th by 5:00 pm.  Intern II Seminar meetings by program area will be held January 11, 2016 in MSC Great Rooms.  Intern I Seminar meetings will be held January 15, 2016 in MSC Great Rooms.

Old Business

Insurance updates will be included in the new 2016 Welcome to Teacher Education handbook.  Student insurance information is available upon request.

No updates or guidance from DPI has been received regarding the 2.7 entrance GPA and all Clinical Teachers having an Accomplished Rating+ Growth rating.

All fall graduates will be using the new Online License System implemented in August by DPI.  Notices will be sent to faculty with teaching licenses expiring June 30, 2016.  Faculty will also be using this system.

Charity Cayton, Lori Flint, and Ivan Wallace asked about the Co-Teaching Policy/policy exemption.  This will be discussed at the January meeting.

New Business


Standing Committee Reports


Curriculum Committee

Barbara Brehm reported for the Chair of the CTE CC, Jamie Williams.  The committee met December 7, 2015 and approved the following.

  1. Package from Department of Special Education, Foundations, and Research – Dr. Sandra Warren, Associate Professor
    1. Request #1: Add a new concentration in Intellectual Disabilities to the existing MAEd in Special Education
    2. Request #2: Elective clarification – each of the MAEd SPED concentration areas includes an elective; clarify the elective should be a SPED course
    3. Request #3: Terminology change – replace “Mental Retardation” with “Intellectual Disabilities” in the course title of SPED 5102, 6020, and 6021
  2. Package from the Department of Kinesiology – Jeff Pizzutilla, Degree Director
    1. Request #1 – Remove KINE 2500-Dance in the Schools (2 s.h.) from degree requirements.
    2. Request #2 – Remove KINE 2323-Principles in Physical Education (2 s.h.) from degree requirements and add KINE 2000-Introductory Exercise and Sport Science (3 s.h.) to degree requirements.
    3. Request #3 – Reduce the total credit hours of the degree from 128 credits to 127 credits.
    4. Request #4 – Prerequisite change for the following classes
      1. KINE 2900-Teaching Skillful Movement (3 s.h.): Remove KINE 2323-Principles of Physical Education and KINE 2202-Motor Learning from prerequisites/co-requisites.  Add KINE 2000-Introductory Exercise and Sport Science to prerequisites.
      2. KINE 3900-Elementary Instruction in Physical Education (3 s.h.): Remove KINE 2500-Dance in Schools.
  • KINE 3906-Physical Education for Special Populations (3 s.h.): Remove KINE 2323-Principles of Physical Education.  Add KINE 2000-Introductory Exercise and Sport Science to prerequisites.
  1. KINE 4804-Measurement and Evaluation in Exercise and Sport Science (3 s.h.): Remove KINE 2323-Principles of Physical Education.  Add KINE 2000-Introductory Exercise and Sport Science to prerequisites.
  1. Package from Department of Health Education and Promotion – Dr. Michele Wallen, Graduate Program Director
    1. Request #1 – Discontinuation of the M.A.T. Health Education Concentration

The next curriculum committee meeting is January 11, 2016 at 2:00 p.m., which is prior to CTE meeting.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report


Admissions & Retention – No report


Policy Committee– No report


There being no further business, a motion was made by Barbara Brehm and seconded by Sandra Seay to adjourn at 3:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sherry S. Tripp

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