December 2017 Minutes


2017 December Minutes

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.

The fourth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2017-2018 academic year was held Monday, December 11, 2017 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203. Members present: Charity Cayton, Vivian Covington (Chair), Ellen Dobson, Johna Faulconer, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, Rhea Miles, Marissa Nesbit, Dan Novey, Jeff Pizzutilla, Nicole Smith, Kevin White, Jamie Williams, Laura King, Madilyn Cox, Shari Steadman and Elaine Yontz.  Visitors in attendance were Angie McCoy and Crystal Jones.  Absent were Barbara Brehm, Laura Levi-Altstadter, Caitlin Ryan, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Ivan Wallace, Grant Hayes, Jennifer Adams, Lora Lee Canter-Smith, Christina Tschida, and Laura Bilbro-Berry.

Approval of Minutes November 13, 2017 Meeting

The minutes were approved with one change to Standing update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure.” Intern1 candidates will go to their school sites on 1.16.18”.


Sherry Tripp is doing well and will be back in the office on 1.8.18.

Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Digital Learning

Ellen Dobson gave an update on ECU’s Teaching Fellow application, ECU was not awarded the Teaching Fellow Program. There was an article in the News and Observer concerning the Fellowship Program Process. There will be another round and hopefully they will expand the program and make changes to the process .It has not determined when another round of applications will be solicited.

As far as CAEP we are in pretty good shape. Dr. Ellen Dobson has talked to all areas about identifying the key assessment. Template is ready and will be sent out on 12.12.17, but not needed back before holiday break. When you receive the template look at everything before you start working on it. You need to understand all the required parts that are in the template. Any questions please contact Dr. Ellen Dobson.  Soft due date is 1.31.18

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Internship I and Internship II Calendars were distributed. OCE has asked OADD to have the Intern I agreement form added to Taskstream. Dr. Dobson’s office is working to put this in Taskstream.

On 1.8.18 the Intern 2 mandatory seminar will be held. Candidates will start the next day at their school site on 1.9.18. Seminar times are as follows: 8:30am-10:00am ELEM, 10:30am-12:00pm MIDG and Secondary Areas and 1:00pm-2:30pm K-12 program areas. The seminars will be held at the Greenville Holiday Inn.

Job Fair will be held 2.28.18 from 8:00am-10:00am at the Greenville Convention Center and attendance is mandatory except for distance education students.

Students will not be required to return to their school site after the Career Fair.

If program areas know edTPA work days for interns please forward those dates to OCE via email. OCE needs to know the days Interns will not be at their school sites.

Intern 1 Mandatory Seminar will be on Friday 1.12.18. We will have one session for all program areas from 8:30-10:00 am at Greenville Holiday Inn. Intern 1 students will report to their school sites on 1.16.18.

Licensure Seminars will be Thursday 12.14.17 in Speight 301. Candidates go online and create user accounts on this day. Verification letter information is distributed on this day as well; however, OEP cannot complete the letter until the registrar verifies transcripts and degrees.

Old Business

Handouts are being prepared for Intern I and Intern II in the spring of 2018 with new ruling for licensure/testing with emphasize placed on the exception for hiring in spring 2018 and summer 2018.

New Business

Handout distributed on Renewal and Reinstatement Guidelines for Licensure with 2 CEU’s needed in Digital Teaching & Learning competencies starting June 2019 and forward. Please see attached handout.

Office of Assessment, Data Management, and Digital Learning will offer a lot of professional development in spring 2018. Dr. Dobson will bring schedule as soon as finalized. Encourage faculty to take advantage of these free digital learning workshops.

Any faculty member renewing 2019 forward will be held to these new standards. Remember, 1.0 CEU is ten hours of contact time.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee –Met on 12.4.2017 minutes were distributed.

M.A.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction (English and History education) request to offer this degree’s 2 concentrations online. Although, the complete degree is not offered online, more than 50% of courses can be obtained online; therefore, approval is needed.   In favor 17, no oppositions and no abstentions.

Birth-Kindergarten Education Proposed new course, HDFS 3175: Global Perspectives in Early Childhood. To accommodate this with existing program, they reduced the 6 elective hours to 3 and made this course required. They intend to seek the Global Diversity designation for this course in the future.  Will remove GEOG 1000 or ANTH 2010 or ANTH 2200 as the required Social Science. Candidate may now choose from any social science. In favor 17, no oppositions and no abstentions.

M.A.Ed. In Middle Grades Education package sought to cleanup catalogue to delete course options that are no longer being taught and add options that are being taught for the core and the four concentrations of Language arts/English, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. There was an additional cleanup for the Thesis option and how those hours count in the degree. In favor 17, no oppositions and no abstentions.

M.A.Ed. in Elementary Education package includes cleanup of catalogue to delete course options that are no longer being taught and add options that are being taught.

Certificate is open to anyone. Ex: non degree, nursing. Please contact Dr. Carol Greene or Dr. Jane Manner with any questions.

Clean up of Thesis option and how those hours count in the degree.

Addition of the Teaching Children in Poverty concentration (9 hours) as another concentration option.

Approval of a new 12-hour Certificate in Teaching Children in Poverty.

Approval of 4 courses for the certificate and new concentration of which candidates for the certificate must do the 12 hours, but candidates for the M.A.Ed. can choose any 9 hours.

ELEM 6600 Implications of Poverty on Learning and Development; ELEM 6625 Responsive Curriculum for Children in Poverty; ELEM 6650 Families and Communities of Poverty; ELEM 6675 Evaluative and Educative Implications for Teaching Children of Poverty. In Favor 17, no oppositions and no abstentions.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No Report

Admissions & Retention – No report

Policy – No report

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 3:44 p.m. The next meeting will be January 8, 2018 in Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Damara Lee Gaylord

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