February 2015 Minutes


Minutes for February 9, 2015

The sixth meeting of the Council for Teacher Education for the 2014-2015 academic year was held Monday, February 9, 2015 at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312. Members present: Barbara Brehm, Charity Cayton, Bethann Fine Cole, Vivian Covington (Chair), Hal Holloman, Cheryl Johnson, Nanyoung Kim, Laura Levi-Altstaedter, Kathy Misulis, Susan Morgan, Jeff Pizzutilla, Lisa Rogerson, Sandra Seay, Lora Lee Smith- Canter, Shari Steadman, Liz Doster Taft, Cynthia Wagoner, Christy Walcott, Ivan Wallace, Jamie Williams, Elaine Yontz and visitor Christy Sutton. Patch Clark, Kristen Cuthrell, and Diana Lys were in scheduled CAEP meetings and unable to attend (excused). Absent were Lena Carawan and the LCSN-PCS representative.

Approval of Minutes January 12, 2015 Meeting

The minutes were approved as written.


Jacquelyn Byrd, an English Education major, was welcomed as the new undergraduate student representative.

The NC-ACTE Spring Forum 2015 will be Friday, May 1, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 P.M. at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation in Raleigh, NC. Registration is due by April 20, 2015. An email will be forwarded shortly containing the registration link.

A chart from UNC-GA showing education program enrollments by institutions from 2010-2014 was distributed. At ECU, there has been an 8% decrease in education program enrollments from 2013-2014 at the bachelor’s level and a 7.2% decrease at the master’s level. Two schools showed an increase in education program enrollment at the master’s level during the 2013-2014 year; UNCG, 2.3% and UNCW, 28.4%. UNCW recently added a new doctoral program, which may factor into their increase at the graduate level. The combined bachelor’s and master’s enrollment at ECU from 2010-2014 showed a 16.5% decrease. The decrease at other schools ranged from 24.7% to 53.4%. Overall the UNC system showed a 27.6% decrease.

Standing Update on Assessment & Accreditation

The 4:00 p.m. meeting with CAEP has been cancelled for today. The CAEP Team did not need additional information from the CTE Committee members, regarding the conceptual framework.

Standing Update from Office of Clinical Experiences & Alternative Licensure

Susan Morgan gave the following updates and information. Christy Sutton was introduced. She is a new coordinator in OCE working with practicum placements.

Licensure Only and Lateral Entry templates continue to be updated. If any program areas have DE coded courses that are no longer offered through DE, please let Susan Morgan know so that templates may reflect that also.

If you advise licensure only students and substitute a course on the plan of study, please send the substitution form to the Office of Alternative Licensure (OAL).

Licensure only students, who have been hired as Lateral Entry teachers, should contact their advisor, who will inform OAL of the change and refer him/her to OAL. Students should continue in their current classes as a licensure only candidate until the they have official documentation of employment i.e. a signed contract. Required documentation of employment is needed prior to OAL issuing a new plan of study. Students are then advised as a lateral entry candidate by Susan Morgan.

Applications for NC Teach, a fast track program for lateral entry teachers are due March 1. The license areas of Elementary, Birth-Kindergarten, and SPED-Adapted Curriculum are not offered through NC Teach.

April 2, 2015 is the due date for the first round of SRI fall 2015/SRII spring 2016 applications. Susan Morgan is willing to go to the program area to assist with the applications or students are welcome to come to the COE-OCE meetings.

Two meetings will be held, one on March 3 and one on March 4, 2015 (choose one), from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in Speight 129 for students wishing to add on a license area to their initial undergraduate degree. Students should bring a current transcript (printed from Self Service Banner). Elementary and Special Education majors adding reading do not need to attend.

Senior I Application meetings will be held March 4, 5, and 6, 2015. Candidates should attend one of these meetings, seating is limited and they are first come, first served.

Old Business

The Ad Hoc Committee on revising the conceptual framework has three members; Diana Lys, Vivian Covington and Shari Steadman. Two or three more members are needed.

New Business

There are two items that the chair would like for members to discuss with their program areas.

1) Raising entrance GPA of 2.5 for Upper Division to a higher GPA. Some schools are using GPAs ranging from 2.7 to 3.0. Dr. Covington will bring data to the March/April meetings.

2) Requiring PRAXIS II as a condition of the first license; not as a graduation requirement, but as a requirement for the first license. Elementary majors have to take all three NCEL tests and Special Ed-AC must take two PRAXIS tests prior to being recommended for a license. Special Ed-GC must take the one required PRAXIS test prior to being recommended and the remaining three NCEL tests during the first three years of teaching. Other program areas may be recommended without test(s), but must take and pass the required tests within the first three years of teaching. The only areas not affected are Birth-Kindergarten, Dance and Theatre. Students who finished a teacher education program after July 2014 are affected by the new testing regulations. There are five UNC system institutions requiring tests before being recommended for the first license.

Earlier, the Co-teaching Team sent an invitation to program areas who would possibly be interested in co-teaching with interns and their clinical teachers. Eight program areas currently are involved in co-teaching. A reminder of an interest meeting on February 11, 2015 for prospective program areas and a flyer describing co-teaching was distributed.

Standing Committees

Curriculum Committee –Dr. Covington reported for Jamie Williams, Chair. The committee met February 2, 2015 and approved the following.

  1. Package from the College of Education – Divide TCHR 6024 into parallel program specific courses (MUSC 6024, FACS 6024, SPAN 6024, and EXSS 6024. Remove Art Education from the catalog as an MAT teaching area.
  2. Package from the MAEd in Science Education – Remove SCIE 6320 as the prerequisite for SCIE 6500
  3. Package from BS in Mathematics Education proposed the following.

A minimum grade of C changed to minimum grade of C- in all required mathematics courses (not mathematics education and this does not affect the DPI blueprint for C or better courses) and a minimum degree requirement of 126 s.h. changed to 120 s.h. (less electives).

Foundations Curriculum (catalog cleanup) – add PSYC 2777 – Ethnocultural Psychology or SOCI 1010 – Race, Gender, Class, to align with current practice.

Core – Increased from 39 to 42 Hours, MATE 3367, Mathematical Modeling, added to the program. MATH 3301, Foundations of Geometry, is replaced by a MATH elective, numbered above 2999, excluding MATH 3229, 3237, and 3239 (required in another area).

Professional Courses – Decreased from 28 to 27 Hours. “CTE approved 3 s.h. diversity course” – language in this section dropped and requirement for PSYC 2777 or SOCI 1010 added to Foundations Curriculum; MATE 4325, Internship Seminar: Issues in High School Mathematics, is expanded from one semester hour credit to three semester hours of credit; Course Revisions – MATE 2123, Introduction to High School Mathematics Teaching and MATE 4324, Internship in High School Mathematics

Specialty Area – 6 Hours – Course Revisions – MATE 3523, Teaching Topics in High School Mathematics and MATE 4323, Teaching High School Mathematics.

  1. Package from the MAEd in BK Education – Revise the language used within the graduate catalog, specifically for admission criteria to “Candidate currently holds or is eligible for an initial teaching license in BK will replace obtained NC teaching License in BK”.
  2. Package from the Department of Child Development and Family Relations – The department proposed a title change of the Child Studies Concentration to Early Childhood Concentration along with course requirements. Approval was pending notification of the Elementary Education department. The elementary ed faculty made a few of suggestions that the BK faculty want to consider. The proposal was withdrawn and will be presented next month.

The committee approved all changes. The next curriculum meeting will be March 2; items to be considered should be submitted by February 23, 2015.

Evaluation & Planning Committee – No report.

Admissions & Retention – No report.

Policy – No report.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Due to spring break, the next meeting will be March 16, 2015, at 3:15 p.m. in Speight 312.

Respectfully submitted,


Sherry S. Tripp

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