February 2013 Minutes

Council for Teacher Education

Minutes for February 11, 2013

The sixth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2012-2013 academic year was held Monday, February 11, 2013 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 313. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Michael Brown, John Carlson, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kaye Dotson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bethann Fine, David Gabbard, Diana Lys, James McKernan, Susan Morgan, Ron Preston, Robbie Quinn, Lisa Rogerson, Shari Steadman, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, and Student Reps Anna Hajjar and Angelina Knies. Absent were Lena Carawan, Angelo Collins, Bill Grobe, Sandra Harvey, Cheryl Johnson, LCSN-PCS representative, Laura Levi Altstaedter, and Cynthia Wagoner.

Order of Business

Agenda I – Approval of Minutes

The minutes from the January 14, 2013 meeting were accepted.

Agenda II – Announcements

Vivian Covington, chair, made the following announcements.

Ana Hajjar, the alternate undergraduate student representative in Art Education was introduced and welcomed.

Members were reminded to email information to the Chair at covingtonv@ecu.edu, if your program area has a COAD 1000 specific section. One department has responded to date.

Agenda III – Assessment Update & Accreditation

Diana Lys gave an update on DPI, NCATE and SACS.

DPI – In December and January she met with leaders in each program area to discuss the current electronic evidences (EEs) and what substitutions can be made to move to edTPA (EEs 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7). Some program areas want to keep both EE2 and EE7, some want to keep just one of the evidences, and some want to use all edTPA. EE1, transcript, and EE4, Certification of Teaching Capacity Form, are two items that are submitted to DPI for licensure and must remain as is.

NCATE – The Pirate Code is the framework for ECU’s Transformation Initiative proposal (TI) for NCATE accreditation. The Pirate Code began in Elementary/Middle Grades Education, but has expanded to many other program areas. It is a developmental approach to reform. ECU is one of the 25 IHEs nationwide to pursue this pathway and the only one in North Carolina. A power point printout was distributed for members to share with faculty for review. A Qualtrics survey is forthcoming for faculty in all of teacher education (the NCATE defined unit) to review the TI proposal and to give feedback on it.

edTPA Video Help Sessions for students are planned March 14, 15, 21, 22 and 28 from 4:00-7:00 p.m. in Speight 239. Students may register at http://doodle.com/pg7nvm34fwza6qd4. A handout showing times and dates was distributed and shared with the TPALs (the name for the edTPA liaison) in your area.

SACS – Assessment review committee has done its work and has given feedback to all areas. Areas were asked to make suggested changes to improve the reports. SACS at the campus level is looking to identify and share some common language to assist colleges/schools/departments in writing clear, measureable objectives to assist us in meeting our goals.

Agenda IV –Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences

Susan Morgan reported that the Senior I application meetings are March 1, 2013 for ELEM, MIDG, SPED, HIED, ENED interns within the COE. This is for fall 2013/spring 2014 internship placements. Students should think beyond just Pitt County for a placement. Warren County is being added as the 37th school district in the LCSN. A packet was sent to coordinators and distributed to selected CTE members. Included in the packet were request forms, procedures and responsibilities for teacher education majors, calendar and deadlines for submission of applications. Physical forms will now be due at the beginning of Senior I, not Senior II, as it is currently. Physicals can be completed after June 1, 2013 for fall/spring interns, which will cover the student through Senior II.

Out of 2200 practicum placements, only about 100 still remain to place. Thank you to all of the faculty who sent in their placement requests quickly, and to all the areas that assist with placements in pre-arranged partnerships with schools, after-school programs, etc.

Updated Lateral Entry and Licensure Only plans of study templates are due to Susan Morgan. Courses with electronic evidences (EE) need to be correctly noted, and please include the term(s) the course is usually offered, e.g. F, S, SSI, SSII. The technology course and all EE courses must be taken at ECU. Plans of study are good for one year, due to frequent mandated changes. Although the plans indicate some courses are available online and there is a note that they are “possibly offered pending budget and enrollment”, this has caused some confusion and the wording will be placed more prominently to help avoid confusion.

Agenda V – Old Business

Vivian Covington received a note from Jane Teleki thanking members for the get well card. The contents of the note was read to CTE.

Agenda VI – New Business


Agenda VII – Standing Committees

Admission & Retention – Bill Grobe Chair, No report.

Evaluation and Planning – Mike Dawson, Chair, No report

Curriculum – Mike Brown, Chair, Mike Brown reported that the committee met and approved the following curricular changes from Child Development and Family Relations and Library Science.


Revision of CDFR 1103, Marriage and Family Relations and revisions to the B-K program; replacing ELEM 3249, Early Literacy in the professional studies core requirements with READ 3301, Teaching Reading K-2.

Library Science

  • Require all students to take the required core courses in a specified order,
  • Describe the complete School Library Media pathway for students seeking a degree for work as a school media specialist,
  • Add statement that the 076 Media Coordinator license also requires a satisfactory score on the Media Coordinator (0311) PRAXIS test,
  • Add prerequisite language in a variety of places,
  • Eliminate the North Carolina School Media Supervisor Licensure option
  • Only students holding a masters degree in library science may be licensed through a licensure only plan
  • Removal of courses that were required for the now defunct CAS program
  • Removal of cross-listing of LIBS 7010: Supervision of School Media and Technology Program with Instructional Technology

The report was accepted. The next CTE Curriculum meeting will be March 18. Curriculum matters should be submitted by March 6, prior to spring break for the March 18 CTE CC and full CTE review.

The Master of Arts in Teaching has many concentrations. Currently the internship is TCHR 6024 for all concentrations. Each program area that has a concentration in the MAT needs to submit a course change form and syllabi to Dr. Tessie Guidry. The course prefix will change from TCHR to the specific program area, e.g. HIED 6024, SCIE 6024. All changes will be submitted at one time to the Graduate Curriculum Committee.

Policy – No report

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.

Remaining meeting dates: March 18 (note change due to ECU Spring Break) and April 8. The meetings will be in Speight 312 or 313.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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