Council for Teacher Education
The fifth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2010-2011 academic year was held Monday, February 14, 2011, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 211. Members present: Elizabeth Briggs, Carol Brown, Michael Brown, Joe Ciechalski, Dawn Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Mike Dawson, Johna Faulconer, David Gabbard, Bill Grobe, Linda High, Cheryl Johnson, Troy Jones, Laura King, LCSN representative Carla Frinsko, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Marcela Ruiz-Funes, Shari Steadman, Student Reps Katherine Alligood and Jonathan Lewis, Jane Teleki, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, Alana Zambone for Sarah Williams, and visitor Crystal Jones. Absent were Cynthia Bickley-Green, Michael Bossé, Brenda Eastman, Sharon Schleigh, and Sarah Williams.
Order of Business
Agenda I – Approval of Minutes
The minutes from the December 13, 2010 meeting were accepted. Due to snow, the January meeting was not held.
Agenda II – Announcements
Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.
The BITE Computer Challenge Exam for students needing to meet the technology requirement for admission to Upper Division will be March 17, 3-5 p.m. and March 18, 10-12 p.m. For more information, contact Marguerite Bass Latham,
The Math Placement tests will be offered on a first-come, first served basis in Austin 110 on March 16, 17, 22, 23 and 24. Contact Gwen Hardin, for specific times for each day.
Linda High in Music Education invited anyone interested to attend a session on Smartboard, integrating technology in the classroom on April 2 in the School of Music. The session is applicable to all faculty. Vivian Covington recently visited West Greene Elementary and Snow Hill Primary and the children’s use of technology was incredible. Carol Brown stated that EDTC 4001 has been revised with all new strategies for teaching with technology and is being taught by all full time faculty.
Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation
Diana Lys gave an update on assessment and accreditation. IPAR will commence the SharePoint based Work Flow to review all degree program assessment plans.
Revisioned undergraduate teacher education programs and all the MAT program areas have been approved by DPI. A spreadsheet showing approval for each program was distributed and will be sent to all CTE representatives.
A new committee, College of Education Assessment and Accreditation Committee has been formed. We are now in the “NCATE window”. The next visit is 36 months away. The majority of evidence will be electronic for this visit. The Program Area NCATE Summaries are on hold. Faculty are working on SACS Reports.
Agenda IV – Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences
Ms. Morgan, Lead Coordinator OCE/AL reported that a memo was sent to all Program Area Internship Coordinators listing the deadlines for internship applications, placement process, and list of trained clinical teachers and other related information to the procedure. The deadlines for the Senior I placements are April 1, 2011 (moved due to registration March 21), May 13, 2011 (moved due to graduation May 6, 2011), and July 1, 2011. The July date should only be for students awaiting grades from spring 2011. If students do not make a “C” or better in required courses or fail a required course or GPA falls below a 2.5, students cannot register for Senior I classes or be placed. Students are required to be at the school site one full day per week or equivalent (15 visits) and do three lessons during the semester.
All Senior I interns are placed for this semester. Linda Tetterton is retiring at the end of this month. She has helped in placing many of the interns. Please stop by and wish Linda well. Sheila Jones from the Dean’s Office will replace her March 1.
Vivian Covington noted that early November is the first acceptance date for spring/fall internship applications and the first day of spring semester is the last day to submit applications. The university will be closed for the entire week of December 26 and January 2, 2012. That is three less days to work on placements.
Thirty-eight applications were received on January 7. Please remember the last acceptance date for applications is for students needing a final course grade or raising their GPA prior to admission to Upper Division. Grades are due to the Registrar 48 hours after the exam or no later than Saturday after final exams.
Agenda V – Old Business
A memo has been sent to Diane Coltraine to update the undergraduate catalog by removing the note about “degree requirements are subject to change beginning Fall 2010 pending State Board approval……” and adding the statement that a “C or better is required in professional core courses”.
Agenda VI – New Business
The chair stated that undergraduate methods/Senior I course syllabi must state that passing the course is contingent upon successful completion of Senior I internship site requirements in addition to classroom requirements.
Grades of C or better are needed for all professional studies core courses and all content courses from your blueprints. Check course listings in the core and be more specific when referring to theses courses.
Departments should be putting UPDV on SSARRES (section restrictions) in Banner when building course schedules for the term. This will allow only Upper Division admitted students to register for the course.
On February 25, there will be an internship application meeting for all Fall Senior I COE students in Speight 129, 1- 5:30. Students should contact the Advising Center for more information.
Agenda VII – Standing Committees
Curriculum – The Curriculum Committee met January 10, 2011 and recommended approval of the following with revisions to the justification for each of the six courses and other editorial changes. Since CTE did not meet in January, revisions were made and CTE approved the proposal by electronic vote (15 of 28) on January 14, 2011.
A new certificate program in Elementary Mathematics Education, which includes six new courses in mathematics education. The Elementary Mathematics Education Specialist Certificate provides interested Elementary Education licensed teachers the opportunity to fulfill requirements to apply for the Add-on License in K-6 Mathematics. Applicants to the certificate program must currently have a teaching license and meet graduate school standards for admission.
Applicants seeking admission must be graduate students or education professionals working in their respective fields. Professionals can enroll as non-degree seeking students. Admission is based on completion of the ECU certificate application and approval by the program coordinator.
The certificate program requires 18 s.h. of graduate-level course work in a program of study designed by a Consortium of UNC Universities and approved by the NC State Board of Education. Required courses include MATE 6058, 6059, 6060, 6061, 6062, and 6063.
MATE 6058: Number Systems & Operations: K-5 Mathematical Tasks (3) P: Teacher Licensure. Analysis and construction of effective mathematical tasks in teaching number systems and operations at the K-5 level; attention is also given to the expansion of content knowledge.
MATE 6059: Rational Numbers & Operations: K-5 Learning Trajectories (3) P: MATE 6058. Focus on rational number concepts through learning trajectories at the K-5 level; attention also given to problem solving and content knowledge
MATE 6060: Data Analysis & Measurement: K-5 Classroom Interactions (3) P: MATE 6058. Focus on statistical literacy of elementary teachers and the teaching of data analysis and measurement to K-5 students; attention also given to learning methods which facilitate appropriate classroom interactions.
MATE 6061: Algebraic Reasoning: K-5 Discourse & Questioning (3) P: MATE 6058. Focus on the early algebra concepts of functional thinking and generalized arithmetic in relationship to pedagogical practices centered on questioning in the mathematics classroom.
MATE 6062: Geometry & Spatial Visualization: K-5 Assessment (3) P: MATE 6058. Geometric concept development along with formative and summative assessment strategies of students’ geometric thinking; attention also is given to geometric content knowledge and diagnosis of student errors.
MATE 6063: Mathematical Modeling: K-5 Leadership (3) P: MATE 6058, 6059, 6060, 6061, 6062. Generating mathematical representations and making explicit connections between concepts. Pedagogy designed to equip elementary teachers to become mathematics teacher-leaders in school settings; Focus given to topics integrated within mathematical strands.
The committee met February 4, 2011 and approved the following:
New course, EXSS 3500, Secondary Content in Physical Education (3) (F), (S), (SS). P: Declared PETE major; EXSS 1000 or 1001. Students learn knowledge of skill/game performance in Target, Net/Wall, Territory, and Fielding games.
Delete EXSS 2700, Gymnastics in the Schools (2 s.h.) from Degree Core Requirements
Revise EXSS 2600, Child Movement Patterns (2s.h.): Revise course title and increase credit hours to accommodate newly added educational gymnastic component.
Revise EXSS 3540, Track and Field/Physical Conditioning (1 s.h.): Revise course title and increase credit hours to accommodate new NCDPI standards for health-related physical fitness.
Change Degree Requirements–Change language for course work requiring minimum grade of C in the BS in Physical Education Degree requirements as specified on p. 251 of the 2010-2011 catalog in the following way:
Change Co-requisite: EXSS 2123, Early Experiences for the Prospective Teacher: Remove co-requisite of EXSS 212, Motor Development from degree requirements listing and course description and EXSS 2122, Motor Development: Remove co-requisite of EXSS 2123 from degree requirement listings (the co-requisite designation does not exist in the course description of the current catalog).
Change Prerequisite: EXSS 3900, Elementary School Instruction in Physical Education: Remove the prerequisite of EXSS 2700, Gymnastics in the Schools.
BS in Birth – Kindergarten
Add to Specialty Area: CDFR 2001. Child Development II: Middle Childhood through Young Adulthood (3) (F,S,SS)
Changes semester hours required for Specialty Area Studies from 39 to 42; reduces “Advisor approved electives to complete requirements for graduation” by 3 s.h.
Elementary Education
Requesting approval of the following catalog deletions from the course descriptions and the banked courses.
- ELEM 3110 Introduction to Language Arts Skills (3)
- ELEM 3111 Language Arts in the Upper Elementary Grades (4)
- ELEM 3203 Language Arts in the Lower Elementary Grades (4)
- ELEM 3225 Planning, Instruction, and Evaluation in the Early Childhood and Elementary School (3)
- ELEM 4310 Program Implementation in Early Childhood Education (3)
- ELEM 4575 Observation and Supervised Teaching in the Early Childhood and Elementary Grades (8)
- ELEM 5310 Teaching and Evaluation in Early Childhood Education (3)
- ELEM 5335 Aerospace Education (3)
The report was accepted.
Evaluation & Planning – No report
Admission & Retention – No report
Policy – No report
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. The next meeting will be March 14, 2011 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp