December 2019


Minutes for December 9, 2019

Speight 203 at 3:15 p.m.


The fourth meeting of the Council for Educator Preparation for the 2019-2020 academic year was held Monday, December 9, 2019 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 203.  Members present: Barbara Brehm, Ashley Cannan, Charity Cayton, Patch Clark, Bethann Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Bernice Dodor, Holly Fales, Kristin Gehsmann, Nanyoung Kim, LCSN-PCS Representatives Chena Cayton and Allison Setser, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Rhea Miles, Chris Rivera, Art Rouse, Dawn Shelton, Nicole Smith, Rita Soulen, Christina Tschida, Cynthia Wagoner, and Kevin White.  Visitors in attendance were Monisha Atkinson and Sarah Sconyers.  Absent were Elondra Napper, Mikkaka Overstreet, Jeff Pizzutilla, Christy Walcott, and Stacy Weiss.


Approval of Minutes November 11, 2019 Meeting


The minutes for the November 11, 2019 meeting were approved.



Dr. Art Rouse, former Associate Dean of Graduate Education and Faculty Affairs in COE, now Acting Dean of COE, attended the meeting.  Former Dean Grant Hayes is Acting Provost.


Standing Update from the Office of Assessment, Data Management and Digital Learning

Holly Fales, Director, gave the following updates.


edTPA materials for the Residency II course candidates should be sent to Sarah Sconyers. Content specific materials for Tasks 1, 2 and 3 are needed. OADD (Sarah Sconyers) created supports for those items common across programs.


SONIA (the new teacher education management system) how-to guides were distributed to program coordinators so they know how to view internship applications and move them along electronically in the system.


Graduate program coordinators have been sent program alignment documents to complete with a December 15th deadline. There is a Graduate Program Coordinators meeting being scheduled for January. Initial program alignment documents have been sent and are due Feb. 15th. These documents facilitate alignment among CPAST, edTPA and InTASC.


The Evaluation and Planning Committee is meeting tomorrow, December 10, 2019 at 2:00 pm in Speight 203 to map out a plan for Dispositions.


Mary Worthington sent out EPP Undergraduate and Graduate Surveys November 21, 2019 with reminders set to go out as well.  They are due December 12, 2019.


Seventy-nine (79) of the eighty-five (85) edTPA test takers were proficient on the first sitting, 93%.  All not proficient candidates have submitted retakes.


University Supervisors (USs) will need to complete the CPAST training if they have not used it before this spring. Those who have used it and it has been a year since their initial training, will need to do the refresher training (shorter training).  Yearly calibration is required. Dr. Fales will follow-up with emails. USs were instructed to refer to program areas and syllabi on how CPAST ratings equate to grades in Internship II/Residency II courses.


Dr. Covington reported the LCSN thanked the faculty for all the work related to Residency and work in progress on the edTPA for these individuals.


Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Nicole Smith, Lead Coordinator gave the following update:


A University Supervisors (US) meeting with CPAST training was held December 9, 2019.  About 40 USs attended and packets were sent to those unable to attend the meeting.


Licensure seminar for candidates will be held December 12, 2019. Candidates will be instructed on how to purchase a transcript. They will create an account in the DPI Online Licensure System and be given instructions on how to complete the application once transcripts are released on January 7, 2020. Lastly, they will be told, again, ECU’s policies for ECU’s licensure recommendation and how they can be hired without ECU’s recommendation.


Last day for applications for Intern I sp 202/Intern II fall 2020 is Monday, January 13, 2020.


An Intern I meeting will be held January 17, 2020 from 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. at the Greenville Hilton. All majors, all areas will attend this one meeting.  Intern II meetings will be held January 13, 2020 at the Holiday Inn at three different times; 8:30-10:00 for ELEM; 10:30-12:00 for 6-12 areas MIDG, FACS, MATE, SCIE, ENED, HIED and 1:00-2:30 pm for B-K and K-12 areas ART, DNCE, KINE, MUSC, THEA, FORL, SPED.


Fourteen interns were early released this fall.  The early release date for spring will be April 10, 2020.  Calendars are available on the COE website .


Of the 280 candidates accepted into the Residency program for the Spring 2020 Cohort, 205 have been admitted and 24 are pending grades from this term.


Old Business

In response to the question posed to DPI last month–Will edTPA be counted in overall pass rates or will there be a separate pass rate?  Dr. Covington noted that DPI has responded that they believe they will use the overall pass rates for Title II, which will include edTPA.  If all tests, which includes edTPA, are attempted and any one of them is failed, it counts as a failure for that license area.  If partial testing is attempted, regardless of scores, that candidate’s scores do not count in any way. Candidates must attempt all tests and pass all tests to count as a “passer”.


If at the request of the LEA, an initial license (IPL) may be issued directly to any graduate by the SBE without tests (includes edTPA).  Testing must be done within three years of licensure issuance to maintain the license.


After much discussion regarding edTPA and licensure testing, Kristin Gehsmann called for the question.  A motion was made by Chris Rivera and seconded by Nanyoung Kim.  The following motion passed with two abstentions.


Motion put forth to the CEP regarding edTPA and Licensure testing


edTPA Requirements

  • edTPA to count 10% of Internship II grade or the Residency II designated course
  • full 10% given regardless of 1st submission or retake
  • edTPA must be complete to get full 10% after retake
  • If incomplete edTPA exists beyond the retake, and the candidate wishes to resubmit, an INC will be given for Internship II grade. Graduation will be delayed until spring/summer depending on Intern II semester. If the candidate does not wish to resubmit, the grade earned will be given at the end of the semester.
  • Retakes must be completed within the Retake Window, or candidates must pay for and enroll in a course the following term to get assistance through ECU.
  • UG Candidates may graduate without passing edTPA scores as long as the Internship grade is C or higher. Residency candidates may not complete residency program without passing edTPA scores but may progress in coursework.
  • To receive ECU’s recommendation, all candidates must have passing edTPA scores.


Testing Requirements

Candidates will not be recommended by ECU for the initial license (IPL) or for Residency License clearance without passing licensure test(s) scores.


Overall Licensure Recommendation Requirements

Candidates will be recommended for licensure by ECU with both passing edTPA and licensure test(s) scores.


ECU will verify for LEAs that candidates have all but edTPA and/or passing test scores if the LEA chooses to hire directly with the SBE.


New Business



Standing Committees

Curriculum – Christina Tschida reported for Chair Jeff Pizzutilla that the committee met December 2, 2019 and approved the following.


Program and course revisions to the Educational Administration and Supervision, EdS


LEED 7408 Public School Administration-course revision

LEED 7410 Staff Personnel Problems-course revision and increase credit hours from 2 to 3

LEED 7429 Problems in Educational Supervision-course revision

LEED 7470 School Business Management-course revision

LEED 7483 Advanced School Law-course revision and increase credit hours from 2 to 3

LEED 7991 Educational Leadership: Level 1-Change course title from “Educational Leadership: Level 1” to

“Educational Leadership Internship: Level 1”, course revision and decrease credit hours from 4 to 3

LEED 7993 Educational Leadership Internship: Level 2-course revision and decrease credit hours from 4 to 3


The proposed program revisions include:

Reduce the credit hours of the degree from 38 to 36

Revising the Internship hours from 8 to 6 (the two-hour difference is being accounted for in two course revision forms above, LEED 7991 and LEED 7993)

Revising Core requirements by adding LEED 7483 to the Core

Revising Core requirements by moving LEED 7520 (both instances) to the Core

Revising Core requirements by moving LEED 7408 and LEED 7410 to the Superintendent Concentration


SPED Residency Package–New Courses


The new program started in Fall 2019. The special education program is proposing a new required service course for the ERM program for general education teachers (SPED 4008) and a new sequence of six courses specifically for special education residency teachers.

SPED 4002: Individual Educational Programming for Students with Disabilities
SPED 4004: Supporting Positive Behavior Across School Environments

SPED 4006: Strategies and Supports for Students with Disabilities
SPED 4008: Exceptional Learners in the General Education Classroom
SPED 4991: Residency I in Special Education
SPED 4992: Residency II in Special Education
SPED 4993: Residency Internship in Special Education


B-K Residency Package –New courses


HDFS 4700: Planning Curriculum to Support Learning in the BK Classroom

HDFS 4710: Practical Applications in Planning Curriculum to Support Learning in the BK Classroom

HDFS 4701: Teaching Strategies to Support Learning in the BK Classroom

HDFS 4711: Practical Applications in Teaching Strategies to Support Learning in the BK Classroom

HDFS 4702: Assessing Learning and Development in the BK Classroom

HDFS 4712: Practical Applications in Assessing Learning and Development in the BK Classroom

HDFS 4703: BK Residency edTPA Support

HDFS 4704: BK Residency Supervision


CEP accepted the report with a unanimous vote.


The January CEP Curriculum Meeting may need to be virtual.


Evaluation & Planning – Chair Rhea Miles, Meeting regarding dispositions 12/10/19 in Speight 202

Admissions & Retention – Chair Charity Cayton, no report

Policy – Chair Laura Levi-Altstaedter, no report


Bethann Cole moved to adjourn and was seconded by Rhea Miles.  The meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Sherry S. Tripp


** Remaining meeting dates; January 13, 2020 February 10, 2020, March 16, 2020 and April 13, 2020.


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