February 2014 Minutes


Minutes for February 10, 2014

The sixth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2013-2014 academic year was held Monday, February 10, 2014 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Patch Clark, Vivian Covington (Chair), Kristen Cuthrell, Mike Dawson, Kylie Dotson-Blake, Bethann Fine, Bonnie Glass, Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Diana Lys, Susan Morgan, Kathy Misulis, Liz Oakley (UG student rep), Ron Preston, Lisa Rogerson, Shari Steadman, Cynthia Wagoner, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams. Absent were Dan Boudah, Lena Carawan, LCSN-PCS Representative, James McKernan, and Nate Von der Embse.

Approval of Minutes

January 13, 2014 Meeting The minutes were approved as written with one correction that Mike Dawson was absent at the meeting.


The new tests for Elementary and Special Education-General Curriculum majors have been delayed until October 1, 2014. Students graduating/completing their program during summer 2014 can be recommended using the current tests. Fall graduates will have to take and pass the new tests.

Faculty are encouraged to participate in the upcoming IHE Spring RESA (Regional Education Service Alliances) Sessions. The target audience is for faculty with responsibility for preparing Elementary and Special Education: General Curriculum educators. A team of four to five faculty members is encouraged. Team members should be assigned to the areas based on their content background and/or teaching experience: Foundations of Reading, General Curriculum-Math, Social Studies or Science or Arts Integration. The meeting for Region 1 and 2 will be April 16, 2014, 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. at the Vernon G. James Research and Extension Center, 207 Research Station Road in Plymouth, NC. Contact information is available at http://www.ncpublicschools.org/profdev/calendar/.

Dean Linda Patriarca shared information from a recent ECU Academic Deans and Directors Meeting with the COE Leadership Team. The Legislature is looking into accepting the first 30 hour transfer courses with a “C” or better from a community college or other school, as well as, the next 30 hours. With some degree programs being reduced to 120 hours, this leaves only 60 hours at the higher education institution. A course in Native American History is also being proposed by the NC State Bureau of Indian Affairs as an additional requirement at the university level.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

Diana Lys reported on CAEP, DPI and SACS. Our next CAEP onsite visit will be February 8-10, 2015. There was a good response with the CAEP Accreditation Information Management System (AIMS). A few departments did not submit or sign-off in the electronic form for the CAEP AIMS. A Google doc was available for completion after the meeting. There was a 50% response rate on the professional education faculty survey. Incomplete lists will be sent to CTE reps by the end of the week.

DPI – Blueprint revisions were due February 15, 2014 to DPI. There were no program areas wishing to change items in their approved DPI blueprints. DPI is working on an evolving, annual timeline for blueprint revisions (February and September). Please contact Diana Lys with questions.

SACS – All educational units must have 2013-14 Results and Action Steps and 2012-13 Follow Up Actions entered in TracDat by May 15, 2014. IPAR is considering a revision to the template in TracDat. Please remind your Unit Assessment Coordinators to be on the lookout for updates from her office or your unit’s Associate Dean. She will bring revised reporting timelines for performance measures her office and/or administrators collect to the March CTE meeting. The outcome measures for which the collection timeline may alter; Undergraduate and AP Exit Survey, edTPA—percentage of Emerging, Proficient and Accomplished or Graduate Evidence Portfolios (GEPs) may be available. Contact Mary Worthington worthingtonm@ecu.edu with Exit Survey date. Outcome measures for which timelines are set are Progress Reports, Disposition C and Final Evaluations. Dr. Lys will communicate with the Office of Teacher Education and Office of Clinical Experiences to consider adjusting submission timelines for future spring semesters.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information. Four mandatory Senior I application meetings will be hosted by the Office of Clinical Experiences (OCE) for SPED, ELEM, MIDG, ENED and HIED areas on March 21, 2014 in Mendenhall Student Center. There are four identical meetings that day and students should attend one of the four. Students outside the COE can attend. Applications collected at the meetings will be sent to program coordinators to have for advising and to make sure students are ready for Senior I. Applications are due March 1, May 13, and July 1, 2014.

Add-on licensure area meetings for all areas except reading and Health/PE as a concentration will be held Wednesday and Thursday nights, February 26 and 27, 2014.

Alternative licensure templates are due by February 28, 2014.

Old Business

The chair finalized the memo for Master’s graduates involved in the Master’s/Advanced pay issue for spring 2014. The chair and Sherry Tripp met with individuals in the Registrar’s Office concerning procedures needed to verify spring completers affected by this pay issue. Letters will be sent electronically to currently employed, advanced licensure candidates, including instructions and forms through their respective departments. A list of currently employed, advanced licensure candidates needs to be sent to the OTE Office. A list is needed for students in the MLS, Ed Leadership, Counselor Ed programs, as well as, all MAED program areas.

Currently DPI has 6,000 applications backlogged. Please adhere to the timelines for submission of lists, and candidate materials as we have NO recourse to assist any of our candidates after the deadlines set by DPI and the General Assembly.

There is no new information on the DPI initiation of the online licensure system (information was to be available February 2014).

New Business

Dr. Preston presented a request for exception to the Professional Core Curriculum based on Appendix 1 procedures from the CTE By-Laws. Input and guidance from the Council is needed to provide guidance to the CTE Curriculum Committee on how substitutions to the core curriculum may be made. Appendix 1, C1, “course proposal/syllabus”, implies a single course. C2, “course/curriculum”, implies multiple courses. Mathematics Education seeks to replace READ 3990, Reading in the Content Area in Secondary Schools, with a series of experiences in MATE classes. For a period of time, READ 3990 was offered in the five-week block before the ten-week full time internship. Meetings have been held between mathematics and reading faculty and the Dean of COE to discuss changes to READ 3990, front loading the course and the replacement of the course with a series of mathematics-specific communication experiences. Kathy Misulis commended the work of the MATE faculty to integrate content literacy in the program; however, she could not support a proposal to eliminate the READ course. She felt that participation by those with literacy expertise and those with subject area expertise are both needed.

The motion “With respect to Appendix 1, I move that the Council for Teacher Education approve the possibility of a series of experiences over more than one course as an exception for a Professional Core Course” was made by Ron Preston and seconded by Bethann Fine. Discussion followed. Cheryl Johnson questioned if approved, would other program areas do the same? Diana Lys was not in favor of developing a new course with some programs cutting to 120 hours. Cheryl Johnson called for the question which was seconded by Jamie Williams. Five (5) voted yes, nine (9) no and there were six (6) abstentions. The motion was deferred to the Policy Subcommittee for a recommendation as the some of the CTE reps felt the motion was too vague as written with the term “possibility”.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee – The committee met on February 10, 2014 and recommended the following changes for approval:

In old business, course proposals describing revisions to the following English courses used in College of Education programs were approved by CTE in December 2013. Signature page was submitted to Vivian Covington for proposal to be brought to the CTE on 2/10/14. ENGL 2710, ENGL 3730, ENGL 3740, ENGL 3750, ENGL 4710 and ENGL 4720

MAEd in Instructional Technology

The program proposed to reduce hours from 39 credit hours to 36 credit hours. The reduction is being accomplished through the elimination of one of the two required elective courses.


Program proposed course revisions to the following classes to better align with TQP and include ISLES modules.

  • BITE 2123
  • BITE 4400
  • BITE 4323
  • BITE 4324/4325

The vote was unanimous to accept the curriculum recommendations from the CTE Curriculum Committee. March 17, 2014 is the next meeting of the CTE Curriculum Committee. Send packages to the Chair, Ms. Jamie Williams, Health Education faculty member.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report, item referred to committee in January’s meeting.

Admissions & Retention – No report.

Policy – No report, item referred to this committee in today’s meeting.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned by vote at 5:05 with a motion by Kristen Cuthrell and a second by Patch Clark.

Meeting Dates remaining for 2013–2014 are March 17 (third Monday due to spring break) and April 14, 2014.

Respectfully submitted,
Sherry S. Tripp

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